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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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Right. I've heard 1 person liking the idea of a Superleague so the motion is passed by 100% to 0% with gazillions of abstentions. 

Just realised I'm doing this after getting promoted to the Premiership... and with my scores of 4, 6 and 6 so far, I'm not likely to be troubling the upper echelons.

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6/10.  I was going to say I loved how everyone was quietly ignoring The Cardinals brainwave, but then it all backfired due to one PM.  Catalan style democracy in action IMO.  Ah, wtf, go for it sir, who knows by some fluke I might actually end up winning a league!

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10 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

I'm back! What have I missed? Are the play-offs sorted? How was alang1993's running of the tables? Did anyone miss me?

More seriously, welcome back.  All went well and AlaNg was a star.  Congrats on getting promotion to the, well, all-teams super-league.

A ghoulish 6/10 for me today.

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21 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

I'm back! What have I missed? Are the play-offs sorted? How was alang1993's running of the tables? Did anyone miss me? How the f**k did I manage to get promoted? 

edit: Right. I think there's been a f**k-up (HA!) ... Edmund should have been promoted automatically.. however, I'm tempted to demote him solely for that terrible answer on Gangnam Style. 

Can't mind who suggested it before, but how about - for this week only - we have one MASSIVE league table and that can be used to determine the new league placings?

It won't matter to me whether it's one big league table or ten wee ones, but yes, one big one to sort us all out seems fair.

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