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Dunno. I worry they could get someone even worse. If they change from anti-immigration to a pro-repatriation party then Britain could become a really horrible place.

That's a very important point.  However despicable UKIP are they pale in comparison to some of the far-right parties in other European countries; parties that are having a worrying level of success.


If UKIP wobbles without Farage leading it all it would take is a reasonably charismatic figure with a simple hate message to attract support to a far more incideous type of politics.

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That's a very important point.  However despicable UKIP are they pale in comparison to some of the far-right parties in other European countries; parties that are having a worrying level of success.


If UKIP wobbles without Farage leading it all it would take is a reasonably charismatic figure with a simple hate message to attract support to a far more incideous type of politics.


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Does that mean Douglas Carswell as the new UKIP leader then?



No chance. Carswell is despised because he supported Vote Leave and is pro-immigration. The NEC could expel him, possibly this afternoon, for his negative comments about Farage and his anti-immigration posters. 


You would have thought so, or that fat f**k from the Borders.  I can't actually think of too many other UKIP figureheads.



Paul Nuttall will probably succeed Nigel Farage as Leader. There will be other candidates such as Patrick O'Flynn, the former political editor of the Daily Express. 

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You would have thought so, or that fat f**k from the Borders.  I can't actually think of too many other UKIP figureheads.

That Paul Nuttall c**t seems to be making a name for himself lately.

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I've little time for Farage, but as pointed out there is the possibility for UKIP to end up with someone a whole lot more extreme. In particular, the crowd that used to latch on to the likes of the BNP may fancy it given there is no longer any real reason for UKIP to try and present itself as respectable. I know they say they ban ex-BNP types, but their candidate vetting has failed them often in the past.

Pauk Nuttal is a dribbling idiot, although seems to be the go to man if Farrage is unavailable. Diane James and Janice Atkinson are other names I see popping up from time to time, although I know nothing about them.

Carswell will be back in the Tories as soon as possible, I reckon. Still can't understand why he joined that mob.

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All I know about Nuttall is based on a Question Time appearance of his I saw. Had a quick Google and he seems to basically have the wrong view on everything. Opposed to abortion, wants to reintroduce capital punishment, opposed to political correctness, wants harsher sentences for prisoners, wants to ban burqas and is sceptical of climate change. He's basically occupying the perfect pantomime villain hole to the reasonable liberal people that a leader of UKIP needs to occupy.

Odious, awful views, perfect for UKIP.

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Carswell rules himself out has a another dig at Farage - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36702468.


"Mr Carswell told the BBC's Daily Politics Mr Farage had "played a role" in the EU referendum, but said his departure represented a "huge opportunity" for the party. He described the chances of him running for leader as "somewhere between nil and zero" and said the winning candidate had to "steer UKIP away from the temptation of becoming an angry, nativist party.""


Fat chance of that.


Farage ran UKIP with iron rod and, in the past, had toned down the nativist rhetoric. He's clearly had enough of the nutters and wants out. It wouldn't be surprise if he resigned as an MEP and left politics for a new career.

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I disagree with him on almost every issue but the man is undeniably a fantastic politician. Over the course of 23 years he's singlehandely turned UKIP from an irrelevant,single issue fringe party into the driving force behind us leaving the EU.

True but he did it by being a duplicitous, devious , lowest-common-denominator seeking , dog-whistling, self-serving cretin.

And the masses lapped it up. 

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