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General Election 2015


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You know we could be independent by next month, with a majority at Holyrood and soon at WM too they could just declare UDI. But the hand wringers like many on here wouldn't stand for it.

We are in a nasty, winner takes all, fight to the death to control Scotland. We could win it forever next month by doing that, take a bit of flak for a wee while but we've got independence. Instead we will have to put up with years of this shite and may never get independence anyway.

If it was up to me Scotland would declare UDI on the morning of the 8th of May.

Using what legal power, exactly?

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Using what legal power, exactly?

The International Court of Justice, in a 2010 advisory opinion, declared that unilateral declarations of independence were not illegal under international law.

"Accordance with International Law of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence in Respect of Kosovo" (PDF). Icj-cij.org. Retrieved 2014-02-14.

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Speaking to the two bosses at work this evening, both No voters with whom I had a few heated discussions during the indyref campaign, and it transpires they are both now voting SNP in May having always been Lib Dem in the past. The reason being the shameful behaviour and attitude towards Scotland from the unionist parties since Sept 19th. Well I never :rolleyes:

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Do you know what the U stands for?


The International Court of Justice, in a 2010 advisory opinion, declared that unilateral declarations of independence were not illegal under international law.

"Accordance with International Law of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence in Respect of Kosovo" (PDF). Icj-cij.org. Retrieved 2014-02-14.

I'm not a lawyer but surely if that was the case then places like Catalunya would have UDI'd many moons ago?

If the SNP were standing on a platform of UDI and won a majority then no one could complain, however if they just decided to UDI on the basis of a strong showing at Westminster a matter of months after a defeated referendum then I have to imagine that the UK would still claim sovereignty over Scotland and the international community would support them in doing so.

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What is emerging is that there is a gulf in philosophy between the 2 nations. England has lurched significantly to the right and we are expected to follow suit.

If England has lurched significantly to the right, why did Sturgeon do so well in both TV debates to land such a crushing victory?

Could it be they are simply denied any credible left of centre option to vote for (& I'm sorry, I don't see the latest ad-hoc buckled leftie flag of convenience Trade Union & Socialist Coalition proffering that).

Some will have the option of the NHAP to vote for - looking to take back Wyre Forest (which they may well do thanks to UKIP fatally splitting the Tory vote) - but other than that they are doomed to merely voting for the lesser evil in their constituency.

Working on a country estate today and talking to the landowner, who it's fair to say is utterly raging at the rise of the SNP. He is campaigning for the local Tory candidate and says Tory voting friends refuse to put posters up on their property for fear of 'SNP yobs' putting bricks through their windows :huh:

He rounded things off by saying give the SNP their due, they are well organised and good at speaking to the people and getting them onside - just like the Nazis :lol:

Don't know whether to laugh or cry at people like this. I'm going for laugh - as I have been doing at similar-minded people in the newspaper comments sections lately. I think staking an Alex Salmond 'pleasing' billboard on his property will be in order after the election.

People like that epitomise the Scottish Cringe. They aspire to be English - or rather kitsch English. They see Scottishness as being some sort of peasant class, & vote Tory with much the same knee-jerk mentality as the scheme goblin reflex voting Labour, despite all evidence to the contrary that their own first choice party have been as little benefit to them as the schemie's one has.

Thankfully they are a dying breed from one stiff G&T too many.

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Speaking to the two bosses at work this evening, both No voters with whom I had a few heated discussions during the indyref campaign, and it transpires they are both now voting SNP in May having always been Lib Dem in the past. The reason being the shameful behaviour and attitude towards Scotland from the unionist parties since Sept 19th. Well I never :rolleyes:

Got no time for shite like that. Every SNP vote is great but this has always been the way just zoomers like that were too blind to see it pre-referendum. They voted for us to continue to be governed by these people.

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Wilkie Rennie currently getting tanned on Scotland Tonight....utter shambles of a man/party.

Poor Willie, a glaikit grin comes across his face when he knows he's beaten.

He grins a lot.

It seems that he supports the bedroom tax .... wholeheartedly

He is embarrassing.

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What does that matter? The SNP are trying to get the best deal they can for Scotland and they absolutely cannot stand that down South, they hate the fact that a Scottish party are going to have an influence on the whole of the UK for the first time ever.

Some Union eh....


the point is, its got nothing to do with scotland. Hatred of the SNP is hatred of the SNP, not scotland
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Is it just me that's watching the bbc news interviews of middle England and shouting GIRFUY at the telly?

Nah. I've been ambivalent about the SNP in general because they're far further to the right than I am but as a vehicle for delivering independence and winding up middle England they are utterly superb. Can't imagine anyone not voting SNP purely for the meltdown we'll get to watch live in May.

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Is it just me or are the last 2 paragraphs of that article totally contradictory and so blatantly skewed against the snp? Not that I'm surprised or anything.

"The IFS says you cannot compare "NHS Scotland" figures with figures for the UK Department for Health as they exclude things like primary care, dentistry, training and would therefore not be comparing like-for-like.

So in conclusion health spending has increased in Scotland but by less than in England. This is in the context of Scotland having to make fewer cuts overall than have been made in England."

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Nah. I've been ambivalent about the SNP in general because they're far further to the right than I am but as a vehicle for delivering independence and winding up middle England they are utterly superb. Can't imagine anyone not voting SNP purely for the meltdown we'll get to watch live in May.

If the SNP are far further to the right than you then you must be a bit of a loony, could you expand on some of your beliefs?

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Is it just me or are the last 2 paragraphs of that article totally contradictory and so blatantly skewed against the snp? Not that I'm surprised or anything.

"The IFS says you cannot compare "NHS Scotland" figures with figures for the UK Department for Health as they exclude things like primary care, dentistry, training and would therefore not be comparing like-for-like.

So in conclusion health spending has increased in Scotland but by less than in England. This is in the context of Scotland having to make fewer cuts overall than have been made in England."

I really think the vast majority of people that plan to vote SNP in 2 weeks have firmly made their mind up. Pish like this from the BBC will do nothing. The real danger is the tactical voting yet I think it will only cost the SNP about 3 seats.

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the point is, its got nothing to do with scotland. Hatred of the SNP is hatred of the SNP, not scotland

Wee ginger incest rats is just aimed at the SNP?

Total pish

You're in denial, they hate the fact that we as a country can have such a big influence and they're not even trying to hide it

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