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Things that annoy or delight you on the telly right now


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Discovery channel are bad for dramatizing things out of nothing. That ice pilots is one example. One bit the guys is fine then a snow storms hits. Narrator if he doesn't get out this he could die. f**k we all know he lives and makes it out alive otherwise it won't be shown f**k off f**k right off

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Sky Atlantic are particularly bad for this. You're watching a show which is coming to an end, all of a sudden, you get an announcer telling you what's coming next or later that week TALKING OVER THE FUCKING DIALOGUE OF THE PROGRAMME YOU'RE WATCHING.

f**k right fucking off.

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Discovery channel are bad for dramatizing things out of nothing. That ice pilots is one example. One bit the guys is fine then a snow storms hits. Narrator if he doesn't get out this he could die. f**k we all know he lives and makes it out alive otherwise it won't be shown f**k off f**k right off

I was watching shark week about some insane fishermen that go down into great white infested waters to cut off some abalone that is only in season when the sharks are migrating. They were reports of sharks in the area and he went down anyway. I was thinking the same thing, f**k off, there making shite up. Then they said sadly he got munched by two sharks. Yaaas! mon the sharks.

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Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Film 4. Smiley lives in a luxury apartment/house in Knightsbridge or Mayfair kind of area. In the the books he's in wee semi in Suburbia. His silence to polite questions and remarks would earn him a punch in the mouth and definitely his cover blown.

P.S. After finish, not a bad adaptation.

Edited by welshbairn
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That hotels 4 U advert with that Brummy twat screeching "anything for you cupcake" to that utter bus of a woman. Would throw Molotov Cocktails at them both.

Beat me to it, was going to post about that. However it's not "anything for you cupcake", it's, "ANYTHING FA YAO COOPCAKE".

Also, that Amazon Assist advert is absolutely cringeworthy.

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That hotels 4 U advert with that Brummy twat screeching "anything for you cupcake" to that utter bus of a woman. Would throw Molotov Cocktails at them both.

Beat me to it, was going to post about that. However it's not "anything for you cupcake", it's, "ANYTHING FA YAO COOPCAKE".

I posted that on the last page. I was quite surprised no one else commented on it so its good to see other folk who hate it.

That accent is frequently voted the worst in britain so its weird they picked it...although I suppose its done its job in that we remember the ad!

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I caught 'The voice' for the first time yesterday.

Ricky Wilson came across as a creepy sleazy b*****d.

Can you imagine being trapped in a lift with him and Will .I.am ...... :shutup

It really is an utter f**k up of a show, i saw it last night as my wife and wee girl like it and the people they choose make no sense whatsoever, some girl sang an Amy winehouse number and murdered it and they were all fawning over her saying she was fantastic and wonderful, the next clip was a proffesional singer singing Skyfall and did well and nobody took her......, terrible show really.

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