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Jim Murphy


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Watching this on iPlayer right now. Typical politician shite; just keep talking and look like you're unruffled. The majority of people watching will be too thick to realise you're not answering questions, but will notice how pretty you are. Sadly, they wouldn't do it if it didn't work, which makes watching the whole farce terribly depressing. Who on Earth would watch that interview with Murphy and want to vote for him? :huh:

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Sara Smith is a pro Labour Nat hating arse. Doesn't mean she doesn't hate Jim too though.

Perhaps so. I think she's been much better later but you last point, oh aye. It's clear she has absolutely no time for Murphy at all. Much has been written about what Labour would have done and the direction they would have taken had John Smith not passed away. Who knows.

One thing is sure is that membership of the "Henry Jackson Society" would have been frowned upon. I still think Blair couldn't believe his luck when Smith died by the way.

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So did I. Assume it's on I-Player?


I wouldn't say Smith "wiped the floor" with him, so much as let him prattle on about absolutely anything except the question he'd been directly asked with an increasingly bemused expression on her face for twenty minutes. The highlight was when he was directly asked why it was that the party had gotten *less* popular since he was put in charge and after skirting around it half a dozen times proceeded to state that the party had gotten its confidence back, making her nearly laugh.

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