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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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5 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:


Sadly I got a 4. However a 7 would of been nice.


My sincerest apologies to the Cardinal for doubting him. I will do a Hail Mary for each of the extra 3 points I wrongly credited to G_Man1985.

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8/10 -- Obviously guessed the boyband. Also the PNG prime minister. Got Chyme and the book wrong. Knew, had a decent idea, or could work out the other six.

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Right. I seem to be missing a few scores here, which makes doing any sort of commentary a bit pointless! Apologies again if I've missed any of you p***ks..... brutal 2 days of travelling and work. And please note, I'm not going to be about between Thursday night and Sunday morning, so I'll try and do the new cup tonight / tomorrow (probably tomorrow - posting the June cup in May would be ridiculous, like posting Thursday's quiz on a Wednesday). I also won't be able to do the final leagues + play-offs till Sunday... if anyone's got a problem with that then let me know and they can sort out the league :)

Anyway, here's yer Auntie Mabels for Wednesday....




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