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That’s the one cheers. Not wanting him back or anything but the guy above slating the SFA reminded me of him. Used to be on every week bickering with Michael Stewart so thought he had maybe moved away or something with being missing for so long.

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Quite astonishingly a discussion on the horrible shite in Bulgaria last night has turned in to a spirited defence of the old, dead Rangers and Sevco in relation to sectarianism.

Derek Ferguson even had the gall to say "We don't want politics in football".

Incredible stuff. 

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I will be giving that a miss.

Such a false debate, everyone says everything they’re ‘supposed’ to say during any debate on racism/sectarianism etc and then proceed to offer absolutely zero insight into the issue, refuse to condemn, we need to do more but not sure what it is etc etc.

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I will be giving that a miss.

Such a false debate, everyone says everything they’re ‘supposed’ to say during any debate on racism/sectarianism etc and then proceed to offer absolutely zero insight into the issue, refuse to condemn, we need to do more but not sure what it is etc etc.

It’s almost as if these issues require more than semi-literate footballers speaking in clichés. It’s like daft PLZ soccer thing - the arrogance of these people to assume that their opinion is of any value whatsoever, or even that people want to know what Michael Stewart thinks the causes of racism in Bulgaria are.
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I will be giving that a miss.

Such a false debate, everyone says everything they’re ‘supposed’ to say during any debate on racism/sectarianism etc and then proceed to offer absolutely zero insight into the issue, refuse to condemn, we need to do more but not sure what it is etc etc.
Nor t defending them because they are all utter apologists proven over many years, but its worth remembering that offering an opinion, or analysing what comes from the terraces often (we see it on here) results in being branded a racist. Sometimes its easiest just to spout the party line. We live in a society where folk have jumped down your throat before you have put the full stop on the end.

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Nor t defending them because they are all utter apologists proven over many years, but its worth remembering that offering an opinion, or analysing what comes from the terraces often (we see it on here) results in being branded a racist. Sometimes its easiest just to spout the party line. We live in a society where folk have jumped down your throat before you have put the full stop on the end.

Totally agree. It’s another reason I hate these debates. Like I say everyone says everything they’re ‘supposed’ to say out of fear of their media career being ended over saying something clumsy.

It’s just boring in many ways.
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7 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Nor t defending them because they are all utter apologists proven over many years, but its worth remembering that offering an opinion, or analysing what comes from the terraces often (we see it on here) results in being branded a racist. Sometimes its easiest just to spout the party line. We live in a society where folk have jumped down your throat before you have put the full stop on the end.

Utter nonsense: Derek Ferguson for example admitted to having joined in the sectarian ditty party songs just a few weeks ago, which undermines the myth that the big, bad PC brigade are crushing any unorthodox conduct. In reality, the panelists have nothing more to contribute to the discussion because they're just a bunch of grown men who made their career out of kicking a ball and running around (semi) effectively rather than societal analysis.  

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Just now, virginton said:

Utter nonsense: Derek Ferguson for example admitted to having joined in the sectarian ditty party songs just a few weeks ago, which undermines the myth that the big, bad PC brigade are crushing any unorthodox conduct. In reality, the panelists have nothing more to contribute to the discussion because they're just a bunch of grown men who made their career out of kicking a ball and running around (semi) effectively rather than societal analysis.  

I don't necessarily meant them specifically, that's why I said they are proven apologists. I just meant in general, a lot of debate these days gets shut down by people jumping down the throat of the people involved. There are thousands of people all over social media who are utterly desperate for something to be racist/homophobic so that  they can rush to condemn. It's more of a general comment that feeds into the dumbing down of discourse these days. If you say or do something I interpret as racist, I should still give you chance to explain your position, at which point I will view you as a confirmed racist, or you will take on board why what you said/did was perceived that way... That sort of thing.

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If your point wasn't even valid for a *specific member of the panel* then it quite clearly can't apply to society as a whole. 


I just meant in general, a lot of debate these days gets shut down by people jumping down the throat of the people involved. There are thousands of people all over social media who are utterly desperate for something to be racist/homophobic so that they can rush to condemn. It's more of a general comment that feeds into the dumbing down of discourse these days. If you say or do something I interpret as racist, I should still give you chance to explain your position, at which point I will view you as a confirmed racist, or you will take on board why what you said/did was perceived that way... That sort of thing.

The only 'dumbing down of discourse' I can see is the above jumble of passive voice assertions with no specific evidence or examples being passed off as a credible argument. It's like reading WeeperDee's pop psychology posts on here all over again. 


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48 minutes ago, virginton said:
If your point wasn't even valid for a *specific member of the panel* then it quite clearly can't apply to society as a whole. 
I just meant in general, a lot of debate these days gets shut down by people jumping down the throat of the people involved. There are thousands of people all over social media who are utterly desperate for something to be racist/homophobic so that they can rush to condemn. It's more of a general comment that feeds into the dumbing down of discourse these days. If you say or do something I interpret as racist, I should still give you chance to explain your position, at which point I will view you as a confirmed racist, or you will take on board why what you said/did was perceived that way... That sort of thing.



he only 'dumbing down of discourse' I can see is the above jumble of passive voice assertions with no specific evidence or examples being passed off as a credible argument. It's like reading WeeperDee's pop psychology posts on here all over again. 

It was a general comment. Theres a decent poster above who understood and agreed with it. I'll take that and move on rather than your stale parody rantings tbh.

Edited by Bairnardo
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Also a bit predictable that they always go straight to the Mark Walters case from 30 year ago, as if 'that stuff doesnt happen here now'  when there's been loads of recent examples (Sinclair, Diouf the first that spring to mind) that need mentioned. As others have said none of them are anywhere near clued up enough to have a serious conversation on stuff like this, they're just saying things because they think they have to. Similar to when Alan Brazil, Dean Saunders etc start talking about mental health on Talksport, it's clear none of them have a clue what they're on about and are just repeating cliches they've heard other folk say. 

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8 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

There are thousands of people all over social media who are utterly desperate for something to be racist/homophobic so that  they can rush to condemn.

A good point well made.  As far as P&B goes you are an excellent example of that.

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16 minutes ago, RiG said:

Never let it be said that Gary Caldwell isn't a deluded fantasist...


Magnificent self serving delusion.

The report is also misleading (but factually accurate) in saying Thistle finished 6th last season.  That sounds very different from pointing out that safety was only secured on the very last day.

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21 hours ago, Bairnardo said:


It was a general comment. Theres a decent poster above who understood and agreed with it. I'll take that and move on rather than your stale parody rantings tbh.

You can only actually generalise from specific details champ, of which you have provided none and the direct evidence of a Sportsound pundit openly admitting his sectarian chanting on air directly contradicts. So what you've provided is a lazy and invalid comment barely one step above 'they won't even let us call them blackboards nowadays!!!1111!!!!' in the bullshit, 'PC brigade' roulette. 

Thanks for playing anyway. 

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