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Best nicknames you've heard

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I heard it elsewhere, but I dubbed one of the lazy bastards I work with 'Blister', ie he appears after the hard work is finished.

I went to college with a guy called Jim Hughes, the similarity to Gym Shoes earned him the nickname Trainers.

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A kid at my school got called Osram because he had a heid shaped like a lightbulb.

My pal got his nickname of Stan because as he was walking away one day my other pal started shouting random names at him and Stan was the one he turned round at. We all then decided to call him Stan, and even though nobody thought it'd last he still gets called that 8 years later.

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There's a woman that use to work for us who's nickname was thrush, because she was an irritating c**t.

Lad at work is known as Gusset, because he's next to...

Another fella has a shit memory, so has to make to-do lists all the time - Schindler it is then.

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There's a woman at my work who has long blonde hair and from behind looks amazing but her face is pretty old, haggard and ugly, so she gets called Kronenbourg.

She looks 16 from the back, 64 from the front :lol:

Also known as a bobfoc. Body off Baywatch, face off Crimewatch.

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There was a fairly unassuming lad that went to my high-school who, through some monotonous, irrelevant accident had the misfortune of losing a tooth. He was pretty quickly labelled 'The Toothfairy' and despite it making almost no sense apart from having the word 'tooth' in the name, it stuck. I still see him cutting about every now and then. I like to think that he embraced his moniker, using his powers to fight the good fight; guarding the streets at night, stealing would-be criminals' teeth with a pair of silver pliers, enacting a type of oral revenge not seen since Monica Lewinsky.

God speed, Mr Toothfairy.

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When I played Under 12 football there was a boy on the team nicknamed 'Ish'. My dad asked one of the parents how he got that nickname. Apparently at under 11 he was pish, so got the nickname 'Pish'. At Under 12, he got better, so they dropped the P.

At Under 11 there was a wee boy nicknamed Wurzel. He was properly ugly.

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