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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Guest FastestTown

Shrooms - what a heap of pish 4/10

before that - Swordfish - great film and Halle Berry gets her paps out 8/10 just for that

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Naomi Watts' nipples must be worth two bonus points.

Nah, bonus points for things like that ain't my thing. Although in saying that, her tits do get some decent air time. So if you want to see Naomi Watts' tits, go for it.

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Indiana Jones and the KOTCS

Why they waited 19 years to bring back an icon like Indy for this I'll be fucked if I know. Ford still has it, but the movie is pretty awful. It has one or two moments, but sadly not enough.

George Lucas should be ordered by law to stop writing screenplays.



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The Oxford Murders

It's certainly intriguing. A film that's too smart for it's own good though. It can get from interesting to tedious in the space of five seconds at times. Wastes too much time on the logic and not enough time on the actual murder plotting.


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I've just watched Dazed and Confused for the first time in a while.I forot how good it was-me and my mates still quote it sometimes....A young Ben Affleck, Mathew McConoughey, etc is anyone a fan? If nothing else the cars are the stars..9/10

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28 Days Later

First off, the most obvious point, and what Danny Boyle is good at. The visuals. Probably more stunning than the sci-fi fest that was Sunshine. Then the music that gets used. Has it down to a tee yet again. So what next ? The plot. This time, he wastes no time getting into the nitty gritty of the movie, which is actually what he usually does, which is what makes Sunshine all the more frustrating. The characters are all sympathetic in their own ways. One of the most amazing visuals was the buring of a city in front of the people driving north. Subtle, but effective. Missed it on the first couple of watches.

Spectacular movie at times. Close to a perfect score, but doesn't get it because it's lacking something that I can't put my finger on.


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Indiana JOnes and the Kingdom of the Crystal SKull. 8/10. Totally enjoyed this film, if you like the others you should enjoy this. Ropey special effects as usual and Indy getting into all sorts of scrapes and surviving. A fridge FFS! If you see the film you'll get thaqt reference straight away but I had to laugh.

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Shiryo no wana AKA Evil Dead Trap(1988)

The first true Japanese horror film, made a decade before Ringu by Toshiharu Ikeda who made two further EDT sequels.

It was truly a strange film, wit some great techniques used to create suspense like using the flash of a camera to switch between shots at one point.

The story is a TV presenter of one of these "You've Been Framed" type shows is sent a snuff video. She and 4 others go to the factory it was shot in to investigate it. They are picked off one by one, until the presenter meets this guy randomly wandering around the grounds (obviously he's the killer). He shows her a way out as he's afraid of his brother, and gives her a gun, but instead of leaving the crazy bitch goes back. In the end he admits to being the killer and tells her to shoot him, she misses his heart and a fucking baby pops out (his brother) and tries to kill her....until he sticks the baby back in his chest! She wakes up in hospital, goes back to presenting her show, until after the show finishes the motherfucking baby pops out of her chest saying "Mommy!"

I'm still totally and utterly disappointed in two things.

1. Latvia didn't win tonight

2. Their were no pirates in this movie

And as such the mark, as its a "classic" apparently, and it did manage to completely beat me with the twist (I mean who honestly expected a killer baby at the start?!?!?)


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A Bronx Tale - 8/10

Terrific debut from De Niro. Chazz Palmanteri's finest hour in my opinion as local mob boss Sonny.

"Now you can't leave"

The bikers scene is worth seeing the film alone for.

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Watched I Am Legend last night!!!

Wasn't bad, the effects setting the deserted New York were pretty amazing but couldn't help think that it could/should have been so much better!!!


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A Bronx Tale - 8/10

Terrific debut from De Niro. Chazz Palmanteri's finest hour in my opinion as local mob boss Sonny.

"Now you can't leave"

The bikers scene is worth seeing the film alone for.

Think Palmanteri wrote it didn't he???

Obviously gave himself all the good lines, but finest hour, didn't you see his tour de force as Smokey, the Chief Alley-Cat in Stuart Little???

Robbed at the Oscars so he was!!! :angry:

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Due occhi diabolici AKA Two Evil Eyes(1990)

Two separate parts based on short stories by legend of the macabre Edgar Allen Poe, the first a 50 minute bore-fest by George A Romero called "The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar" and the other an hour long more enjoyable effort by Dario Argento called "The Black Cat".

Harvey Keitel put in the best performance over the two films as the psychotic drunk Roderick Usher in "The Black Cat".

Considering I've never read either tale, I'll have to judge them on the quality of the film itself.

Romero's attempt was extremely boring, and starring Adrienne Barbeau who attempted to ruin everything she was in during 1982 (The Thing, Creep Show, Swamp Thing) - as such 2/10 *Bonus point for ludicrousness*

Argento's was fairly enjoyable, and despite its predictability had a few entertaining spots - therefore 5/10

Average being 3.5, rounded up to 4/10

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Well, that was a lot of fun. Anyone coming into this expecting some sort of classic would be out of their mind. Plenty of cheese, big action and great scenery. Same old, same old as Indy says.


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Think Palmanteri wrote it didn't he???

Obviously gave himself all the good lines, but finest hour, didn't you see his tour de force as Smokey, the Chief Alley-Cat in Stuart Little???

Robbed at the Oscars so he was!!! :angry:

Yeah, he did. And you're right about Stuart Little, i stand corrected. ;)

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I watched Ghost Rider yesterday.

Is it wrong that I actually liked it?... :ph34r:

Anyone I've spoken to thought it was mince.

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