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Reasons to be Cheerful

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23 minutes ago, philpy said:

Good on you, well done. I ventured up Arthur's seat today,  quite pleased considering I'm not great with narrow paths with a big drop at the other side, and I'm not great with heights either. But once I got up the top I was fine.



Cheers dude. Well done, some great views from up there. Done it last year and i wasn’t too bad with it. I had done Largo law earlier that year (the one you can see if you look across from Arthurs seat to Fife) and got half way up before remembering i had a fear of heights.🤣

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15 hours ago, philpy said:

Good on you, well done. I ventured up Arthur's seat today,  quite pleased considering I'm not great with narrow paths with a big drop at the other side, and I'm not great with heights either. But once I got up the top I was fine.



If I'd known you were there I would have waved from my window.

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30 minutes ago, Caledonian1 said:

I have two Ukranian refugees staying with me and delighted that they have both just got jobs - working in a hotel.  I live in a realtively rural location and they struggled to get employment as they had no means of transport other than me giving lifts or public transport (which is sporadic at best)  Last week I arranged a cheap car for them (23 years old Corsa) which my neighbour sold to them for a very good price.  Getting insurance wasnt easy bu we got there and they have since been out and about looking.

They are happy to start in kitchens or cleaning - anything just to get a start.  They are really good people and i am delighted for them.  Sponsoring them has been a really good experience so far - I have spare rooms so it has been really easy.

A total knob (by many accounts) of a guy took three Ukraines in and got himself on front page local rag.

They went back to Ukraine.........

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2 hours ago, RH33 said:

A total knob (by many accounts) of a guy took three Ukraines in and got himself on front page local rag.

They went back to Ukraine.........

Not quite sure thats the best anecdote for the "Reasons to Be Cheerful " thread though. 

Everyone who sponsors is vetted by the Council so not sure how a complete knob would be deemd approrpaite to sponsor three Ukrainians.  mnay have returned to Ukraine though - especially areas in the west not so affected by the way.  My guests are from Dnipro (I took great delight in telling them that Darren Mackie lives about 300 yards away......)

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The wife headed off this morning for her week-long holiday, leaving me at home. 

On the week of the snooker world championship. 

That's my viewing sorted for the week. 


That, and "cybill troy punishment" search results


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5 hours ago, Eednud said:

Walkerville Terrace, Walkerville, South Australia at 09:58 on an autumn morning, about 21 C heading for a top of 27 C.


Way to upset the P&B regulars. I definitely wouldn't share that I'm currently in Dubbo (about 5hrs West of Sydney) and experiencing similar glorious weather. 

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Not usually one for day drinking or solo drinking but I've just travelled to a town and the place I wanted to go is shut for an hour or so ended up with a glorious pint of Peroni and it's the finest pint I've had in my life. Off work for the next 2 days, life could certainly be worse right now. 

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I sent a jobbie in the post to Dundee (hear me oot)


Got a letter back saying that there were reasons for concern.  A couple months later i got a camera rammed up my back passage ( dont think it was a Kodak Instamatic but it wasn't very pleasant) Had to wait a further month then yesterday I got a letter stating that the biopsy revealed that there was no longer anything of concern........very happy with that result until I read that they will be ramming a camera up again in three years time....canna wait.......

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2 hours ago, Caledonian1 said:

I sent a jobbie in the post to Dundee (hear me oot)


Got a letter back saying that there were reasons for concern.  A couple months later i got a camera rammed up my back passage ( dont think it was a Kodak Instamatic but it wasn't very pleasant) Had to wait a further month then yesterday I got a letter stating that the biopsy revealed that there was no longer anything of concern........very happy with that result until I read that they will be ramming a camera up again in three years time....canna wait.......

It was probably a Box Brownie.

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Don’t care who wins or goes down next week and the quality of football probably won’t be great either, but i am really looking forward to watching the drama at the top and bottom of the championship unfold next week. 
twice in the space of a few weeks, Scottish football has had title races go down to the last day with the top two going head to head. 

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17 minutes ago, buchan30 said:

Don’t care who wins or goes down next week and the quality of football probably won’t be great either, but i am really looking forward to watching the drama at the top and bottom of the championship unfold next week. 
twice in the space of a few weeks, Scottish football has had title races go down to the last day with the top two going head to head. 

It's going to be sensational. Every single match will have something riding on it regardless of what happens tomorrow.

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8 hours ago, The Naitch said:

It's going to be sensational. Every single match will have something riding on it regardless of what happens tomorrow.

In that case maybe SKY will show some of the games…… no …… wait……. 

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