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Orange Walk / Scottish Cricket thread


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Have read elsewhere that the LOL leadership in Belfast was replaced recently by hardliners, who thought their predecessors were too accommodating. Maybe the problem is that now there is no career obvious career advancement angle for UUP politicians in being prominent in the LOL, the IQ level of the people at the top of it has dropped by about 30 or 40 points.

This prompts me to ask a question: What are the WMs of the local lodges thinking? Are they thinking? If i was a WM of a lodge close to Ardoyne I'd suggest either we get a bus up the road or we simply walk along the pavement with banners furled until we got past the contentious area.

I know it's all about territory and tribalism but couldn't one of the local lodges be magnanimous?

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To the utterly moronic sectarian knobheads who are promoting their own particular brand of "celebrating history" through the endorsement of these outdated, unwanted annual circus performances, . . . . . . . . . .

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ke5Mr5 probably won't eCF2U

we (the vast majority ) are all Gabby Johnson :thumsup2

I haven't read all the posts here but I can;t recall anyone who is a 'wee bit Orange' posting anything that is remotely moronic or sectarian.

This started as a discussion re Glasgow traffic and morphed into a discussion about The OO in general but the only people using abusive terms here are folk like yourself.

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This prompts me to ask a question: What are the WMs of the local lodges thinking? Are they thinking? If i was a WM of a lodge close to Ardoyne I'd suggest either we get a bus up the road or we simply walk along the pavement with banners furled until we got past the contentious area.

I know it's all about territory and tribalism but couldn't one of the local lodges be magnanimous?

There were talks between the 3 lodges and the residents group CARA prior to the 12th. That was obviously the way forward, although these talks didn't get anywhere this year as they were too late.

These talks were prompted by another residents association on the unionist side of the road, who were fed up being petrol bombed every year after the parade passed.

Now whatever relationship that was built up between the lodge representatives and the residents association has probably been destroyed.

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Up until the 1960s the Northern Ireland Labour Party often used to be able to beat the UUP in Stormont elections in working class Protestant parts of Belfast, so the "lower orders" didn't always meekly follow the script.

I think you are confusing some Northern Ireland Labour Party successes with those of the old "Labour Unionist" candidates of the Ulster Unionist Party in the like of North and East Belfast.

The NILP only significant electoral success was in 1958 & 1962 when they had four elected to Stormont. The rest of the time they picked up two or one seats in areas where what Catholics there were would vote for the Labour candidate (a unionist party) merely to keep the Orange Order/UUP out, especially when the 57 varieties of post-partition socialist/communist/republican groups collapsed giving them a free run.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elections_in_Northern_Ireland - see elections to the Northern Ireland "House Of Commons" (the pretentious title given to the old Stormont).

You can see for yourself that in the nine NI general elections until the 1960s, the NILP were nothing more than a blip in Belfast. In 1949 & 1953 they didn't even manage to win a single seat.

So to suggest up until the 1960s that "the Northern Ireland Labour Party often used to be able to beat the UUP in Stormont elections in working class Protestant parts of Belfast" seems to be more of your romanticism over anything that can be tagged "working class" despite all the evidence they voted UUP or their UULA flag of convenience in droves.

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Bet you googled furiously to come up with that reply. You peddled a bit of a stereotype, while reality was more complex, was the point I was making.

Oh please. It was you trying to spin another of your ridiculous romanticisms about anything that can be labelled "working class" & spitting the dummy at being found out once again.

Belfast's working class prots voted for the UUP in droves & the NILP were a complete irrelevence. Those are the facts.

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In your own little world maybe along with the notion that it is the big clubs in the SJFA that insist on a national all in draw etc etc. The point you were making about the DUP breaking the UUP-LOL link was pretty much on the money, in my opinion,all I was pointing out was that you were pushing things a bit too far on the proles being too thick to see how there was an element of manipulation to it all angle. What you wrote also only really fitted the larger urban areas. There is also the rural and often bible belt type areas to consider as well.

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Does that also apply to the SNP's annual parade from Stirling to Bannockburn to commemorate an even older battle? A parade of some description isn't a problem, it's where they want to parade that's the issue.

Yes you can compare the SNP to the OO.

Well come

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Good Lord. If you are trying to make yourself out to be clever at least avoid using links to Wikipedia.

Caw canny, chap. If it wasn't for wiki most decent P&B threads would have tumbleweed though them.

Mind you, the better posters do try and disguise their material.

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It's a lot worse than ill-thought out. It's fucking moronic and they're deliberately inciting violence. Well done, you must be so proud of your 'brothers',

They're not my "brothers"

Well done, you must be so proud of your assumptions.

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Things have come to a pretty pass when you read Gerry Kelly's comments and actually agree with them! :lol:

Indeed - never thought I'd see the day when I'd agree with the old car bombing bigot.

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I haven't read all the posts here but I can;t recall anyone who is a 'wee bit Orange' posting anything that is remotely moronic or sectarian.

This started as a discussion re Glasgow traffic and morphed into a discussion about The OO in general but the only people using abusive terms here are folk like yourself.

I wasnt specifically referring to posters here, although, through your defensive response, you chose to interpret my comment as such. That says much more about your position on this subject than mine. You have consistently attempted to counter any opinion that finds the whole idea of "marching" in SCOTLAND as a tribute to some historic events that may have a relevance in its country of origin as being abhorrent. That says much more about your position on this subject than mine. Your attempts to mask the behaviour and alterior motives in 2013 of the moronic participants, and therefore justify the circus's existence IN SCOTLAND by throwing historic data FROM N IRELAND into the mix, says much more about your position on this subject than mine.

Please do not deflect your narrow myopic views and/or support for the charade that is on to me or others who find the whole thing as just a sectarian excuse for promoting and showing the world how "billyful" they are. Have a nice day now.

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I haven't read all the posts here but I can;t recall anyone who is a 'wee bit Orange' posting anything that is remotely moronic or sectarian.

Maybe not here, but for moronic (which autocorrect tried to make Masonic :) ) wait till you log onto the swamp where you get belters like this.....


I think he is a wee bit orangey, and worryingly , prevalent.

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