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The latter decision was made under the premise that EBTs were an entirely lawful payment which hadn't been registered with the SPFL or SFA.

The enquiry was aware that there could be an appeal and The SPL asked for a ruling to be made irrespective of the appeal outcome.

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excellent post and sums up exactly my thoughts on the past couple of podcasts. I found myself shouting at it due to this constant "need rangers in top league". It makes my blood boil .

The whole conversation is so detached from the reality of the fans, or the consumer, if that makes it more palatable for them.

At least it would end the nuclear winter, the slow lingering death and the social unrest we've had to endure since 2012.


Edited by HibeeJibee
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The format of the program through the week basically consists around

Bad hing at rangers



Former Celtic player/manager says


5 mins on something twee



You would think having 42 clubs in the country and being on 5 nights a week (less when there is a midweek game covered) that there would be plenty to talk about in the game across the country outside of what is happening in Glasgow.

Edited by itzdrk
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Don't worry. They will be boycotting away games remember.

No chance once they win a game or two.

Its sad to think we'll look back at the last couple of years as a golden period of getting fans back into the game before its starts to slump again with the Bigot Brothers sharing our league. The fact the media care so little about anyone except those two and dont realise the progress already being made, and about to squashed, is sickening.

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Fucking hell. That Dave King statement :lol:

Absolutely pathetic. The gist is,

- Oldco were treated harshly

- He claimed Sevco were demoted

- He cried a lot

- Many teams apparently say Scottish football has suffered without Sevco in the top league

- Weeping

- There was no advantage on the pitch

- Some of fans of other clubs care more about stripping Oldco of titles than they do about their own team

- Claiming victimisation

- Lying

- Cowardice

- Crying

- Threatening other clubs

Basically it's like when a coward bully doesn't get their way and lashes out.

Imagine actually supporting Sevco. The fucking shame.

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The scary thing is, is that the blue mutants seem to be rallying behind King and see this latest outburst as an effective attack on their 'enemies'.

Just what planet are these scumbags on?

As the poster before me said - fucking being one of them.

Edited by Hammer Jag
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Fucking hell. That Dave King statement :lol:

Absolutely pathetic. The gist is,

- Oldco were treated harshly

- He claimed Sevco were demoted

- He cried a lot

- Many teams apparently say Scottish football has suffered without Sevco in the top league

- Weeping

- There was no advantage on the pitch

- Some of fans of other clubs care more about stripping Oldco of titles than they do about their own team

- Claiming victimisation

- Lying

- Cowardice

- Crying

- Threatening other clubs

Basically it's like when a coward bully doesn't get their way and lashes out.

Imagine actually supporting Sevco. The fucking shame.

What he says now: First, irrespective of the final outcome of the tax appeal (which might take several more years) the football team had no advantage from any tax savings from the scheme put in place by the Murray Group.

What he said then: And I follow the logic of the argument that if we lose the tax case then we probably gained some competitive advantage.

‘I believe that, on behalf of myself and most of the board members who were with me and probably agree with me, that we should apologise for that.

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You're conflating the two.


Using them broke no footballing rules. Sure, it may have been a stupid thing to do and resulted, eventually, in our administration (for which we got docked points). Sure, it possibly gave us an advantage but you can't seriously think that clubs shouldn't seek to gain an advantage? Really?

The effect of EBTs was to bring us to our knees and that's all there is to be said about them from a footballing perspective.

Player registration et al

This was dealt with by the Nimmo-Smith enquiry. we were found guilty of rules breaching and fined £250K.

That extensive inquiry declared that we didn't field improperly-registered players and gained no sporting advantage.

So the 'title stripping' talk is empty nonsense perpetrated by the empty-headed. EBTs didn't break footballing rules and our registration process has been investigated fully and we had the appropriate sanction.

A quote from King today:

"Certain players may not have signed for the club without the perceived benefit of personal tax savings, but there was no general advantage for the player squad, or the performance on the pitch,"

How can that not be gaining a sporting advantage? Top quality players (Flo obviously is excluded) signing on when they might/probably wouldn't have.

I do like the the use of "percieved". It gives the impression that they were actually wrong thinking it was beneficial.

Oh aye, it was liquidation by the way not administration.

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They read a seething mess of a tweet/text last night from a *** describing other teams as diddies. Then Hugh Dallas went on about smaller clubs. Is there any other broadcaster that would run down the game like this lot?

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They read a seething mess of a tweet/text last night from a *** describing other teams as diddies. Then Hugh Dallas went on about smaller clubs. Is there any other broadcaster that would run down the game like this lot?

Boy was from Dunfermline, ranting that it's jealousy from fans of success starved clubs.

Sums him up.

Glory hunting p***k.

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Although TBF Tom English did nail him for the diddy comment, and was also sharp in pointing out that Old Rangers were never 'demoted'.

Isn't English just another BBC Old Firm lackey? Every time I see his articles mentioned on their website he's apparently rattling on about them.

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Isn't English just another BBC Old Firm lackey? Every time I see his articles mentioned on their website he's apparently rattling on about them.

He has to talk and write about them because that's what his employer (and a large number of the audience) wants, but he always tries to be fair and balanced. And also manages to sound quite weary of talking about Rangers incessantly. He, at least, would like to talk about something other than the Old Firm occasionally, unlike some of the others.

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Although TBF Tom English did nail him for the diddy comment, and was also sharp in pointing out that Old Rangers were never 'demoted'.

Seems to do a good job at winding both sides up.

Mind a few years ago Celtic fans weren't chuffed when he was claiming they aint as big in Ireland as they think, cos when he was growing up they cared more about English sides and only seen them as a second team.

He's a top troller.

FWIW reckon he is far more of a rugby man.

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Seems to do a good job at winding both sides up.

Mind a few years ago Celtic fans weren't chuffed when he was claiming they aint as big in Ireland as they think, cos when he was growing up they cared more about English sides and only seen them as a second team.

He's a top troller.

FWIW reckon he is far more of a rugby man.

Don't think that's trolling, just telling it like it is, good guy imo.

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