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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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Ride Her Cup update... still needing a score from the following people.... Blackislekillie, Frankie S, Johnnydunn and WILLIEA (for Scotland) ... Arabdownunder, Dee Man, MSU and Scotfree for the RotW. 


  • alang1993 - 9
  • BigBo10 - 4
  • Dee_62 - 2
  • Deej - 7
  • die hard doonhamer - 4
  • Dyl - 2
  • G_Man1985 - 9 
  • gkneil - 5
  • Irvine_buddie - 4
  • Jagfox - 7
  • Livi Lion - 5
  • madwullie - 1 (ONE)
  • Peasy23 - 2
  • pleslie99 - 10 
  • Supermik - 5
  • The Captain - 7

Rest of the World

  • Audaces Fortuna Juvat - 9
  • Bully Wee Villa - 7
  • Cowden0 - 8 (and a compliment for the Cardinal)
  • Eednud - 3
  • Helpma - 6
  • Jacksgranda - 3 (and an insult for the Cardinal)
  • Leeds Saint - 7
  • Ross - 3
  • Slippery P - 5
  • Swarley - 5
  • The_Kincardine - 9
  • Welsh Bairn - 6
  • WhiteRoseKillie - 7
  • Wilkinson1998 - 6
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25 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Ride Her Cup update... still needing a score from the following people.... Blackislekillie, Frankie S, Johnnydunn and WILLIEA (for Scotland) ... Arabdownunder, Dee Man, MSU and Scotfree for the RotW. 


  • alang1993 - 9
  • BigBo10 - 4
  • Dee_62 - 2
  • Deej - 7
  • die hard doonhamer - 4
  • Dyl - 2
  • G_Man1985 - 9 
  • gkneil - 5
  • Irvine_buddie - 4
  • Jagfox - 7
  • Livi Lion - 5
  • madwullie - 1 (ONE)
  • Peasy23 - 2
  • pleslie99 - 10 
  • Supermik - 5
  • The Captain - 7

Rest of the World

  • Audaces Fortuna Juvat - 9
  • Bully Wee Villa - 7
  • Cowden0 - 8 (and a compliment for the Cardinal)
  • Eednud - 3
  • Helpma - 6
  • Jacksgranda - 3 (and an insult for the Cardinal)
  • Leeds Saint - 7
  • Ross - 3
  • Slippery P - 5
  • Swarley - 5
  • The_Kincardine - 9
  • Welsh Bairn - 6
  • WhiteRoseKillie - 7
  • Wilkinson1998 - 6

I just double checked and I sent you my answer on July 1st. 

I got 4/10 but don't tell anyone.

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