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It looks like that's the only thing I wid agree wi' ye oan.

Loondave can I ask ye a few genuine questions.

What's your beef with the SNP?

Do you vote for a political party which is a small part of a larger British party?

Are you quite content for Scotland to be a very minor part of the UK?

Are you happy that Scottish MP's votes are meaningless unless they coincide with English votes.

Did you really want your party to bomb Syria?

Are you content that there are nuclear bombs stationed in Scotland even though the vast majority of Scot's MP's (and by extension, Scots voters) said no.

I'll get back to you im genuinely at work but i will.
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If there had only been one person in the Dundee audience not bumming up the SNP the whining about the BBC would still be going on . There's a wee bit air hissing out of the SNP balloon at the moment and it's causing a wee bit concern.Maybe even only subconsciously but it is ramping up the feet stamping and rattle throwing just a tad.




Frig me, I've heard of wishful thinking, but this.....


just LOLZ.

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It looks like that's the only thing I wid agree wi' ye oan.

Loondave can I ask ye a few genuine questions.

What's your beef with the SNP?

Do you vote for a political party which is a small part of a larger British party?

Are you quite content for Scotland to be a very minor part of the UK?

Are you happy that Scottish MP's votes are meaningless unless they coincide with English votes.

Did you really want your party to bomb Syria?

Are you content that there are nuclear bombs stationed in Scotland even though the vast majority of Scot's MP's (and by extension, Scots voters) said no.

Ok here i am.Now first i must concede about 30% of what i post is for wind up and amusement purposes like a ranting Daily Mail type stereotype.However...my main "Beef" as it were is bearing in mind my age here that the SNP continually talk left while producing little of purpose unless to embarrass the Labour Party who i vote for and have been an utter shambles for some time.Im not in agreement with the SNP drive for Independence so little else of their policy appeals.As for Trident i would vote for its removal and hope Labour policy will become this.I would prefer Scotland to play a part in a fairer UK and see a Labour PM at No10.Quite how and when this will happen god only knows.Equally i think Independence is a long long way off and the SNP majority Scottish MPs will ensure Tory rule while failing to acheive their goal and im not blaming them just seeing this as a side effect.Also the amount of denial about the problems Scotland would face alone rather than answers is a major issue with me.The GERS figures are not really disputed by anybody including the SNP yet on here its all lies,propaganda etc etc.I can fully appreciate the excitement to forge a new nation if your young and not so risk averse as us old fud types but there is light and shade in the issue of Independence.However it has now become polarised by idiots on both sides and on occasion include myself in that.I could forsee myself voting for a left of centre Independent Scotland in some circumstances but at the moment i can't see it working out.Also the continuing ya boo "traitor" "cybernat" call and response is not going to change anyones mind any time soon.The good news is i will continue to post occasional sense mixed with idiocy like my fellow posters.


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Ok here i am.Now first i must concede about 30% of what i post is for wind up and amusement purposes like a ranting Daily Mail type stereotype.However...my main "Beef" as it were is bearing in mind my age here that the SNP continually talk left while producing little of purpose unless to embarrass the Labour Party who i vote for and have been an utter shambles for some time.Im not in agreement with the SNP drive for Independence so little else of their policy appeals.As for Trident i would vote for its removal and hope Labour policy will become this.I would prefer Scotland to play a part in a fairer UK and see a Labour PM at No10.Quite how and when this will happen god only knows.Equally i think Independence is a long long way off and the SNP majority Scottish MPs will ensure Tory rule while failing to acheive their goal and im not blaming them just seeing this as a side effect.Also the amount of denial about the problems Scotland would face alone rather than answers is a major issue with me.The GERS figures are not really disputed by anybody including the SNP yet on here its all lies,propaganda etc etc.I can fully appreciate the excitement to forge a new nation if your young and not so risk averse as us old fud types but there is light and shade in the issue of Independence.However it has now become polarised by idiots on both sides and on occasion include myself in that.I could forsee myself voting for a left of centre Independent Scotland in some circumstances but at the moment i can't see it working out.Also the continuing ya boo "traitor" "cybernat" call and response is not going to change anyones mind any time soon.The good news is i will continue to post occasional sense mixed with idiocy like my fellow posters.


Is the inability to count part of the Daily Mail reader act?

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Is the inability to count part of the Daily Mail reader act?

I dont mean numerically rather that their presence will be used in as you would say "project fear" sense to scare English voters away from Labour.My inner "Daily Mail" persona would tell you to "go forth and multiply" in keeping with the mental arithmetic theme.Hes not here though so its fine xx
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Ok here i am.Now first i must concede about 30% of what i post is for wind up and amusement purposes like a ranting Daily Mail type stereotype.However...my main "Beef" as it were is bearing in mind my age here that the SNP continually talk left while producing little of purpose unless to embarrass the Labour Party who i vote for and have been an utter shambles for some time.Im not in agreement with the SNP drive for Independence so little else of their policy appeals.As for Trident i would vote for its removal and hope Labour policy will become this.I would prefer Scotland to play a part in a fairer UK and see a Labour PM at No10.Quite how and when this will happen god only knows.Equally i think Independence is a long long way off and the SNP majority Scottish MPs will ensure Tory rule while failing to acheive their goal and im not blaming them just seeing this as a side effect.Also the amount of denial about the problems Scotland would face alone rather than answers is a major issue with me.The GERS figures are not really disputed by anybody including the SNP yet on here its all lies,propaganda etc etc.I can fully appreciate the excitement to forge a new nation if your young and not so risk averse as us old fud types but there is light and shade in the issue of Independence.However it has now become polarised by idiots on both sides and on occasion include myself in that.I could forsee myself voting for a left of centre Independent Scotland in some circumstances but at the moment i can't see it working out.Also the continuing ya boo "traitor" "cybernat" call and response is not going to change anyones mind any time soon.The good news is i will continue to post occasional sense mixed with idiocy like my fellow posters.



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I dont mean numerically rather that their presence will be used in as you would say "project fear" sense to scare English voters away from Labour.My inner "Daily Mail" persona would tell you to "go forth and multiply" in keeping with the mental arithmetic theme.Hes not here though so its fine xx


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I dont mean numerically rather that their presence will be used in as you would say "project fear" sense to scare English voters away from Labour.My inner "Daily Mail" persona would tell you to "go forth and multiply" in keeping with the mental arithmetic theme.Hes not here though so its fine xx

It doesn't say much for the "union" that England can (and will) inflict perpetual Tory governments on Scotland because English voters don't like the look of who they think Scotland will vote for as its 59 (soon to be less) representatives.

Of course, the hoary idea that Labour lost the election because people were scared of a minority of the House of Commons being SNP is bunk. Labour lost because they were and are a fucking shambles, led by an absolute footstool (who cheerfully declared he'd rather see the Tories in power than work with the SNP). The reason the party you still inexplicably give your vote to lost begins and ends with its own incompetence.

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It doesn't say much for the "union" that England can (and will) inflict perpetual Tory governments on Scotland because English voters don't like the look of who they think Scotland will vote for as its 59 (soon to be less) representatives.

Of course, the hoary idea that Labour lost the election because people were scared of a minority of the House of Commons being SNP is bunk. Labour lost because they were and are a fucking shambles, led by an absolute footstool (who cheerfully declared he'd rather see the Tories in power than work with the SNP). The reason the party you still inexplicably give your vote to lost begins and ends with its own incompetence.

Your spoiling the peaceful vibes man.Go and take a Valerian and lie down.
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Ok here i am.Now first i must concede about 30% of what i post is for wind up and amusement purposes like a ranting Daily Mail type stereotype.However...my main "Beef" as it were is bearing in mind my age here that the SNP continually talk left while producing little of purpose unless to embarrass the Labour Party who i vote for and have been an utter shambles for some time.Im not in agreement with the SNP drive for Independence so little else of their policy appeals.As for Trident i would vote for its removal and hope Labour policy will become this.I would prefer Scotland to play a part in a fairer UK and see a Labour PM at No10.Quite how and when this will happen god only knows.Equally i think Independence is a long long way off and the SNP majority Scottish MPs will ensure Tory rule while failing to acheive their goal and im not blaming them just seeing this as a side effect.Also the amount of denial about the problems Scotland would face alone rather than answers is a major issue with me.The GERS figures are not really disputed by anybody including the SNP yet on here its all lies,propaganda etc etc.I can fully appreciate the excitement to forge a new nation if your young and not so risk averse as us old fud types but there is light and shade in the issue of Independence.However it has now become polarised by idiots on both sides and on occasion include myself in that.I could forsee myself voting for a left of centre Independent Scotland in some circumstances but at the moment i can't see it working out.Also the continuing ya boo "traitor" "cybernat" call and response is not going to change anyones mind any time soon.The good news is i will continue to post occasional sense mixed with idiocy like my fellow posters.


Thanks for that Dave. Good to hear your viewpoint

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Ok here i am.Now first i must concede about 30% of what i post is for wind up and amusement purposes like a ranting Daily Mail type stereotype.However...my main "Beef" as it were is bearing in mind my age here that the SNP continually talk left while producing little of purpose unless to embarrass the Labour Party who i vote for and have been an utter shambles for some time.Im not in agreement with the SNP drive for Independence so little else of their policy appeals.As for Trident i would vote for its removal and hope Labour policy will become this.I would prefer Scotland to play a part in a fairer UK and see a Labour PM at No10.Quite how and when this will happen god only knows.Equally i think Independence is a long long way off and the SNP majority Scottish MPs will ensure Tory rule while failing to acheive their goal and im not blaming them just seeing this as a side effect.Also the amount of denial about the problems Scotland would face alone rather than answers is a major issue with me.The GERS figures are not really disputed by anybody including the SNP yet on here its all lies,propaganda etc etc.I can fully appreciate the excitement to forge a new nation if your young and not so risk averse as us old fud types but there is light and shade in the issue of Independence.However it has now become polarised by idiots on both sides and on occasion include myself in that.I could forsee myself voting for a left of centre Independent Scotland in some circumstances but at the moment i can't see it working out.Also the continuing ya boo "traitor" "cybernat" call and response is not going to change anyones mind any time soon.The good news is i will continue to post occasional sense mixed with idiocy like my fellow posters.



Hi Dave, I’m with bob the tank. It’s good to read your viewpoint.


Ok here i am.Now first i must concede about 30% of what i post is for wind up and amusement purposes like a ranting Daily Mail type stereotype.However

...my main "Beef" as it were is bearing in mind my age here that the SNP continually talk left while producing little of purpose unless to embarrass the Labour Party who i vote for and have been an utter shambles for some time.

Dave I’m over 70 years old and since I was 18 I have voted for the SNP at every chance because my main aim is independence.

Once we had independence I would then look for the left-most political party and vote for them.

Years ago it looked like the communist party would get my vote.

Now it looks like it will be the SNP unless a more left wing party appears.

Labour were the socialist party at one time but that went out the window many years ago.

I cannot believe that you still vote for a party that spawned a couple of toads like Lord So and So and Baron So and So.

Edit: I'm no wanting sued as I cannae oops cannot afford it.


I’m not in agreement with the SNP drive for Independence so little else of their policy appeals.


Are you really content that Scotland is a minor part of the UK and her MP’s votes can only be of use if they coincide with English MP’s votes.

For example all of the Scottish MP’s (bar one) voted NOT to bomb ISIS but because the English MP’s voted overwhelmingly to do so the Scots votes were ignored.

Is that your idea of UK democracy?

Scotlands voice will never be heard unless it coincides with the English voice.


As for Trident i would vote for its removal and hope Labour policy will become this.

Perhaps you’re right but don’t hold your breath.

I cannot see English Labour doing that as it will upset the voters down south.

And that’s your problem.

You have to get English Labour approval. You as Scottish Labour cannot do it on your own.

In an independent Scotland you can and that is the difference.


I would prefer Scotland to play a part in a fairer UK and see a Labour PM at No10.Quite how and when this will happen god only knows

Dave I’m trying not to swear but it’s difficult.

In the recent past there have been Tony Blair and Gordon Brown as Labour PM’s.

Are these the kind of Labourites you want in No.10?

Are you happy to vote for a so called socialist party that awards knighthoods?

And how can Scotland play a part in a fairer UK?

Can you really see a Tory or Labour party/government endorsing a fairer country.

The only empire England has left is the UK and you are being very naive if you think they will willingly give up their power.


Equally i think Independence is a long long way off and the SNP majority Scottish MPs will ensure Tory rule while failing to acheive their goal and im not blaming them just seeing this as a side effect.

Dave you can’t blame the SNP for a Tory rule when it was Labours fault for not getting enough seats in Scotland and in England.

That is a typical Labour cry - It’s no our fault it’s the SNP, don’t vote for them that way we will win.


Also the amount of denial about the problems Scotland would face alone rather than answers is a major issue with me. The GERS figures are not really disputed by anybody including the SNP yet on here its all lies, propaganda etc etc.I can fully appreciate the excitement to forge a new nation if your young and not so risk averse as us old fud types but there is light and shade in the issue of Independence. However it has now become polarised by idiots on both sides and on occasion include myself in that. I could forsee myself voting for a left of centre Independent Scotland in some circumstances but at the moment i can't see it working out.

No side knows what would happen in an independent Scotland.

It’s all informed/uninformed guesswork.

Personally I have never read in detail the economic argument for or against independence.

I just know it is right.

The bit I have underlined is me in an independent Scotland.


Also the continuing ya boo "traitor" "cybernat" call and response is not going to change anyones mind any time soon. The good news is i will continue to post occasional sense mixed with idiocy like my fellow posters.


Sorry Dave but in that regard I’m a ya boo.

It will be interesting to read your response to this post but I’m afraid I cannot get it into my head that a Scot could willingly vote to be a minor bit of the UK and having to always follow where England leads.


Note: It was difficult but I managed to write that without any Scots (or swear) words in it.

Edited by Wee Willie
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I think the next time they have Question Time in Dundee someone should give everyone a wee practical test to establish how local they are...

Anyone who can't properly identify a meat based pastry as a peh shouldn't get in the door.

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I dont mean numerically rather that their presence will be used in as you would say "project fear" sense to scare English voters away from Labour.My inner "Daily Mail" persona would tell you to "go forth and multiply" in keeping with the mental arithmetic theme.Hes not here though so its fine xx


Several polls bore out the reasoning that the main driver in the election was soft UKIP voters moving to Tory, not Labour voters moving to Tory in fear of the SNP.


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