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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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1 hour ago, Tynierose said:

How did you read it?

If anyone doesnt want too do it, I will do a cup?

I hope it's of a better standard than your usual efforts.

Yes, indeed, that would be excellent.

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On 19/10/2019 at 13:43, BigBo10 said:

There’s been an error in the tables. I’ve been awarded a nine for Thursday but as you can see that’s just wishful thinking. An adjustment takes me back to the mid table mediocrity I am more used to. Pain in the nuts as promotions etc. need changed but I can’t accept a title I didn’t win.



On 19/10/2019 at 13:58, Eednud said:

Bugger, it’s what I inherited. I’ll post a revised table tomorrow but the winner is now @The_Kincardine 

Top posting from @BigBo10.  It's a 'based on trust' thread and yer man delivered.

I was trying to find a 'champagne toilet duck' gif but failed.  Still, this title means as much to me as the Petrofac trophy...

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The whistle blows and over the top they went;

Dross Squad this weekend were;

Lieutenant General 2nd in Command Playoff

@alang19936th of September 1918. I'm not entirely sure who the guy is tbh. The Victoria Cross is a helpful clue(I think). I'm sure a lot of them were awarded for stuff world war 1 related, hence my 1918 guess

 v @MSU Let’s go with August 17, 1917. 

Brigadier 2nd Division Champion Playoff

@HelpmaApril 16th 1916.  I shall now go and look him up to find out why I should know him. 

 v @Leeds Saint 21st January 1950

Major Play Off

@The DAI'm going to guess at the Boer War, so October 19th 1900.

 v @NotThePars  I'm going with 17th June 1936.

Private Play Off

@Cardinal Richelieu  NO SCORE

v @Snobot I’ll say 19th October 1919.

Question - Lieutenant-Colonel Bertram Best-Dunkley VC. What date did he die?

Congratulation @MSU, who returned to tell us about his victory. It was a gallant effort from @alang1993, he was up against one of the best.

Champion of Div 2 goes to @Helpma, I'll not post his full message it was the memoirs  indeed, he went through a lot to get to his answer. @Leeds Saint, tried the flank move but it never came off.

Congratulations @The DA, while winning will also receive a court martial for discussing the Play Off question during battle, @NotThePars, should be kicking himself for notreadingthethread before sending his message. He was shot down while climbing the parapet 

Also congratulation to @Snobot with his 100 year anniversary date, good idea private, let's see what you can do on your first every promotion lad. As for @Cardinal Richelieu, just as expected from a coward of a man, when you need a man next to you when hell is all around, this man goes AWOL.

If anyone is interested I have been reading about WW1 recently https://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/World_War_I_(Bookshelf)#Western_Front_.28France_and_the_Low_Countries.29

Bertram was just chosen randomly, and why not, maybe not a famous name, but still a hero.  Famous now on the P&B Quiz Thread.

Keep strong and march on.



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