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It baffles me as to why Open All Mics is "for rights reasons" unavailable to stream overseas. Are the SPFL really hoping to sell the rights to English language radio coverage to stations in Macedonia?

Yep, an infuriating state of affairs which actively hinders people who are interested in Scottish football. Clueless from whoever is responsible.

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Chick maybe just thinks that if you say something often it gains legitimacy.

Everyone knows the reasons for subdued crowds at Kilmarnock and crowds elsewhere are generally steady or rising. Extensive studies have been done into plastic pitches and they're now widely used across European football.

Infuriating tho that none of the mob pulled him up on this and allowed him to play sevco bingo ie 'whats left of Scottish football etc'....he pulled same pish both afternoon n evening. .....#agendacunt
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Yep, an infuriating state of affairs which actively hinders people who are interested in Scottish football. Clueless from whoever is responsible.

It's a pain in the arse having to fire up a VPN to listen to Derek Ferguson and Allan Preston talking shite every week.

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Lets see if they're right. Its certainly worth the risk.

It would be incredible if they both fucked. Absolutely glorious. It wouldn't fix things overnight, but it would definitely be a huge improvement.

It won't happen though. They aren't needed or wanted in England. Any sort of British League would need huge sponsorship if any English teams were to consider it. It would need to pay more than they currently get for the EPL and have guaranteed Champions League places. That won't happen. Sadly we're stuck with the scum of Sevco and Celtic

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Kenny Mcyntire (sp) is for me the worst of the presenters and pundits. Complete and utter cretin.

Would interrupt his own Mother's funeral to announce 'news from Ibrox....'

On what planet would that ever be the correct way to spell McIntyre? :lol:

You do make a valid point though. Makes a change from murdering hamsters I suppose.

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No doubt related to the talk on Sportsound Mark Warburton is the latest in the line to state his belief that Rangers and Celtic are whats needed to freshen up football down south.

The demented pish he's spouting includes

"You get to the stage eventually where team X and team Y don't have the same appeal to the average man on the street, whereas Manchester United versus Rangers or Celtic versus Arsenal etc is new, it's fresh, global fan bases - it's another level of excitement," Warburton said.

"Ask any football people down south, they recognise the potential in clubs such as Celtic and Rangers.

:blink: :1eye :lol:

The knobends on Sportsound tonight will be lapping it up. Thankfully I dont listen to it. :P

Edited by meanmistermustard
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Lead stories on the website tying in with their radio programmes about a non-starter of a subject. It's blatantly obviously just more of their sucking up to Ibrox after their recent lovers tiff. Disgraceful but unsurprising.

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There's an 11 minute montage on YouTube of him somewhere. Cracking video.

In it there's the interview where he says 'I don't know if I'll ever be good enough to play for Scotland'

Oh how I would love to see another maverick like him in the dark blue again.


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