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Strange dreams

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I had a vivid dream I won £5.8m on the lottery last night.One of those dreams where you're asking someone in it "Is this a dream?" and they're telling you that it's for real.

I've never been so gutted to wake up in my life. Apart from those other dreams where I've been pumping absolute babes.

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Back before I started at school, I used to have dreams that the latest Beano or Dandy had arrived, and it was in my hand underneath my pillow. As I woke up, I could feel the comic slowly disappear from my grasp.

Says a lot about childhood that those dreams were more of a scunner to wake from than any lottery win dream I've ever had since :lol:

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Anyone else occasionally dream that they're in Lord of the Rings or some similar fantasy setting? It's always on the brink of some great invasion, usually defending, and we're ill prepared. Last night I had a sharp plastic long dagger, but no hilt for grip. Half the dream was going around increasingly desperately trying to source a hilt.

The one I have, you get killed.
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Anyone else occasionally dream that they're in Lord of the Rings or some similar fantasy setting? It's always on the brink of some great invasion, usually defending, and we're ill prepared. Last night I had a sharp plastic long dagger, but no hilt for grip. Half the dream was going around increasingly desperately trying to source a hilt.

It means you've got a wee cock, mate.

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The other night there I dreamt that I was Andy Murrays partner at a celebrity badminton tournament and ended up beating one of the opposition players with my racquet cause he said I was shite, even though we won.

Then I somehow was in the final but it was a singles game against Peter Grant and Gary Lineker told me before hand that he bet on me to lose.

Then it shot to something about zombies I think, cant mind.

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The other night there I dreamt that I was Andy Murrays partner at a celebrity badminton tournament and ended up beating one of the opposition players with my racquet cause he said I was shite, even though we won.

Then I somehow was in the final but it was a singles game against Peter Grant and Gary Lineker told me before hand that he bet on me to lose.

Then it shot to something about zombies I think, cant mind.

It means you've got a wee cock, mate.

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Quite a few nights, over the last week, I've dreamt that I'm witnessing plane crashes around Glasgow. Last night it felt like I was in the cowcaddens area, one plane crashed into a building that looked like Stow College. Two on the motorway.

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last night i dreampt i had an aneurysm on a massive rope swing in an egyptian fairground.

i was quite relieved when i woke up and realised it was only a dream, as i have no intention of going to egypt.

Quite a few nights, over the last week, I've dreamt that I'm witnessing plane crashes around Glasgow. Last night it felt like I was in the cowcaddens area, one plane crashed into a building that looked like Stow College. Two on the motorway.

I don't think you need me to tell you what these mean.

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  • 1 month later...

In an old gothic building that's been turned into an amusement arcade and a bar. The bar is at street level and outside there's lots of dying crows. People at the bar carry on drinking and laughing as if nothing is wrong.

Weird , lots of twitching birds I try to run out but wake up as I get to the door. Place was really cool though, can see why they carried on.

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  • 2 months later...

I have been having a recurring dream quite a bit over the last few months.

Basically I'm back at uni in Aberdeen, in the last year I did (which was the second go around at third year). When I was at uni up there (for 5 years) I used to always try and say that I would finally sort myself out and start doing serious studying and attending classes when the new semester after the new year began. In the dream I'm promising this but knowing I'm going to fail (as what happened in real life 5 times; I'm like a shit Booker T) again. I have a sense of dread, of time running out, and that soon I'll be kicked out of uni and had no idea of what to do with my life (I still have no idea of what to do with my life). Just before waking up I strangely feel quite calm as I realise that in fact I did leave university so the looming crisis isn't actually there.

It's difficult to put in to words the feelings I have when in the dream, but it's always very similar, and the settings of the dream are always very similar. I imagine it's my brain telling me that I majorly messed things up, which is true, but that sort of thing doesn't really bother me any more, whereas before it used to cripple me.

Dreams are fantastic.

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Last night I got into the cheap bit of Pittodrie and jumped a wall to try and get into the main stand, ending up in the staff area where everyone had high vis jackets, so I stuck out. Trouble was that every gate to get back to the seats was blocked by the electronic ticket scanners and I didn't have a ticket. Ended up with a very, very limited corner view of Aberdeen v Killie. Of course, 'Dream Pittodrie' had no resemblance to the real one.

Eta: I also have recurring dreams of collecting rock samples from the Nottingham core store and turning big rocks into little rocks with a big hammer so I can see them down a microscope. My dreams are super exciting.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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The other night i dreamt i was living in posh flat in London and Nigel Farage was my neighbour. I had a coal fire on the go and a squirrel jumped down the chimney and changed into a kitten.

Nobody will be surprised to read that you dream about a variety of small furry creatures coming down your chimney.

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  • 1 month later...

I have been having a recurring dream quite a bit over the last few months.

Basically I'm back at uni in Aberdeen, in the last year I did (which was the second go around at third year). When I was at uni up there (for 5 years) I used to always try and say that I would finally sort myself out and start doing serious studying and attending classes when the new semester after the new year began. In the dream I'm promising this but knowing I'm going to fail (as what happened in real life 5 times; I'm like a shit Booker T) again. I have a sense of dread, of time running out, and that soon I'll be kicked out of uni and had no idea of what to do with my life (I still have no idea of what to do with my life). Just before waking up I strangely feel quite calm as I realise that in fact I did leave university so the looming crisis isn't actually there.

These are even worse when you did actually graduate. That feeling of doom and confusion. I still get these now and again, even though I graduated a long fucking time ago.

Weird one last night. Dreamt I was at work in the bogs, looked at myself in the mirror and a had a hitler moustache and a side parting. Frantically tried to get rid of the side shed when someone came in and started screaming at me.

^^^not a dream imo

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I finally won my first ever dream fight the other night, battered two guys in fact.

Usually when I dream my hidden during the day shitebaggedness generally comes through and I dream I'm trying to run away from people and can't and then my punches are extremely weak and people walk through them.

In my dream a few days ago though a guy pulled a blade on me for an unknown reason, however on this occasion I was like "oooohhhhhh trying to stab me eh? Who the f**k are you!!!" Then I grabbed the knife and turned it toward him and started pushing the blade into the sharp bit of his hand, all while screaming "come on then".

His mate was trying to help him overpower me and I was just destroying him with headbutts.

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