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Best nicknames you've heard

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A former colleague of mine, from the army, was unfortunately and rather humorously known as fags and shite. As that's what he smelt like.

Special mentions for Pies, The Arse, Undies, Jobbyeyes, Teddybear eyes, The Shepard's Crook or The Human Question Mark and Hairyhands.

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They are both incredible. Well played, folk you know.
:lol: some of these nicknames are inspired. Highlight so far has been Janny De Vito :lol:
Seconded! That is without a doubt the best nickname I've ever heard!
Wish I could say I came up with them! In saying that, I've never actually met Manbat, but I've no reason to doubt it. Even if it's not true it's still a cracker!
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A former colleague of mine, from the army, was unfortunately and rather humorously known as fags and shite. As that's what he smelt like.

Special mentions for Pies, The Arse, Undies, Jobbyeyes, Teddybear eyes, The Shepard's Crook or The Human Question Mark and Hairyhands.

I was at school with a pies. He had that nickname in primary school and judging by facebook still goes by it 13 years later.

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A new boy at school- David- got called "Choppy". This was short for "Chopsticks" cos he looked vaguely Chinese. No very p.c. really!

I heard one on "Off the Ball" once- somebody called into say their workmate was called "heidfirst" cos his name was R Slater.

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I get called called Dazzle from my oldest friends. I'd love to say its because of my dazzling wit or charm but unfortunately it's because there was too many Darren's/Daryl's at my school and daz was already taken.

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The Jackson 5 were a big group when I was younger. As I was the smallest of my then group of friends, I was given the nickname of the smallest member of the Jacksons. Back in the good old carefree days I was affectionately known to all as RANDY!! :bag

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One of my mates gets called Cherrif, nobody can quite remember why but everyone assumes he's black when in fact he's a big, bald white man.

Another gets called Stumpy on account of his short stature. Ragy as his name is Gary. Another gets called Slick as he used to always slick his hair back or Shez because of his second name but from time to time I refer to him as Shezmerelda cause he can be a little bitch.

ETA: He also got called Shezeguet because he is shite at football.

Edited by 11thHour
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