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14 minutes ago, Ross Forbes said:

I see Billy Brown (who, to the best of my knowledge has not attended a Sons game over the past 12 months) thinks we shouldn't have sacked Stevie. Contradicts himself a bit mind you.


What "good jobs" was Stevie touted for this time last year?

Aye and where was his loyalty when he went for the Raith job?Loyalty cuts both ways.BB talks shite most of the time and knows nothing about our club and cares even less.So feck him.

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It’s a fair point, and if you’re going to comment on the likes of FB you’ll need to be prepared for any backlash. I get that. For me it wasn’t an isolated incident that followed the comment though, rather the culmination of weeks of baiting a small and specific group of Sons fans. That’s what doesn’t sit well.
Social media eh!
Anyway, back to the fitba, it’s be good to see a healthy following to Arbroath next week. Don’t see anything moving on the manager front until the 27th and east fife at home. Let’s hope with a new manager in place and the comedy night on there will be a more positive vibe around the place.
Again though, you are completely ignoring this individuals behaviour and it appears to be selective reading at times.

I had a quick read back over a lot of the posts on the Facebook group this morning, and the guy really has no right in playing the victim. There are numerous posts with people chanting the usual Aitken out patter and he decides to make it personal with some fairly honking comments towards people who aren't even looking the road they are on and/or even remotely mentioning 'Aitken's Army'. There are also numerous occassions where more than one of 'Aitken's Army' have actively questioned the loaylty of other supporter, without remotely being goaded into it, as if they somehow rank above them.

For them to play the victim and act like they are being bullied doesn't sit right with me after reading through a lot of the previous comments. There are idiots on both sides, of that there is no doubt, and the posting of photos on here is distasteful IMO, but to potray that they are innocent victims of a lynch mob is very much wide of the mark. The evidence is there for everyone to see if they want to read back.

The whole thing is a combination of over the top drama, attention seeking and people being offended by very little. I think the best course of action is to let it blow over and not make out like certain individuals are being victimised and/or certain individuals are partaking in bullying. Both sides give as good as they get and the entire thing is nothing but a big massive minter. Grown adults, having hissyfits on facebook, it's an absolute cringe.
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I see Billy Brown (who, to the best of my knowledge has not attended a Sons game over the past 12 months) thinks we shouldn't have sacked Stevie. Contradicts himself a bit mind you.
“If you appoint a manager, give him a fair amount of time to build a team and he doesn’t do it right, then they have every right to sack him.
Stevie Aitken going is ridiculous. Dumbarton are a part-time and at this stage last year Stevie was being touted for a lot of good jobs.
“He maybe wanted to stay loyal to Dumbarton but when he goes through a sticky spell were they loyal to him? No.
What "good jobs" was Stevie touted for this time last year?
Billy Brown has quite literally been the laughing stock of Scottish football for the last few years.

He's a joke figure and his comments should be filed in the sea.
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31 minutes ago, Ross Forbes said:

I see Billy Brown (who, to the best of my knowledge has not attended a Sons game over the past 12 months) thinks we shouldn't have sacked Stevie. Contradicts himself a bit mind you.


What "good jobs" was Stevie touted for this time last year?

I know it's hardly a revelation, but Billy Brown truly is the epitome of the old friend act in the media. When we got rid of Locke, he bemoaned that we'd done it too quickly. It was February, we hadn't scored a goal away from the home, or won in the league, since October. The guy is full of shite, and it's ridiculous he's still given soundbites in the press. 

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41 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

Again though, you are completely ignoring this individuals behaviour and it appears to be selective reading at times.

I had a quick read back over a lot of the posts on the Facebook group this morning, and the guy really has no right in playing the victim. There are numerous posts with people chanting the usual Aitken out patter and he decides to make it personal with some fairly honking comments towards people who aren't even looking the road they are on and/or even remotely mentioning 'Aitken's Army'. There are also numerous occassions where more than one of 'Aitken's Army' have actively questioned the loaylty of other supporter, without remotely being goaded into it, as if they somehow rank above them.

For them to play the victim and act like they are being bullied doesn't sit right with me after reading through a lot of the previous comments. There are idiots on both sides, of that there is no doubt, and the posting of photos on here is distasteful IMO, but to potray that they are innocent victims of a lynch mob is very much wide of the mark. The evidence is there for everyone to see if they want to read back.

The whole thing is a combination of over the top drama, attention seeking and people being offended by very little. I think the best course of action is to let it blow over and not make out like certain individuals are being victimised and/or certain individuals are partaking in bullying. Both sides give as good as they get and the entire thing is nothing but a big massive minter. Grown adults, having hissyfits on facebook, it's an absolute cringe.

Chickens coming home to roost springs to mind.

His whole reaction made it so much worse, when he could've issued a simple apology once he'd calmed down. Instead he chose to double down on being very silly.

The victim card really reminds me of this South Park episode.

The madness is still going on too. The guy needs to take himself offline.

Also, Billy Brown can get in the sea.

Edited by Stevie Aitken
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I don't have FB, I have an account i use for work purposes and fished out the log in details from a pile of paperwork to see what the fuss was about. It seems to me like it's been a meltdown of epic proportions. I don't want to criticise anyone who shows loyalty to 1 manager or player but what they need to remember is managers and players move on. Someone quoted Ian Murray and that is the truest statement in the history of football. The fans will be here longer than any player or manager. I for one are in the majority that think it was time to move on and voiced that opinion on here and on Twitter numerous times.
Part of me feels slightly sorry for the guy on FB, however in my opinion he brought it on himself by making a ridiculous comment about hoping we got pumped by Aitkens next team. By all means defend the outgoing manager and show support for him but don't hope your own team, or indeed the team of everyone else on that page, gets beat. By doing that your asking for backlash. Social media is a cruel place, one of the reasons I don't use FB is I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut. If you can't accept critiscm, don't post controversial comments on FB, here, Twitter or anywhere else. Also don't play the victim when someone says something you don't like because it will just end up embarrassing as we can all see.
Onto other matters. Good to know there were interviews today, I really do hope Willo Flood is not in contention, he is not someone I particularly liked as a footballer and having met him in the past I can't say he endeared himself to me. However saying that whoever gets appointed will get my full support. I just hope we can get back to winning ways soon and get our much maligned strikers firing.
Having watched Arbroath get their arse handed to them by Edinburgh City last night there is no reason to think we can't get something from that game with hopefully the bounce of a new manager in place. They certainly looked shakey at the back last night.

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It will be interesting to see whether we wait until the Partick position is filled before we go ahead with an appointment. I suspect if Duffy doesn’t get it, he might hold out for another Championship club, which would be a shame.
Suppose it will depend how eager he is to get back into management. Not sure how many other championship managers are looking like losing their job any time soon.
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Suppose it will depend how eager he is to get back into management. Not sure how many other championship managers are looking like losing their job any time soon.

Possibly Dunfermline are the only one just now but I would think that's unlikely at the moment. If Duffy doesn't get the Thistle gig, we might have a chance of landing him but I wouldn't be keen on him and I don't know why. I'd rather a young manager since the last two worked quite well apart from the last 15 months.
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Willo Flood has had a very stop start career as a player. Listened to him on Off the Ball yesterday and he didn’t sound like someone ready to take control of a struggling club. If the club did interview yesterday, then they’re not hanging about and would mean that they’ve focussed on who wants the job rather than who might want it if they don’t get another job. Whilst it would take quite a bit of rapprochement and humble pie from both sides and a wariness of how things often turn out second time around, I wouldn’t be averse to a Murray return. It all depends if he’s applied but it’s surely likely that he has.

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Surely people don’t want Ian Murray back. The pattern between our success playing good football with him and Jack Ross and the fact that Jack Ross’s teams have played that football ever since he left us. Meanwhile we declined badly in Ian Murray’s final season and that year was probably our luckiest year in the division to be honest, he then went to St Mirren and did, by all accounts, a brutal job there.

I definitely wouldn’t have him back and it annoys me how people just point blank refuse to believe that Jack Ross was the main reason why we played such good football for a long spell.

I still would like us to go down the young manager route and if Lee Miller is hungry for success, impresses the board with his tactical knowledge and is interested in coming to Dumbarton, I would take him for sure.

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Surely people don’t want Ian Murray back. The pattern between our success playing good football with him and Jack Ross and the fact that Jack Ross’s teams have played that football ever since he left us. Meanwhile we declined badly in Ian Murray’s final season and that year was probably our luckiest year in the division to be honest, he then went to St Mirren and did, by all accounts, a brutal job there.

I definitely wouldn’t have him back and it annoys me how people just point blank refuse to believe that Jack Ross was the main reason why we played such good football for a long spell.

I still would like us to go down the young manager route and if Lee Miller is hungry for success, impresses the board with his tactical knowledge and is interested in coming to Dumbarton, I would take him for sure.
We hardly become absolutely shite after Jack Ross left, sure there was a difference in style but we comfortably survived. Perhaps the change in style allowed us to comfortably survive? Perhaps if we had continued with the baws out approach when bigger clubs entered the league we'd have been relegated?

Murray and Ross were a good partnership, of that there is no doubt, but to pin all Murray's success on Jack Ross is ludicrous, and slightly disrespectful towards a guy who should be held in high regard amongst our support. Jack Ross was also assistant under Adamson, how come we weren't romping the Championship under him? Ian Murray was the manager. He signed the players, he picked the team and he deserves massive credit for what he done at Dumbarton. Jack Ross deserves some credit too, but in no way, shape or form was he fully responsible for what Murray achieved with us.

Would I have him back? I'm not too sure. I'd hate to see him ruin his legacy but at the same time I'm convinced he'd do a job for us. Someone told me he'd applied but how this particular person would know that information is beyond me so I wouldn't take that as gospel.
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18 minutes ago, cameron2000 said:

Surely people don’t want Ian Murray back. The pattern between our success playing good football with him and Jack Ross and the fact that Jack Ross’s teams have played that football ever since he left us. Meanwhile we declined badly in Ian Murray’s final season and that year was probably our luckiest year in the division to be honest, he then went to St Mirren and did, by all accounts, a brutal job there.

I definitely wouldn’t have him back and it annoys me how people just point blank refuse to believe that Jack Ross was the main reason why we played such good football for a long spell.

I still would like us to go down the young manager route and if Lee Miller is hungry for success, impresses the board with his tactical knowledge and is interested in coming to Dumbarton, I would take him for sure.

I wouldn't say finishing seven points clear of 9th made us lucky. We might not have been great to watch, but we still comfortably stayed up. Staying up on goal difference on 2016 was more fortunate.

Jack Ross and Ian Murray were the perfect combination. If it was all down to Jack Ross then we wouldn't have punted Alan Adamson in the first place. I think the truth behind who the key was lies somewhere in the middle. Jack is a great man-manager, Muzz gave us a professional edge that had been badly lacking otherwise.

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4 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

Perhaps the change in style allowed us to comfortably survive? 

Jack Ross was also assistant under Adamson, how come we weren't romping the Championship under him?

I was going to write a huge spiel about Murray, but BBPF has covered it pretty comprehensively. The two points mentioned above are what I would pick out as the most salient; especially when people come out with the ‘it was all down to Jack Ross’ tripe.

There is always the fear of tarnishing a legacy, and success is never guaranteed, but would I take that risk on Ian Murray? Absolutely.

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