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Strange dreams

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Had that sleep paralysis a few months back. Lying there, sweating my tits off when an elderly Chinese man wearing a suit came and crouched, out of sight, at the foot of my bed. Tried screaming... mouth would open, nothing would come out however. Fucking terrifying. Eventually managed to free myself and spent the whole night searching my room for an old Chinese fella. Didn't find him unfortunately...

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Had that sleep paralysis a few months back. Lying there, sweating my tits off when an elderly Chinese man wearing a suit came and crouched, out of sight, at the foot of my bed. Tried screaming... mouth would open, nothing would come out however. Fucking terrifying. Eventually managed to free myself and spent the whole night searching my room for an old Chinese fella. Didn't find him unfortunately...

Honalable up-market delivery boy ? Did you check to see if he'd left a meal ? :huh:

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You went into a three month old thread to dig up a similar post i made on a similar subject...... to prove what exactly? :blink:

Nothing at all wierd about that.

That you're obsessed by Rangers ? :huh:

Ah green dotted you by mistake magoo, hows that for ironic ! :lol::lol:

Edited by big paddy
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Had that sleep paralysis a few months back. Lying there, sweating my tits off when an elderly Chinese man wearing a suit came and crouched, out of sight, at the foot of my bed. Tried screaming... mouth would open, nothing would come out however. Fucking terrifying. Eventually managed to free myself and spent the whole night searching my room for an old Chinese fella. Didn't find him unfortunately...

I had that as well a few months back, woke up and there was this girl ,long ginger hair at the end of my bed , pointing at me , couldnt move or scream and yes it is fecking terrifying,couldnt get back to sleep that nightsad.gif

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  • 1 month later...

I had a right mental dream the other night. Gather round kids. (Aye aye, beast n aw that)

I was walking down the street when a jakey type approached me, his face was a mess, covered in newly stitched up scars. He proceeded fall to his knees in front of me and started speaking in Latin. I knew that he wanted me to kill him, either that or he was going to kill himself. I presuaded him not to and hugged him, good guy that I am.

It then cut to him standing in a shitey, dark wee flat, with his right arm severed, covered in blood. He went into a room but couldn't get back out. He then pished himself (which was more sad than funny at the time). He tried to climb out his window but couldn't.

Eventually he managed to get out the room, only to be met by a dark ghostlike figure, which told him to "finish it".

Thanks for listening! :)

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I've had a bunch of right weird dreams this week actually. By far the strangest involved me taking a newly crippled (genetic disease not injury) Peyton Manning to a Petershill game but before we could get there he decided he could walk a wee bit and proceeded to shuffle over to a swingset we were passing by.

After a presumably heartfelt blether with him there it cut unexplicably to me coming out of an airport, now suffering from the same disease as Peyton (I shuffled out of the airport without a wheelchair for some reason), and was met by my doctor, my boss and my wee sisters dad who took me home to my old house while trying to convince me that everything would be fine. I managed to shuffle inside and up to my old room and stuck on the PS2 and played this.

Couldn't make this shit up dry.gif

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I have dreams quite often where someone makes me beat someone else to death with my bare hands. It's like something from a concentration camp in WW2 or Bosnia, I am made to punch someone repeatedly in the face until they die. I'm a cheery c**t.

The other day I feel asleep after my missus went to work and had a dream that a workman came into our flat and was standing on the bed while I was in it changing a lightbulb. I woke up in the dream and tried to scare him away by pointing my finger at him and telling him that I had a gun and going 'BANG BANG' like a kid playing cops and robbers or something.

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I had a dream recently that there was this terrible epidemic going about which meant if you were smelling fruit, you started dying. If you smelled it too long you passed out and if nobody was around to wake you, you would die. So this epidemic was on the go. I was doubting its existence. I smelled an Orange and my vision went funny. I was dying. I jolted away from the orange and said "f**k me, it's true." Now my friend was in trouble. Her and her pals had been on a night out or something, but now she was locked in her room, passed out after smelling fruit. Her pals were crying and screaming her name , banging on her door - but she was out for the count. The fire brigade were on their way to bust down the door, but they were taking to long. I was on the street looking for help. I shouted at a lady walking by. She saw me, but walked straight past me as if I was a beggar or something, to which I said "don't help me then you fucking bitch!" The dream ended as I looked around hopelessly for help in a fucked up version of Dundee city.

Edited by jamamafegan4
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  • 8 months later...

I dreamed once about walking down Brandon Street in the direction of Fir Park and felt some force pulling me as if I was being pulled towards a cliff edge behind the Brandon Bar. Since then I have never looked at the place the same way almost if there is some untold evil force living there.

Is it possible to fall of the edge of Motherwell?

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I had that as well a few months back, woke up and there was this girl ,long ginger hair at the end of my bed , pointing at me , couldnt move or scream and yes it is fecking terrifying,couldnt get back to sleep that nightsad.gif

I think you fell asleep at a T'pau comeback concert.....


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  • 3 weeks later...

Last night I had a dream that I was up on stage at a high school gig standing in for the guy who was meant to be singing Stuart Adamson songs (old friends on guitar, bass & drums).

I didn't know all the lyrics and I can't sing very well. The crowd picked up on this rather quickly but it seemed like a rather lengthy dream, going through a set of at least five songs if I remember right.

I also had a dream a fortnight or so ago where I presented a whole training course in my sleep before giving the same one to a group with work a couple of days later. It was creepy as I couldn't say 100% hand on heart that I was really awake during that course. I get that a lot tbh.

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The worst thing for me is running away from something and despite being quite fast in real life, I can only seem to muster a jogging pace at best. Extremely frustrating! Not had a weird dream for a while so I will have one tonight no doubt

Some good strong blue cheese before bed should do the job nicely.

Don't listen to those saying cheese gives you nightmares, it just makes whatever you were going to have far more vivid. A fair gamble with potentially doss outcomes.

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