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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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It's high time we had some league tables. Apologies for the tardiness. Dioceses don't run themselves you know (and in case a Cardinal isn't in charge of a diocese, I give not two hoots). 
WILLIEA is looking to make it two titles on the trot, although AFJ is still in with a shout of scooping his first gold. A couple of big names in danger of getting relegated unless they post some scores. 
WRK's inconsistency is obvious, but he's done enough to be atop the pile - especially given the tough quizzes this week. Eednud is behind on QD. Has Wilky1998 forgotten he got promoted last week?
Is it going to be Northern Jambo's season in the SWL? BIK is just behind him... and Dee_62 must be hopeful for a play-off place. Swarley ... there's a gap in the scores for Tuesday old bean... are you sure posted one?

I don't think teams should be allowed to post a weeks worth of scores in one go! Sporting integrity needs to be upheld! Waiting to see what everyone else gets then firing in your own raises big questions! I know we're all busy and that, but just saying like..........

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Sigh. Already busy as a bee all weekend, and my £600 order for Communion wine I ordered for our work party tonight has been cancelled, so I need to go buy it all myself. No time for tagging folk... also, not sure when I'll get a chance to post tie-break questions.. but let's stick a tentative deadline of around 5pm tomorrow for scores.

Here's a list of transgressors / late-comers 


  • AFJ, Scotfree - Friday only
  • Cowden0 - Thu and Fri
  • Frankie - Wed - Fri
  • Alang1993 - Tue - Fri


  • Deej and Livi Lion - Friday only


  • Dee_62 and madwullie - Friday only
  • Swarley - Tuesday only
  • G_man1985 - Tue - Fri
  • Dee Man , Irvine_Buddie - Are they coming back? :(
Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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