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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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She was alright and it was a decent film tbf. I just don't think she's a beauty.

I don't think she's good looking, she looks far older than she is. I just don't rate her as an actress. Though I'm only basing it on her performance in one of the deathly hallows films, can't recall which one. She was just terrible in it and I couldn't believe she's got more work outside the Harry Potter films. I think she comes across as a stuck up bitch as well and a right feminist. All that combined with my love for the animated Beauty and The Beast (careful now) has turned me into a seething mess ever since I found out she was playing the part of Belle :lol:
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Nice Guys

Buddy style film with Russel Crowe and Ryan Gosling , set in the 70s so a great soundtrack with some good humour, loses its way a little about 2 thirds of the way in but still really enjoyable 8/10.

Jungle Book (2016)

Stunning to look at and great performances , Loved christopher Walken as King Louie, Just a brilliant film 10/10.

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Jungle Book (2016)
Watched this with the Mrs last night and absolutely loved it. The CGI and visual effects were superb. Also thought the lad that played Mowgli was great. Am I correct in saying that Kaa the snake was featured more in the original?


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The Sixth Sense

M Knight Symalamaladingdong just annoys me with his name alone. My daughter, 11, likes creepy/horror films and this is a very low-end 15 so I knew it wouldn't phase her. It's very gentle with a just a few ghosts that pop up now and again. Not sure I understand why it has such a high IMBD rating. A very Meh response from us both. 6.5/10



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Just now, Bairnardo said:


All about the twist isn't it. Which seems to be much more commonplace now than it used to be. Everything has plot twists on top of plot twists now on film and TV so you sit there analysing them before they happen. IMO anyway.


I heard about the "twist" but the boy gets shot about five minutes in and appears to now be a ghost. Maybe my dog would watch it and think it was a twist but not sure how anyone with an IQ nudging double figures not blitzed on crack wouldn't spot what was going on. 

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His Girl Friday 7/10

Screwy Howard Hawkes comedy about a b*****d newspaper editor who tricks his ex-wife into working for him again. Very fast bantz.

Skull Island 5/10

Massive production about a big ape on an island. Good effects, irritating performances.

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Kong: Skull Island

Went to see this on my own today at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Enjoyable and was paced well with few dull moments. Not sure about the wild differences in tone of the whole thing but decent enough watch.


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It's like 'The Usual Suspects'. The film doesn't have the same effect on people these days as everyone knows the twist going in such was its effect on popular culture.

TUS still stands up as a cracking film though even knowing the twist. I don't know if TSS does as I've not seen it in about 10 year.

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3 minutes ago, Randy Giles said:

The Sixth Sense should be about the twist. Unfortunately loads of people spoiled it but I think it's one of the best plot twists there's been.

I was really enjoying it up to that point anyway. Easy to forget now, considering everyone expects a M. Night film to have a twist, but you didn't walk into that film thinking there'd be some final act turnabout that would make you re-think the rest of the film. It would've been a decent movie without it.

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