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Any lunatics still thinking Messi is the best?

Mr Romanov

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Camps of the Messi/Ronaldo argument

Fanboys: These guys have a hardon for one of these players and, by god, if you disagree you're a moron.

Welts: These think that there's not much between them and don't have the balls to pick a side.

Auld c***s: These think that they don't hold a candle to some of the greats of bygone eras of the game.

Hipsters: These are a rare breed that think Messi and Ronaldo are far too popular and will go for a holding midfielder, defender or Goalkeeper as the best in the world.

Pussies: These think that everyone should just get along and enjoy the football on display without rating it.

Idiots: These crack out the wet wednesday night in Stoke standard for measuring footballing ability.

The thing about us Auld C***s is that we have seen the greats of bygone eras and the greats of today, so we feel comfortable in making a valid comparison.

It's much more reliable than basing a value judgement on a YouTube clip.

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The thing about us Auld C***s is that we have seen the greats of bygone eras and the greats of today, so we feel comfortable in making a valid comparison.

It's much more reliable than basing a value judgement on a YouTube clip.

How many games did you see with Maradona, would you reckon?
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I think Messi is the best player ever but I like Ronaldo better.

This was my opinion too. Messi is the best player I'll probably ever see but I preferred Ronaldo for a long time, mostly due to his first 40 goal season at Man Utd in a tremendous team that were great to watch.

Its changing this season due to Messi continuing to astound me - and Barca being back at the top of their game.

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This was my opinion too. Messi is the best player I'll probably ever see but I preferred Ronaldo for a long time, mostly due to his first 40 goal season at Man Utd in a tremendous team that were great to watch.

Its changing this season due to Messi continuing to astound me - and Barca being back at the top of their game.

Gloryhunter :P

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I'd respect Ronaldo a whole lot more if he wasn't such a drama queen over pretty much everything that doesn't go his way

Only matter of time before he has a temper tantrum on the pitch like WWE's Christian whenever he lost in late 2001/early 2002. Would be cringey but damn funny to watch

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How many games did you see with Maradona, would you reckon?

I couldn't say for certain, had been making annual trips to Barcelona matches since the late '70s so saw him play a few times in the 80's and saw him at Hampden against Scotland. Unfortunately by the time Messi came on the scene my trips had become seriously curtailed, so I have seen Diego more often than I have seen Messi.

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I couldn't say for certain, had been making annual trips to Barcelona matches since the late '70s so saw him play a few times in the 80's and saw him at Hampden against Scotland. Unfortunately by the time Messi came on the scene my trips had become seriously curtailed, so I have seen Diego more often than I have seen Messi.

Do you not have a TV?

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I'd respect Ronaldo a whole lot more if he wasn't such a drama queen over pretty much everything that doesn't go his way

Only matter of time before he has a temper tantrum on the pitch like WWE's Christian whenever he lost in late 2001/early 2002. Would be cringey but damn funny to watch

According to Snodgrass on Sportsound last night he said Messi doesn't exactly replicate his on field smiley personality to off the pitch.

Supposedly he has Ronaldo's on the pitch attitude, off the field. If that makes sense.

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According to Snodgrass on Sportsound last night he said Messi doesn't exactly replicate his on field smiley personality to off the pitch.

Supposedly he has Ronaldo's on the pitch attitude, off the field. If that makes sense.

It been widely rumoured for years, that Messi is a huffy little c**t off the pitch.

Does nothing to tarnish his reputation, as the greatest player ever to kick a ball. On the contrary, people seem to look at Ronaldo's on field antics and can hinder their opinion of him. Also said, he's still the second best ever to kick a ball.

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Yeah Messis always been an absolute p***k of a man, and seems to be getting worse. Suarez admitting he only gets to play central because Messi lets him says quite a lot.

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