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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Dumb and dumber to:
I watched this with my 9 year old wee girl after watching the original with her the night before.
The original is a funny quirky silly laugh out loud comedy and that showed with the wee girl constantly laughing.
The sequel however we had to put off halfway through, when even the 9 year old said "dad they're acting too stupid".
This was quickly put off and never spoken of again.

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Came across this one looking for a best horror of 2016 list. Which is weird because this isn't a horror.
ETA: It was also number one on the list.

I watched this last night and really didn't like it, saw your review and saw that it got decent write ups from a few other sources but didn't really check what the story was actually about before watching it and really didn't have a clue where it was going throughout.

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Well I knew the twist because I'd read the book ( which isn't a bad read btw ). I kinda got the twist early, but didn't realise the scope of it. The movie just didn't do a good job of adapting at all, outside of a stunner of a performance from Emily Blunt.

Was always likely to be a bit of a mess given the way the timeline goes.

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Doctor Strange 6/10 (Spoliery review)

The worst Marvel film since Age of Ultron.

Strange just isn't likeable and comes across as a poor copy of Tony Stark but without the charm, (and with a terrible accent). The pace of the film is muddling. The bad dudes begin their plan before Dr Strange has his accident and presumably spends yonks in recovery. He then heads to Kathmandu and becomes amazing at magic in time to stop them. The rational was that the bad dudes would need to 'translate' the magic which appeared to take them many, many months -  Strange however, is able to do this immediately whilst still being trained.

An excellent cast was badly underused with most being 2 dimensional at best. The Marvel humour is in short supply and the SFX were in overload.

The film, despite it's many flaws, was still entertaining but just lacking in substance.

Edited by killienick
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The Final Programme 5/10

Early 70s psychedelic sci-fi from the director of The Abominable Dr Phibes. Premise is the world is soon to end, but some (now dead) scientist has some plan for an immortal human. Scientist's son is tasked with trying to find it. It's kind of meant to be funny (it isn't) and deep (not really) but the characters are fun, directing suitably camp and most of the sets are gorgeous. It seems like it could have been a much better film but was edited badly. Fun though, worth a watch.


Watchmen 3/10

Not sure why I'd never seen it before but I'm not really a comic person and superheroes generally bore me silly. Still, this was more brutal than most but bloody hell its long...I just lost interest later on


Fences 7/10

Quite enjoyed this, based on a play so just lots of talking...talking. Cheesy ending though, why do they have to try and ruin everything with cheesy endings?

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Fences 8/10

Enjoyed this and could see why it was oscar nominated. The best thing about this movie was the sound. The dialogue was crystal clear and for somebody with crap hearing it was a big bonus.

Jackie 3/10

This was rubbish, the historical reenactments were fine but the mumbling dialogue was horrendous. I don't know if the real Jackie Kennedy actually spoke that way but the sound quality was night and day to Fences. The score was rubbish too even though it was oscar nominated.

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9 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

9/10? What was it about the film you liked so much?

Excellent performance from the lead and a theme I can identify with.

The pace of it and just the general vibe took a film which could easily be some shitty tv film and made it really watchable.


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Excellent performance from the lead and a theme I can identify with.
The pace of it and just the general vibe took a film which could easily be some shitty tv film and made it really watchable.

Fair enough. Can't argue with Blunt's performance; she was excellent. The pace was the main problem for me, it was as slow as Mark Yardley. Even after the twist I didn't think sped up.
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Dumb and dumber to:
I watched this with my 9 year old wee girl after watching the original with her the night before.
The original is a funny quirky silly laugh out loud comedy and that showed with the wee girl constantly laughing.
The sequel however we had to put off halfway through, when even the 9 year old said "dad they're acting too stupid".
This was quickly put off and never spoken of again.

I didn't get past the first scene.
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White helmets - never heard of this but it appeared on my Netflix front page cos it won an Oscar so gave it a go. Only complaint is that it's too short. Fantastic documentary about guys in Syria who help find survivors after bombings.

Kingsman. The secret service - can't believe I'd never saw this. James Bond for adults - absolutely loved it.

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