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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I Am Legend

Well, I can find worse ways to spend my nights. Will Smith is pretty badly underrated, and proves it again here. It basically does everything you could want from a blockbuster. Some good visuals, some good heartstring tugging stuff and a couple of plot twists to keep you going. It basically is just another blockbuster I suppose, but it's another good one.


Where did you see it mate? Thought it wasn't out over here until Boxing Day.

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Where did you see it mate? Thought it wasn't out over here until Boxing Day.

I downloaded a DVD screener.

Im having problems getting it to play on my DVD player (I think nero has been the issue) but it works perfectly on my PC :)

Going to watch it tomorrow.

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I Am Legend


It was alright I suppose, but nothing great.

EDIT - www.quicksilverscreen.com is where I watched it. It's on it a few times but only one of them is good quality and I can't remember which one.

Edited by garymcc1874
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Muppets Christmas Carol.

Michael Caine is brilliant in it, playing Scrooge totally straight (fnarr fnarr).

Best line "Why, it's old Fezziwig's rubber chicken factory!" :lol:


I watched the animated version from a few years back 'starring' the voice of Kate Winslet.



The animation is SHIT, the voices are SHIT and for some reason,( I imagine to make it more child-friendly) they added in a pair of cheeky cartoon mice which totally distract from the story. I also deem those mice SHIT.

It's a classic tale of redemption and the bit when Scrooge realises the error of his ways and gets Christmas in his heart is meant to be this amazing joyful scene. However, in this version, it's totally dragged out and anti-climatic.


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Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest

As far as I can tell, nothing of note happened in this movie. At least with the first one, you had a great sense of satisfaction from it. This time ... nothing. Just a bunch of fighting amongst each other and a storyline that goes absolutely nowhere. No doubt that the final movie will put that to rest, but this is just not worth your time.


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Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest

As far as I can tell, nothing of note happened in this movie. At least with the first one, you had a great sense of satisfaction from it. This time ... nothing. Just a bunch of fighting amongst each other and a storyline that goes absolutely nowhere. No doubt that the final movie will put that to rest, but this is just not worth your time.


I couldn't be bothered with this one as I thought the first one was a long tedious movie which I lost interest in after about an hour and was amazed to find it it still had 90 mins left. I think it's on the telly tonight or tomorrow, thankfully I'll be busy so the telly won't be on.

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I really enjoyed the first Pirates movie, but thought the second was a bit crap.

Me too. I can't even remember anything of note happening in the 2nd one, and the 3rd could be quite confusing at times with a plot that didn't really go anywhere.

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Pirates of the Caribbean : At World's End

This movie had pretty simple goals. Wrap everything up. What they do is make things even more convulted, add more idiotic plots and generally kill every bit of charm that the movies had left. The main sufferer is Cpt. Jack Sparrow, who was terrific in movie one, even likeable, and now, he's a complete p***k. Johnny Depp does his best, but wow, he's been badly treated. Some nice visuals gain the movie a single solitary point. This is the worst movie of the three by a long way.


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I went to see I Am Legend tonight.

A great performance by Will Smith, great film all round.

The scene where he had to kill Sam as she had been bitten nearly had me in tears.

I'd give it an 8/10.

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Just back from The Simpsons Movie in Roppongi. It's like an extended version of a so-so episode. A nice way to spend the evening, but pretty brainless and lacking the parody qualities of the TV show from the mid period series. I laughed out loud four times, which is pretty good for a comedy, so 6/10

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I Am Legend


It was alright I suppose, but nothing great.

EDIT - www.quicksilverscreen.com is where I watched it. It's on it a few times but only one of them is good quality and I can't remember which one.

I'd give it 6/10.

Engaging enough - but 28 Days Later is much more real, visceral and brutal.

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Just back from The Simpsons Movie in Roppongi. It's like an extended version of a so-so episode. A nice way to spend the evening, but pretty brainless and lacking the parody qualities of the TV show from the mid period series. I laughed out loud four times, which is pretty good for a comedy, so 6/10

First time round, I'd have given it 6/10.

Watched it again, will give it a 7. Like a decent extended episode - it loses the plot a bit at the end but there are a few top notch moments.

Probably loses a full point thanks to Spiderpig becoming a cultural phenomenon. It's quite possibly the nadir of "random" culture

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First time round, I'd have given it 6/10.

Watched it again, will give it a 7. Like a decent extended episode - it loses the plot a bit at the end but there are a few top notch moments.

Probably loses a full point thanks to Spiderpig becoming a cultural phenomenon. It's quite possibly the nadir of "random" culture

The spiderpig song was one of those four laugh out loud moments...

Spiderpig, spiderpig, does whatever a spiderpig does

Can he swing from a web? No he can't, he's a pig.

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