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Worst Town In Scotland

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5 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

I'm often in Morningside. Point taken. 

Leith is cool - reminds of East London. 

Not sure yet about my new 'hood (probably moving to Juniper Green in November). Seems like Shandon but on the far side of the Bypass.

Used to work in Morningside quite regularly, it's like Royston Vasey there, even the teenagers acted like eccentric 70 year olds.

Juniper Green's not for me but I can see the attraction if you wanted to raise kids.

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5 hours ago, WullieBroonIsGod said:

Aye!  That's the one.   I used to be on the early shift so would get my break at 11am.  A trip up to the shopping centre for some scran was like taking your life in your hands!  I remember once a pished guy standing outside the gunner having a pish.  Only he wasn't bothering to use his hands, instead he swaying about, with his manhood hanging out, lashing away without a care in the world.


Yeah the Gunner was probably the most notorious pub in the city, as mentioned it's closed now.

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Absolutely delicious, salty tears from the Paisley scheme goblins. Why couldn't such a nasty, objective, fact-based study account for the "community spirit" among the residents of the biggest bin in Scotland? It's a toughie.  

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Well that's a lot of utter tripe! [emoji2]

Got any examples of this or are you happy to concede you've just completely made that up?

I sense another heads-gone and name change may be on the horizon for you Billy/Pete/Fat Joe...

Whoa there soldier!

Is Fat Joe a name change of Pete Rockwell? If so, I take everything back, top poster. A c**t, but a top poster.

Sent from a dark, dank hellhole.
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9 minutes ago, DI Bruce Robertson said:



Whoa there soldier!

Is Fat Joe a name change of Pete Rockwell? If so, I take everything back, top poster. A c**t, but a top poster.

Sent from a dark, dank hellhole.

I thought it'd be pretty clear to everyone tbh. My location is still Leith and my team is still Clyde. 

Who did you post as?

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Absolutely delicious, salty tears from the Paisley scheme goblins. Why couldn't such a nasty, objective, fact-based study account for the "community spirit" among the residents of the biggest bin in Scotland? It's a toughie.  

The quality of an area should solely be based on how often neighbours nip round to eachother's houses for a cup of tea, followed by a "nice wee chat".
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There's an article in the Times today with various Ferguslie Park residents extolling the community spirit of the area, while going on to note incidents of extreme violence and arson.  I suppose these could count as community activities if done in a large group?

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1 hour ago, WeAreElgin said:

I've been given a small job in Fort William next month.

Take away the mountains and fort William is definitely up there for "worst small town junkie-infested shithole in the middle of nowhere"

Fort William is certainly pish. I have never seen a junkie or any neds there though.

Pished up farmers and university students by the bucket load but that's it.

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Absolutely delicious, salty tears from the Paisley scheme goblins. Why couldn't such a nasty, objective, fact-based study account for the "community spirit" among the residents of the biggest bin in Scotland? It's a toughie.  

Loving this, couldn't have happened to a better area IMO. A hapless abyss of poverty and impending doom. Also houses, as you know, an awful stadium next to the worst station in the UK.

It's a long time ago since Gerry Rafferty.

To sum up, I'm surprised it was close, even DR Congo has more redeeming features than "feegie"
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Greenock, in it's entirety is a shitehole.
I'd rather die than live there.

Sent from a dark, dank hellhole.

Jewel in the crown of the Clyde Riviera. A welcoming picturesque town on the banks of the estuary. Formerly teeming with industry with great transport links.

Shite takeaways though
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