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On 05/05/2019 at 23:33, Karpaty Lviv said:

I know I can make an appointment with a doctor at a normal time when I’m not working but if s/he gives me a line for day two weeks, that’s unsettling for me because I need the wages and honestly, I don’t know what I’d do for those two weeks. I start drinking because I’m bored and have nothing to do usually, to have two weeks off work, I’d basically stick and stur.  

Don't concern yourself with 'what if's', going to the Doctor and explaining the situation is the first step (second if you count opening up on here, which I would btw) towards getting back on track. The Doctor will take everything you say on board, including your fears over what 2 weeks off work would do to you.

It's clear that you are lacking something to do with yourself outside of work. One option would be to go somewhere else that feels you would be worth full-time hours. If not, maybe some kind of qualification that you can do in your spare time?

Failing that (and this may be a non-starter depending on your living situation and whether this is your thing etc) but maybe you could look into the possibility of getting a dog/walking someone else's dog? Working in childcare, you obviously have a caring nature and the responsibility of having a living thing to look after and spend time with would perhaps give you a reason to walk past the pub on your way home from work rather than going in for pints.

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2 hours ago, Sir Kevin Of Kilsyth said:

They actually contacted me last week and said I might be due a claim. The administrators did anyway. Was just wondering if I'd ever hear anything. 

Aye, they contacted me as well. Pretty sure they just contacted everyone who ever had a loan.


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On 5/5/2019 at 23:33, Karpaty Lviv said:

I know I can make an appointment with a doctor at a normal time when I’m not working but if s/he gives me a line for day two weeks, that’s unsettling for me because I need the wages and honestly, I don’t know what I’d do for those two weeks. I start drinking because I’m bored and have nothing to do usually, to have two weeks off work, I’d basically stick and stur.  

I would still go to the doctor, there are other options available that won't include time off work if you feel that isn't an option and you can speak to them about that. 


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On 05/05/2019 at 23:21, Karpaty Lviv said:

That’s right, it’s not taking time off work to see a doctor, it’s taking however long the line is, if you know what I mean. 

You're not obligated to take time off due to a sick line.

 You'll get plenty of advice on here from plenty who've been through similar but I'd be surprised if most don't encourage you to speak to a professional and/or make steps to help with your alcohol consumption and the underlying issues pertaining to said consumption, good luck.

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On 06/05/2019 at 00:59, Bobby Skidmarks said:

The breakdown of your relationship with your father is not your fault. Kids f**k up, it’s what they do, if he decided to bail then it isn’t anything you have done wrong, it’s his f**k up.

As for the payday loans, go to the CAB and ask for help, there’s no shame in wanting to rebuild yourself. 

The only other thing I have to say is get yourself out there, no one is going to judge you more than your own mind. If you want to find a girl, then just open up. You will get rejected, everyone does but don’t dwell on it so much.

Oh and kick the fucking booze, you aren’t Wunfellaff. 

All the best 

I phoned him at Hogmanay saying I wanted to see him, he agreed, but hasn’t spoken to me since (apart from some garbled Facebook message on my birthday. I try not to think about, but it would be sad if that was it. He just doesn’t seem interested. His call I guess. 

On 06/05/2019 at 09:27, DA Baracus said:

Re the Payday loans, you should be able to get some money back from those c***s.


I did and got some back (promptly spunked it all again mind and ended up getting more loans). I still have all the templates etc so if you decide to try it and need any help give me a shout.

I’ll have a gander at that, cheers. 

On 07/05/2019 at 13:32, AyrTroopMajor said:

Don't concern yourself with 'what if's', going to the Doctor and explaining the situation is the first step (second if you count opening up on here, which I would btw) towards getting back on track. The Doctor will take everything you say on board, including your fears over what 2 weeks off work would do to you.

It's clear that you are lacking something to do with yourself outside of work. One option would be to go somewhere else that feels you would be worth full-time hours. If not, maybe some kind of qualification that you can do in your spare time?

Failing that (and this may be a non-starter depending on your living situation and whether this is your thing etc) but maybe you could look into the possibility of getting a dog/walking someone else's dog? Working in childcare, you obviously have a caring nature and the responsibility of having a living thing to look after and spend time with would perhaps give you a reason to walk past the pub on your way home from work rather than going in for pints.

I’m quite into snooker, got a cue for Christmas and yesterday me and a couple of mates went up to the local club for a few frames (three on three hours to be exact, that’s how shite we are) but i did enjoy it. No drinking involved and if I made it a regular thing, it’s a hell of a lot more cheaper than going to the pub after work. And also something I feel I’d get some sort of joy or reward if I can start potting balls. When I was 16/17 I used to go out running at least four times a week and loved it and was really fit. Then I started drinking and smoking and now can’t run the length of myself. I now live next to the route I used to do 10 years ago so that’s another option, probably in the mornings before work then snooker. 

There are two dogs in the house and love them to death. I should help out more often than I do currently, could be another added self benefit as you say. 

As far as work goes, the summer holidays are the busiest time of the year so at least I can made a bit of cash with the extra hours. After that though it’s looking like I will need to start looking elsewhere. I’m quite well qualified for what I do, also a young male which a lot of places are looking out for so see what happens.

Thanks for the replies everyone. Next stop is the doctors and I’ll take it from there. 

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24 minutes ago, Karpaty Lviv said:

I phoned him at Hogmanay saying I wanted to see him, he agreed, but hasn’t spoken to me since (apart from some garbled Facebook message on my birthday. I try not to think about, but it would be sad if that was it. He just doesn’t seem interested. His call I guess. 

I’ll have a gander at that, cheers. 

I’m quite into snooker, got a cue for Christmas and yesterday me and a couple of mates went up to the local club for a few frames (three on three hours to be exact, that’s how shite we are) but i did enjoy it. No drinking involved and if I made it a regular thing, it’s a hell of a lot more cheaper than going to the pub after work. And also something I feel I’d get some sort of joy or reward if I can start potting balls. When I was 16/17 I used to go out running at least four times a week and loved it and was really fit. Then I started drinking and smoking and now can’t run the length of myself. I now live next to the route I used to do 10 years ago so that’s another option, probably in the mornings before work then snooker. 

There are two dogs in the house and love them to death. I should help out more often than I do currently, could be another added self benefit as you say. 

As far as work goes, the summer holidays are the busiest time of the year so at least I can made a bit of cash with the extra hours. After that though it’s looking like I will need to start looking elsewhere. I’m quite well qualified for what I do, also a young male which a lot of places are looking out for so see what happens.

Thanks for the replies everyone. Next stop is the doctors and I’ll take it from there. 

Re the running, Couch to 5K is your friend there. It's so simple yet so effective. Even if you don't want to be running races etc, it's great to get you back in to running and builds your fitness, and it works. I've done it 4 times now and every time it's been effective.

There are loads of Couch to 5K apps, as well as sites with downloadable podcasts. I used the NHS Choices one.

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It's perfect for getting back into the routine of exercise at the very least. You don't even need to listen to the podcast for it, when I started I noted the timing schedules and stuck on some good music. Now I normally put on a podcast.

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2 hours ago, Karpaty Lviv said:

I phoned him at Hogmanay saying I wanted to see him, he agreed, but hasn’t spoken to me since (apart from some garbled Facebook message on my birthday. I try not to think about, but it would be sad if that was it. He just doesn’t seem interested. His call I guess. 

I’ll have a gander at that, cheers. 

I’m quite into snooker, got a cue for Christmas and yesterday me and a couple of mates went up to the local club for a few frames (three on three hours to be exact, that’s how shite we are) but i did enjoy it. No drinking involved and if I made it a regular thing, it’s a hell of a lot more cheaper than going to the pub after work. And also something I feel I’d get some sort of joy or reward if I can start potting balls. When I was 16/17 I used to go out running at least four times a week and loved it and was really fit. Then I started drinking and smoking and now can’t run the length of myself. I now live next to the route I used to do 10 years ago so that’s another option, probably in the mornings before work then snooker. 

There are two dogs in the house and love them to death. I should help out more often than I do currently, could be another added self benefit as you say. 

As far as work goes, the summer holidays are the busiest time of the year so at least I can made a bit of cash with the extra hours. After that though it’s looking like I will need to start looking elsewhere. I’m quite well qualified for what I do, also a young male which a lot of places are looking out for so see what happens.

Thanks for the replies everyone. Next stop is the doctors and I’ll take it from there. 

I’m guessing you work in aftercare? If you’re early years qualified then lots councils having big recruitment drives due to increase in hours. Renfrewshire have event on at end May.

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2 hours ago, Rowan said:

I’m guessing you work in aftercare? If you’re early years qualified then lots councils having big recruitment drives due to increase in hours. Renfrewshire have event on at end May.

Yeah that’s the one. I have  SVQ 3 (one below management), countless other trainings, first aid, SSSC membership and PVG (both mandatory but might speed up transitions of jobs).

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54 minutes ago, Karpaty Lviv said:

Yeah that’s the one. I have  SVQ 3 (one below management), countless other trainings, first aid, SSSC membership and PVG (both mandatory but might speed up transitions of jobs).

Residential child care are always looking for good workers.  Tough, demanding shift, but can be very rewarding.  

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On 11/12/2012 at 10:16, throbber said:

laugh.gif So the fear of what other people have to say about them is that awful? Surely if there's something wrong with you , having people call you a misery guts is going to be low on your list of priorities.


On 20/09/2013 at 07:57, throbber said:

Everyone I know who claims to suffer from depression either drinks too much, smokes too much or generally lives a poor life style and wonders why they are not happy. A healthy lifestyle and plenty of exercise and a positive attitude can do a hole lot of good but some people would rather just mope around and do nothing but feel sorry for themselves


On 20/09/2013 at 09:38, throbber said:

He really should he's a fucking heap. It would be like me complaining to you about my chronic heartburn whilst crying into a litre of red rooster


On 20/09/2013 at 09:40, throbber said:

I am sorry for being a happy - life loving person. How dare I


On 20/09/2013 at 09:45, throbber said:

At least im happy


Just reading the first pages before sharing. On second thoughts I'll not bother. 

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Just reading the first pages before sharing. On second thoughts I'll not bother. 

As I’m on the app I can’t see the date of these posts but looking back I see the thread started in 2012, so I’ll assume then. I think the thread, and throbber, has come a long way since then. I’ve only been on P&B a couple of years and this thread has been nothing but a great network of support and place to get things off your chest / out your head, thankfully.
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1 hour ago, Yank76 said:






Just reading the first pages before sharing. On second thoughts I'll not bother. 

First time poster dragging out 7 year old posts? Yank76? I suspect a c**t. Take it to another thread.

Edited by welshbairn
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19 hours ago, welshbairn said:

First time poster dragging out 7 year old posts? Yank76? I suspect a c**t. Take it to another thread.


I have a main account that I'm not ready to open up on. I hope people can respect that instead of calling me a c**t.  Very hurtful. 

Maybe this isn't the place after all.

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13 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
16 minutes ago, Yank76 said:
I have a main account that I'm not ready to open up on. I hope people can respect that instead of calling me a c**t.  Very hurtful. 
Maybe this isn't the place after all.

Bye then


Bye buddy. 

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On 08/05/2019 at 14:11, Karpaty Lviv said:

I’m quite into snooker, got a cue for Christmas and yesterday me and a couple of mates went up to the local club for a few frames (three on three hours to be exact, that’s how shite we are) but i did enjoy it. No drinking involved and if I made it a regular thing, it’s a hell of a lot more cheaper than going to the pub after work. And also something I feel I’d get some sort of joy or reward if I can start potting balls. When I was 16/17 I used to go out running at least four times a week and loved it and was really fit. Then I started drinking and smoking and now can’t run the length of myself. I now live next to the route I used to do 10 years ago so that’s another option, probably in the mornings before work then snooker. 

There are two dogs in the house and love them to death. I should help out more often than I do currently, could be another added self benefit as you say. 

As far as work goes, the summer holidays are the busiest time of the year so at least I can made a bit of cash with the extra hours. After that though it’s looking like I will need to start looking elsewhere. I’m quite well qualified for what I do, also a young male which a lot of places are looking out for so see what happens.

Thanks for the replies everyone. Next stop is the doctors and I’ll take it from there. 

Quite funny how most of the points came from fouls, think the highest break was 8 :lol:

Take the dogs out as much as you can be bothered mate. Done/does me the world of good with mine.

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3 hours ago, ayrshire_nomad said:

So, what's the starting point? Have an appointment in 2 weeks and dont have the first clue what to say, just know I cant carry on the way I'm going

Write down what you're feeling and why, or why you think.

You say you can't carry on the way you're going; that's your starting point. What is the way you're going? How does it make you feel? What do you want to change?

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