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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I watched Downfall last night, excellent film. Obviously I wasn't there but I think it captured what it must have been like in Berlin in 1945 - a mixture of lunacy, hedonism, depression and fear. Ganz was amazing as Hitler and I thought the female characters were all excellently played as well.

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I watched Downfall last night, excellent film. Obviously I wasn't there but I think it captured what it must have been like in Berlin in 1945 - a mixture of lunacy, hedonism, depression and fear. Ganz was amazing as Hitler and I thought the female characters were all excellently played as well.

I've read one of the books (Inside Hitler's Bunker IIRC) Downfall is based on and it truely is scary how an already insane man can decend into abject lunacy.

Gutted that I missed it because if it's half as good as the book then it would be an important watch. Now it's been on the telly I would imagine it's going cheap in the shops?

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Guest rover n out

I watched "Downfall" last night and was very surprised at how good it was, the actor play the role of Hitler was excellent. Followed that up with "Serenity" by Joss Whedon which was pretty good too.

Downfall 9/10

Serenity 7/10

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Guest jamesieboy

Has anyone seen Hotel Rwanda. It's absolutely brilliant and tell life as it really was a few years ago in that country.

Real life situation about real life events - not a wee made up story.

Fact beats fiction anyday

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I saw the Dawn of the Dead remake last night and was remarkably surprised at how good it was. Zombies are far more effective when they are running at you at top speed. I reckon 7/10.

Stewarty, do you want this one, or will I take it?


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Just watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. F'king magic! :D

I have never been a huge fan of Val Kilmer or Robert Downey but their on screen chemisstry in this is fantastic. Kilmer is even funny at times. :huh:

Bit of a daft plot to be honest, but that was secondary.

Dont give up your gay job. :lol:

That's a class movie.

Stewarty, do you want this one, or will I take it?


I'll join in.

7/10 :angry: I wouldn't give it 7/10,000

There should be a rule that only George A Romero should be allowed to make zombie movies :lol:

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Wrestling With Shadows - Bret Hart's own pespective. I dont agree with him. Good film though.

Thats not really a film, more of a documentary.

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Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation 1/10

Utter, utter pish. As a review on IMDB says "And that's a good hour and 20 minutes of my life I'll never get back... Thanks...... This movie was quite possibly one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life"

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Went to see Syriana last night. It was great to go the cinema and see a film that actually credited it's audience with a bit of intelligence. Really enjoyed it if the ending was a rather depressing vision to take away with you. George Clooney was excellent.


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Guest Comeonthelads

Watched Crash and The Island last night.

Crash was absolutley top quality, probably one of the best films i've seen. Really good plot and very intense throughout. Haven't seen the other nominees for the oscars but it would have had to been awesome to beat this.

Verdict 9/10

The Island is the one with Ewan McGregor and Scarlet Johannson. Worth a watch, not quite as good as Crash but still very good. Quite a bit of action and of course Scarlet.

Verdict 7/10

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