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That went well

Don't worry about it, it was obviously going to be tough, but at least you've got it out of way, putting it off wouldn't have helped at all. Try and get some of your pals and do something to put you're mind off it.

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People that are getting down about not being able to find a girl/boy, don't be. The good relationships start off by complete random and in my eyes they ones are the best. My current girlfriend who i genuinely haven't been with for very long is an absolutely lovely girl and means an awful lot to me already. I met her by chance, as my old work needed someone to go work at another store and they decided i should go, i tried to get out of it, but it's where i met her and we hit it off right away and now we're happy, i often wonder what i'd be doing just now if my work just decided to send someone else! There's no rush in finding love, that will come in time.

Plus rushing relationships is a very bad idea! I moved in with my ex far too soon. Now I'm stuck with a house I don't want, in a place I don't like and miles away from people i wanna see.

Anyone who fancies pm-ing me about anything feel free. I have never had depression but I'm a good listener.

Also IO if you're ever in dundee i'll take you out and you'll forget you ever had a girlfriend when you wake up next to 2 hilltown minks who'll happily sit on your face for the price of a bus fare

Great post young Matthew, glad to see this side to you, I'm sure having someone to speak to here will help people out.

PS, IO he is telling the truth in the last bit. If you take him up on this, I've a few numbers for you mate.

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This year has been an eventful one for me.

This is the year that, in chronological order; I turned 21, my brother who I'm very close to moved out of my house, I was diagnosed with depression, I went my dream holiday to Canada, my cousin (who again i was very close to) died of a heroin overdose, I went to my first ever funeral where I carried the coffin, I got engaged, my dads best friend (my 'uncle') was diagnosed with cancer, and my uncle (dad of the cousin that died) had a massive heart attack.

At any other point in my life this would have all floored me, but I'm managing to cope and its mostly down to being with the right person. She has managed to keep my spirits up throughout everything.

What I'm saying is; don't become fixated on getting into a relationship. Just find solace in the fact that one day you will be in the right relationship.

Edited to add: Completely forgot that this year also included: My cousin (sister of the one who died) got married and my dad found out he had a half sister which led to him finding out some horrible things about his dad, him openly crying infront of us for days (a rare sight with my dad) and then his half sister telling him she wanted nothing to with us.

What a fucking year this has been.

Edited by Stuart
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Evening lads.

Met my ex before training. She told me the reason she split up with me was because of her ex which i understand. But she keeps hanging about withthis another laddie at the same training despite telling me a few weeks ago she hated him:(. Many others at training said to me that they think my ex and him are going out.

I didn't break down when i spoke to her thankfully but i felt upset more than i thought i would be. When i was training earlier. Many of my mates noticed i felt a bit off. I misplaced a couple of passes but thankfully i ran 20yards to score and took out all of my emotion on the ball and smashed the ball into the net from 9yards out :lol:

I saw her after training for about 30seconds and she knew i was upset :(. But she went and met this another laddie after training too. Since then i feel like crap and really cba speaking to my mates :(.

I might as well go and have a night out in Dundee with Matty and peeeel. ;).

Time to move on i think and start looking again :(

Edited by Isaiah Osbourne
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Evening lads.

Met my ex before training. She told me the reason she split up with me was because of he ex which i understand. But she keeps hanging about withthis another laddie at the same training despite telling me a few weeks ago she hated him:(. Many others at training said to me that they think my ex and him are going out.

I didn't break down when i spoke to her thankfully but i felt upset more than i thought i would be. When i was training earlier. Many of my mates noticed i felt a bit off. I misplaced a couple of passes but thankfully i ran 20yards to score and took out all of my emotion on the ball and smashed the ball into the net from 9yards out :lol:

I saw her after training for about 30seconds and she knew i was upset :(. But she went and met this another laddie after training too. Since then i feel like crap and really cba speaking to my mates :(.

I might as well go and have a night out in Dundee with Matty and peeeel. ;).

Time to move on i think and start looking again :(

You can have a pint with me and Peeeel and Matty anytime bud. It's good to see that you understand that you will have to move on.

Lingering is something that I know all too well about and it eats away at you over time. It's always darkest before the dawn, always remember that.

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Keep the chin up, IO. Plenty more fish in the sea, it seems to me like she is getting a kick from seeing you upset. Don't let it get to you and just be yourself and I'm sure you'll find someone else who appreciates you.

I'm all ears as well so if anyone fancies a chat drop me a pm.

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I'm glad I opened up on this thread and realise that I'm not the only one to have suffered.

After losing contact with friends I became really withdrawn, was like that for ten years.

Looking back over the last year or so I was set back as they rejected me just coming back out with them but in the last few months with going to the gym and trying to be more talkative and friendly at work I feel a whole lot better.

It's really difficult to meet new friends after being away for so long, got used to my own company.

Next year going to try with online dating, I don't think there's any real stigma to it these days.

It's been difficult to try and gain confidence but I'm starting to and realise that I need to look forward and try to let other people see the best side of me rather the the last ten years when I was probably not a good person to be around.

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Been feeling a bit down about a few things of late. Don't think this time of year helps to be honest. Just been thinking about family members who have passed away over the years, and how much I miss the wee things that the families used to do at Xmas time in particular. It's been hard for the wife as well, she lost her dad on Boxing Day 12 years ago, on his 76th birthday, god rest his soul. My father in law, whom I sadly never met. On the flipside, I'm hoping to get a foot on the ladder with regards to a career in the railway industry at the start of the year. I was outside at work the other day lugging timber about in the pissing rain, thinking to myself "is this REALLY what I want to be doing the rest of my days"?? Onwards and upwards, hopefully. If anyone of the guys in Edinburgh on here ever fancy a pint and a blether about their troubles at all give me a shout. I may come across as a bit of an arse on here at times, but I'm a good listener.

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