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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Next with Nicholas Cage and Jessica Biel. Rubbish doesn't even come close to describing it. If you get in for free and fancy a laugh it's worth it for the end (never saw that coming!).

One girl at theback actually shouted "Awww come on!?" and "This is the worst film ever!" as it drew to a close.

For that one girls comments and the fact that Jessica Biel is hot I will give it 2/10 but really avoid this one unless you can see it for free!

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Next with Nicholas Cage and Jessica Biel. Rubbish doesn't even come close to describing it. If you get in for free and fancy a laugh it's worth it for the end (never saw that coming!).

One girl at theback actually shouted "Awww come on!?" and "This is the worst film ever!" as it drew to a close.

For that one girls comments and the fact that Jessica Biel is hot I will give it 2/10 but really avoid this one unless you can see it for free!

I seen it for free and thought it was at least a 5/10, mainly for Nic Cage's ridiculous wig.

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I seen it for free and thought it was at least a 5/10, mainly for Nic Cage's ridiculous wig.

There was only about 20 people in the screening I was in last night and EVERYONE was laughing their heads off at the end at it. I think we all wanted 2 hours of our lives back :lol:

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Next with Nicholas Cage and Jessica Biel. Rubbish doesn't even come close to describing it. If you get in for free and fancy a laugh it's worth it for the end (never saw that coming!).

One girl at theback actually shouted "Awww come on!?" and "This is the worst film ever!" as it drew to a close.

For that one girls comments and the fact that Jessica Biel is hot I will give it 2/10 but really avoid this one unless you can see it for free!

She obviously hadn't seen the number 23.

Budget horror thats bad I can forgive, but "blockbusters" that cost millions that you laugh at how pish they are, are unforgivable. Kind of like Seba Veron.

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She obviously hadn't seen the number 23.

Budget horror thats bad I can forgive, but "blockbusters" that cost millions that you laugh at how pish they are, are unforgivable. Kind of like Seba Veron.

Except you don't laugh at how pish Seba Veron is, cos he's not.

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Except you don't laugh at how pish Seba Veron is, cos he's not.

You must has missed his time at Old Trafford... :rolleyes: Was going to say Flo, but he did more than Veron did...

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Watched Jason X last night 6/10

I watched that and it was so bad it was funny. I give it 3/10 for the utter cheesiness of some of the lines and sheer ridiculousness of it.

I love the bit towards the end when he is distracted by the two girls saying "Wanna beer? You want to smoke some pot? Or we can have pre marital sex? We love pre marital sex!"

Cue Jason beating the f**k out of them in their sleeping bags :lol:

EDIT: I'm a moron.

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I watched that and it was so bad it was funny. I give it 3/10 for the utter cheesiness of some of the lines and sheer ridiculousness of it.

I love the bit towards the end when he is distracted by the two girls saying "Wanna beer? You want to smoke some pot? Or we can have pre marital sex? We love pre marital sex!"

Cue Jason X beating the f**k out of them in their sleeping bags :lol:

I would have gave it a 3/10 also but that bit was hilarious and worthy of a few extra points

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I watched that and it was so bad it was funny. I give it 3/10 for the utter cheesiness of some of the lines and sheer ridiculousness of it.

I love the bit towards the end when he is distracted by the two girls saying "Wanna beer? You want to smoke some pot? Or we can have pre marital sex? We love pre marital sex!"

Cue Jason X beating the f**k out of them in their sleeping bags :lol:

The X means its the 10th film in the series :P:lol:

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Is that the one in the spaceship? Horrible, horrible film. So cheap and tacky.

6/10 is what I gave it on IMDB, it has some great comedy in it.

Last film I watched was Drive Thru - 7/10 Hilarious horror.

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You must has missed his time at Old Trafford... :rolleyes: Was going to say Flo, but he did more than Veron did...

No, saw him in action a few times and he was superb. I remember a cracking wee pass to Diego Forlan for him to score in the last minute, effectively won United the league. He was a proven world class midfielder who just wasn't suited to the demands of the English game .

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The Lives of Others

Film about the consequences of a stasi operative getting emotionally involved in the life of a writer he is ordered to monitor.

German with English subtitles, which didn't mar my enjoyment of the film whatsoever, despite the fact that I know feck all German.

Only criticisms are that it was maybe a wee bit too long and the ending was imo too neat.

Despite that, cracking film, 8.5/10

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