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P&B Out of the Loop

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Just now, keithgy said:

Stop being a knob and stop biting everytime a hook was thrown into the forum was my imput.

Is that why hes sliming all over the Premier League thread trying to be mates with folk?

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Look at the difference in language between 8miles posts on the forum and his choice of words in PM. He's a seriously dangerous individual. Using phrases like "needs brought down a peg or two" with regards to posters on this very forum in the run up to the attempt on Mr Skidmarks career. It's genuinely the behaviour of a psychopath. 

Frequent outbursts of verbal aggression is also an indicator of psychosis...[emoji848]
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What were 8miles "conditions" when he was allowed back after phoning div?

Why does it bother you so much?

Every time he posts you can near enough guarantee you're not going to post about the topic, it's to ask him some mundane boring question that you've asked before.

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I know nothing about the email other than what I've read on here. I also suggested at the time it all kicked off that if it the email even exists, then said employer should report and have said email traced back to the source given the malicious behaviour towards their employee. I'm also led to believe tracing an email to its I.P isn't particularly difficult if you're tech savvy.

[skidmarks bosses office. Knock on the door, enter Skidmarks, stage right ]

"Morning boss, thanks for seeing me"
"morning Mr Skidmarks, what can I do for you?"
"Well it's about that email business from a few weeks back"
"Haha, oh yes, what a rum tale"
"Haha yes sir rum indeed. The thing is..."
"Yes Bobby?"
"I'd like to get the IT department to trace the email back to an IP address so we can work out who sent it"
"Oh. That would involve a lot of work for our IT guys and isn't guaranteed to actually reveal who sent the email. It's very simple to create an anonymous email account and to hide an IP address. Also, we had a good laugh about this when we spoke about it before and agreed to forget about it. Why the sudden change?"
"Well sir, it's 8Mile"
"8Mile? Isn't he the one who tried to organise a dotting campaign? The one who has the intellect of a shaved colobus monkey? The one who gouged faeces from the recesses of his own rectum, threw it at his 'friend' and the boasted about it on the internet so that strangers would be his online friends? Him? That one, Skidmarks?"
"Yes, sir, that one "
"Well what does he want"
"He thinks it would be a great idea to trace the email."
"Oh well if if a slabbering grassing seething headcase thinks it's a great idea I'll get right on it Skidmarks!"
"Would you sir ? That'd be great."
"Yes sir?"
"f**k off"

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Why does it bother you so much?

Every time he posts you can near enough guarantee you're not going to post about the topic, it's to ask him some mundane boring question that you've asked before.

StandFree has basically been stalking him with that PM since he came back. He's got a bit of a nerve criticising other posters for following him around all the time when he's doing the exact same thing the now.
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5 minutes ago, 8MileBU said:


I don't see how that would work unless the email originated from P&B, and there's no user-email function on here which I'm aware of. Would be good to identify the real culprit though. Also, other than something to do with the railways, I don't know who I'd have to email if I was as tragic and vindictive as some others who are unable to draw the line at P&B. I can't even branch out on Twitter to a guy I thought was pretty sound on here who has common interests, because of some p***ks on here stirring up lies and paranoia.

With regards to my PM's, Div can do so if he wishes. Other than the screenshots of my PMs which have already been posted, I think anything else will make for pretty beige and disappointing reading, especially for my haters.

Anyway, I'm sure there are some much more interesting PMs out there than mine.


Railways eh?

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Just some simple advice for you given that you seem to be a bit riled by my posts for some reason. Bizarre given that I think this is the second post of yours I've ever replied to. That I can think of anyway.


I post whatever I like, always have done. If it upsets you don't read it.

Don't think I'm the one who's riled here :lol:
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Just now, StandFree03 said:

White-knighting 8mile in the style of 8mile? 

Minter indeed.

How is asking why it obviously bothers you so much white-knighting him? 

Asking a mod to get allowed back on a forum may be tragic, but so is repeatedly trying to get a bite out of the guy with the same old boring pish. If you don't like what the guy's posting then take your advice and don't read it. If it's anything bad them I'm sure he'll get banned again.

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You're joking??

He now posts under the username TRVMP on the Morton forum and acted as a civilian bodyguard for Trump's candidate tour through Dallas earlier this year.

It's safe to say that being banned from P and B broke the uber-right-on, feminist Swampy that this forum once knew.
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