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1 hour ago, Bogbrush1903 said:

What is this regarding? Archie Macpherson lied about what pensions to whom? Or have I missed a joke?

Answered below by other posters; sadly no joke. He was always a complete pillock but should have been exiled for life after his base intervention on behalf of the British State in 2014.

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3 hours ago, VincentGuerin said:

Archie is living proof that in the media all you need to do is hang around long enough and you become considered (by choobs) some kind of doyen.

He has long been considered and openly-derided as a complete buffoon, who wasn't even a good commentator. His commentary career consisted of decades of making weird noises, misidentifying players, working out what was going on in the game long after the viewers, and just being a general shambles. His stint on Scotsport showcased the fact that outwith the Old Firm he knows absolutely nothing whatsoever about Scottish football, despite being paid to cover it for literally decades.

He is a Keevins-level non-entity, whose input is valued only by the even more clueless. He's stolen a living from Scottish fitba, and it's absolutely depressing to see them now able to push him as some kind of wise old man figure.

He's utterly dreadful and always has been. He should be listened to by nobody and his views should be given precisely zero prominence.

You’ll get splinters in your arse sitting on the fence like that…

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9 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:


65 million people pay for pensions? So children are paying tax now are they? And the retired? And those who are unemployed? And those who don't earn enough to be taxed?

Although he was correct in saying that 5 million is a lower figure than 65, that was his arithmetic high point, as how did he not connect the dots that 5 million need less people to pay for it and also that he wasn't making any sort of point at all given he basically said that every person in effect pays for themselves (by the logic of his argument 65 million pay for 65 million and 5 million pay for 5 million, so a one to one basis).

A foolish flange.

Edited by DA Baracus
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18 hours ago, VincentGuerin said:

wasn't even a good commentator. His commentary career consisted of decades of making weird noises, misidentifying players, working out what was going on in the game long after the viewers, and just being a general shambles

'It's a... he's... WHOOOOOOF! PENALTY!'

'It's a throw-in, Archie.'

'Yes, indeed. Whoof!'

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22 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Let's not pretend that it wasn't overwhelmingly Celtic/Sevco orientated when Richard Gordon was the anchor.

It was never 45 minutes of non stop OF chat unless something seismic had happened...i.e. Rangers dying, which was entertaining enough not to be annoying.

RG never commissioned some nonentity from a podcast to comment on a non-story and aimless speculation that the return of a former chairman to a different role, may well upset the current managerial applecart, leading to the departure of Postecoglou. Thin steam from a distant dogshite.

They even had an Aussie journalist before the Argentina-Australia game commenting more on Postecoglou than the world cup game that was actually about to start, that he was at.

I get that League One and Two and the LL/HL are minority, esoteric pursuits but Richard Gordon did give them the time available and did appear to know something about the players in those leagues and which teams were doing well / badly. I doubt half the muppets on the current iteration of Sportsound even know which teams are in the league.

Edited by Ivo den Bieman
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Think there's some revisionism going on here.

Whilst it has definitely gotten much worse lately, the last few years have also had a massive decline in terms of it becoming more and more Sevco/Celtic focussed. Richard Gordon going was the final hole in the dam, but remember that he once threw a huff and told people to listen to a different station when listeners weren't impressed with his breaking news that he claimed, in January, was absolutely massive and would not be topped all year (it was that Barry Ferguson was no longer Rangers captain).

Do the presenters/anchors commission folk to be on the show? Thought that was the job of the editors/other behind the scenes folk?

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To be fair. I do remember Clyde drawing with Ayr in the cup and going to Barry Ferguson for the post match interview and spent it talking about Rangers! It had its moments but this season it has gone through the floor

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Old firm garbage again today. Not listened for a few weeks but was out in the car so stuck it on. Mick Beale, rangers friendly, interview with Mick Beale coming up, Celtic friendly, Juranavic, Mick Beale being an excellent coach, st Johnstone sale for a couple of mins, a club with some small levels of debt and the Browns put their own money into the club. That's plenty.


Staggering they can be so poor at reporting information. The Browns put none of their own money into the club. The club have a minimum of 2.5/3 million in the bank. 

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I'm glad to hear a fourth Sportsound show in a row that I've listened to dedicate a good chunk of discussion to the issue of the difference between the new Rangers manager being the Head Coach as opposed to an assistant coach.

I feel there's a lot left to be said on this subject and I look forward to it being revisited again at the weekend.


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