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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Mockingjay part one

Had low expectations for this having killed time on a very long flight reading the book a few months back. Very lazily written by an author going through the motions to cash in on the success of her initial Battle Royale rip off and second repeat of the same basic formula. The script writers managed to knock the story into reasonable enough shape in what was always going to be the most difficult installment for them to make a watchable film out of. End result is entertaining, if you can remember what happened in the first two. Probably seems completely turgid, if you don`t. Next one should be good, because they will have much more action to work with and have set the stage well for what happens at the end. 7/10

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Stranded - Christian Slater on the moon! Strange alien bacteria creates a new lifeform that threatens life on Earth if it escapes. Tries to ape Alien whenever possible, and fails miserably, not least because everything looks like it was filmed in somebody's garage. Slightly reminiscent of '80s crapfest Creepozoids, only less goofy and subsequently not as interesting, despite being equally bad.

What happened to Christian Slater anyway? He's been doing shite like this for ages. Did he shag some studio head's wife or something?

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The American Media never really liked him due to his Strachan-esque interviews, so any slightly bad film got terrible reviews. His ego couldnt cope so he turned to drink and drugs, got arrested a couple of times, beat up his girlfriend and took a gun on a plane and never got touched by the top movies again

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The American Media never really liked him due to his Strachan-esque interviews, so any slightly bad film got terrible reviews. His ego couldnt cope so he turned to drink and drugs, got arrested a couple of times, beat up his girlfriend and took a gun on a plane and never got touched by the top movies again

Ah, so a slight case of the Sizemores, then. Fair enough.

He'll be fine once Jack Nicholson finally carks it and he gets that inevitable biopic Oscar.

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I watched The Way, Way Back last night and enjoyed it. A good cast (Steve Carrell, Allison Janney, Sam Rockwell & Toni Collette) in a movie about a dysfunctional nuclear family on holiday in the USA.

A solid four star film. ****

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Ah, so a slight case of the Sizemores, then. Fair enough.

He'll be fine once Jack Nicholson finally carks it and he gets that inevitable biopic Oscar.

Knowing his luck he'll likely die the day before Nicholson.

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Stranded - Christian Slater on the moon! Strange alien bacteria creates a new lifeform that threatens life on Earth if it escapes. Tries to ape Alien whenever possible, and fails miserably, not least because everything looks like it was filmed in somebody's garage. Slightly reminiscent of '80s crapfest Creepozoids, only less goofy and subsequently not as interesting, despite being equally bad.

What happened to Christian Slater anyway? He's been doing shite like this for ages. Did he shag some studio head's wife or something?

Loved him in true romance - one of my favourite films ever.

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I got my girlfriend and I Cineworld cards for Christmas so we used them for the first time today to go and see Night at the Museum (not exactly the most glamourous of opening films to use our cards on).

I actually have a soft spot for the Museum films, in the same way I like National Treasure and other family action/fantasy type films. They are always fairly entertaining in an 'Indiana Jones light' kind of way. This latest Museum film is probably the poorest of the three but it is still watchable enough but it is totally forgettable.


Think we are going to see the much more serious Exodus tomorrow, just to get our fill of fantasy/history films.

I used to really pick and chose the films I went to see but now with these cards I think I will end up watching any old shite.

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Exodus: Gods and Kings

It was okay. Looks amazing and is reasonably entertaining but with it being a Ridley Scott epic it also feels like it drags a wee bit. There's a fair bit of over the tope scenery chewing too. Also, there were some horrific pieces of casting in this. It is in no way a spoiler but Ewen Bremner is in this in a tiny role but he sticks out like a sore thumb. In these films it always seems to be the case that they should really be speaking in Middle Eastern accents, but instead they do posh English with a bit of foreign. However Bremner does Egyptian/broad Scots and the result is truly terrible.


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