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19QOS19, on 19 Sept 2014 - 05:14, said:

How are No voters bigots? They want to stay in the company of 3 other countries, whereas Yes want to disband. Surely if any is bigoted it's the latter?

Can we stop this pish that Scotland isn't a country. It's already cringeworthy and boring. If an Englishman or a Welshman said to you Scotland isn't really a country I'm sure you wouldn't be too agreeing with them.

The stereotypical view of a No voter is a Rangers fan. The stereotypical view of a Yes voter is a Braveheart lover. I'd shade the bigot stereotype to No.

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I just think now, who do you vote for in future elections after this? Could anyone picture themselves voting for Tory, labour or Libdem? There's nobody left that could possible get into government down South to actually make any difference.

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As a yes voter we just have to continue with life in the knowledge that this country isn't ready to leave the UK behind. Be this out of fear or genuine belief that the UK is the better option doesn't matter, the will of the people wins.

What is important is that we were given the chance and accounted for ourselves. A year ago it looked insane to suggest we would get over 45%, we should be proud of what we have done throughout the campaign.

No need for bitterness, we will continue strong.

The most sensible post so far.

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Happy to see such pure democracy in action in my country.

When I campaigned for NO today I made a point to thank all who voted on their way out, yes sticker or not. Would like to extend that gratitude to all my friends on here who posted their vote, regardless of who it was for.

We move forward now as a proud nation, and a proud nation with it's own identity within our UK. It's not perfect, but it's really, really good.

Let us not become disenfranchised, let us be inspired to make Scotland an even greater country.

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Im well past bitter. Im f**king fuming. My vote meant sod all today and will yet again mean sod all in the future. Couldn't give a monkeys hairy bollocks what happens now. I will never again vote or be engaged in politics. I hope we live to regret the decision because in this case I would love to cut off my nose to spite my face

Same. So much the same. It's their shit now, let them fix it!

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I just think now, who do you vote for in future elections after this? Could anyone picture themselves voting for Tory, labour or Libdem? There's nobody left that could possible get into government down South to actually make any difference.

Greens are going to come out well, especially with it hammered home that voting Labour to keep the Tories out is an epic waste of time.

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I just think now, who do you vote for in future elections after this? Could anyone picture themselves voting for Tory, labour or Libdem? There's nobody left that could possible get into government down South to actually make any difference.

No would never vote for any of them or UKIP after this

I'll abstain or maybe vote SNP, and SNP in the Scottish elections with Green as a second choice

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Happy to see such pure democracy in action in my country.

When I campaigned for NO today I made a point to thank all who voted on their way out, yes sticker or not. Would like to extend that gratitude to all my friends on here who posted their vote, regardless of who it was for.

We move forward now as a proud nation, and a proud nation with it's own identity within our UK. It's not perfect, but it's really, really good.

Let us not become disenfranchised, let us be inspired to make Scotland an even greater country.

We've been inspired to do nothing and let go our only chance to have the ability to make any changes. Disenfranchised? That will be worse than ever.

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