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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Oh yeah and I watched that Headhunters, it's a Norwegian film based on the Jo Nesbo "thriller" - I see people reading Nesbo books on the train so guess they must be quite popular. Anyway this film was fockin' ridiculous, so stupid, can't possibly imagine reading the novel with a straight face. Not that it wasn't entertaining, some inadvertent comedy even but it's proper shite.


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Oh yeah and I watched that Headhunters, it's a Norwegian film based on the Jo Nesbo "thriller" - I see people reading Nesbo books on the train so guess they must be quite popular. Anyway this film was fockin' ridiculous, so stupid, can't possibly imagine reading the novel with a straight face. Not that it wasn't entertaining, some inadvertent comedy even but it's proper shite.


I watched one recently called Jackpot, also based on a Nesbo book. It too was fucking ridiculous, it made some Guy Ritchie films look like gritty realism, but it was actually really entertaining. I enjoyed it more than Headhunters.

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Filth ( 2013 )

I haven't read the book and quite frankly don't care about it either. I thought this movie was utterly incredible and James McAvoy is about as good as the critics seem to be making out. The key word at many points is intense, and the movie dragged me in with ease in so many different ways, whether it be with the humour, or the sadness and of course, the descent of this utter c**t is captivating to watch. As for the ending...

Thought it was a bit sudden really. But I did like what seemed to be the realisation that he was fucked, and the "oh well" attitude to it at the very end.

...also worth noting the little credits video before the main credits roll up are well worth watching.


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I saw Filth tonight as well. I am a fan of Irvine Welsh and know the book well and I was pleasantly surprised by how well they adapted it to film. A few good performances but obviously McAvoy is the star. Robbo in the book is an absolute c*nt. In the film there are moments you feel sympathy for him. Great job by McAvoy.

Wouldn't agree about the spoiler point Dom Dom.

Same rules apply.

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Just back from watching Filth. It was excellent and I'm glad it stayed true to the novel. I think me and my girlfriend were the only ones that laughed when Frank Sidebottom came on the screen as we just knew what was coming!

I think the whole cast put in good performaces but James Macavoy was outstanding, he totally nailed it.

I liked the way they changed the ending ever so slightly from the novel to try and make you feel some compassion for Bruce.

I had high expectations for this film and it definitely delivered.


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I saw Filth on Thursday and I would agree. 9/10

I enjoyed it so much I was going to go see it again on Friday but I went to see Runner Runner instead which also just cam out. Was all right but nothing brilliant. 6.5/10

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I went to see it last night with the girlfriend who wasn't very keen on it, but I guess I knew it really wasn't her sort of film and I just dragged her along since I love Irvine Welsh's work. The film done the book justice. Absolutely tremendous performance from McAvoy.

Though there was a disturbing lack of tapeworm. Though I guess that would have been hard to implement in the film tbh.

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I went to see it last night with the girlfriend who wasn't very keen on it, but I guess I knew it really wasn't her sort of film and I just dragged her along since I love Irvine Welsh's work. The film done the book justice. Absolutely tremendous performance from McAvoy.

Though there was a disturbing lack of tapeworm. Though I guess that would have been hard to implement in the film tbh.

I was wondering about the tapeworm tbh. I need to go see this film, if just for the photocopier bit (part of it is in the trailer :) )

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Filth looks like a vile piece of trash no matter how much the comparisons to Shakespearean protagonists and Bruce Robertson are made. Drug taking, imbibing alcohol and perversity - all horrific and amoral.


Check the Danish film "In A Better World" 9/10

I'd rather be a degenerate copper than a binman tbh.

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