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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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The Final League Tables are brought to you by Daddy's Favourite - I Feel Good Things For You


The takeover from the Buddies @Leeds Saint taken his 8th title. @TheGreenElves coming in second for 26th time.

@gkneil & @Salvo Montalbano are in the Europa

@Aubrey Maturin is in the Mugs

@djchapsticks @MEADOWXI @The Hologram playoff for the last Mugs cup placing.

@Eednud on the move! @JamesP_81 slips at the last corner. 

@Ronaldo Jeremy @Helpma @Bully Wee Villa playoff for a playoff.



@Cardinal Richelieu marches on. 13th second tier title. @Duszek scrapes back up.

@peasy23 & @Chris Partlow playoff for a playoff

@specsaver sees the sea. @ArmadaleKillie back in the basements. @senorsoupe feels the heat.

@scottsdad & @101 playoff for  playoff  



@mathematics dips the toe and wins his 12th Diddy Title.  @pleslie99 has a good week. @Snobot rises.

@BigBo10 is in the playoff.

@BaSeDG0DSA1NT gets his hands on his 29th spoon.


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Here we all are sittin’ in a rainbow… like f**k we are. It’s Monday, it’s the same old shite, albeit v2 in Scottish football and it’s the last regular quiz season before Christmas then it will be the Super lager lager lager lager mega mega white thing Super Mega League. It’s an irregular 6/10 from me. http://quizoftheday.co.uk/2462

Edited by Eednud
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Playoff #18/12 - Getting Dark!

Putting on the lights this evening are;

Pfizer Relegation Playoff

@Bully Wee Villa v @Helpma v @Ronaldo Jeremy

You 3 have 2 questions today.  Loser is relegated. Winner stays up. Runner up goes to the main playoff.

Wannebe Promotion Playoff

@peasy23 v @Chris Partlow 

You 2 have 2 questions today.  Winner is promoted. Loser goes to the main playoff.

Wannabe Relegation Playoff

@101 v @scottsdad

You 2 have 2 question today. Loser goes to the main playoff.

PLAYOFF/PLAYOFF QUESTION - 22nd December 2023 is Thailands Winter Solstice.  What time is Sunrise in Bangkok. HH/MM

Weekly Cup Mugs Cup Last Place Playoff

@djchapsticks v @MEADOWXI v @The Hologram

Short Days Playoff

@Bully Wee Villa or @Helpma or @Ronaldo Jeremy v @peasy23 or @Chris Partlow 

Long Nights Playoff

@101 v @scottsdad v @BigBo10

MAIN QUESTION - 22nd December 2023 is Thailands Winter Solstice. How long is the daylength HH/MM/SS.

Answers to be gaslight no later than 1400 Tuesday TT

Good Luck

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