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When will indyref2 happen?



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10 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:


Well then, what are your concerns about independence? What kind of details do you want? Tell us.


Well I don't want it to begin with, I'm content and I'm yet to be convinced that Independence is better than what we have now, so making some positive cases might be a good start.. 

A few questions I'd be intrigued about;

- Would an IS attempt to rejoin the EU?

- What currency would an IS use?

-What would happen re the national debt?

- Would we have a hard border with England?

- What would our defence situation be, would it involve cozying up to Russia (I doubt this) or would we effectively just lease out and pay the UK/US for services?

- Identity - What is the identity of an Independent Scotland, what would people like to change from a social perspective? I certainly identify as British and in an IS what actual social differences would there be? Would there actually be enough to bother changing all of the above contentious issues for the sake of some people feeling more Scottish (whatever that means)

- Lastly, the Scottish media, what would we be left with. Shite TV, Shite music. All Scottish media has is Limmy. If the BBC would make me pay to subscribe in this situation I'd be oh so resentful. 

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Well I don't want it to begin with, I'm content and I'm yet to be convinced that Independence is better than what we have now, so making some positive cases might be a good start.. 

A few questions I'd be intrigued about;
- Would an IS attempt to rejoin the EU?

Almost definitely.

- What currency would an IS use?

Probably look to use our own.

SNP’s stance 2019 (unsure if changed since): https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-47414870

-What would happen re the national debt?

No idea tbh. The UK is already in massive debt anyway and they’ll never pay it off: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-53104734

- Would we have a hard border with England?

Not sure, depends on the EU situation maybe. What’s the big deal if we do anyway?

- What would our defence situation be, would it involve cozying up to Russia (I doubt this) or would we effectively just lease out and pay the UK/US for services?

Do you not think we could have our own military service in an independent Scotland?

- Identity - What is the identity of an Independent Scotland, what would people like to change from a social perspective? I certainly identify as British and in an IS what actual social differences would there be? Would there actually be enough to bother changing all of the above contentious issues for the sake of some people feeling more Scottish (whatever that means)

The independence movement is far more than an identity issue. In fact, I’d say it’s not an identity issue at all. I identify as Scottish now and would continue to do so after independence. You can identify as British as well if you so wish, nobody is stopping you.

- Lastly, the Scottish media, what would we be left with. Shite TV, Shite music. All Scottish media has is Limmy. If the BBC would make me pay to subscribe in this situation I'd be oh so resentful. 

Your attitude towards Scottish media stinks. I’m sure you’ll still be able to watch Eastenders or other non Scottish BBC stuff on the iplayer if you really want to.
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49 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

Well I don't want it to begin with, I'm content and I'm yet to be convinced that Independence is better than what we have now, so making some positive cases might be a good start.. 

A few questions I'd be intrigued about;

- Would an IS attempt to rejoin the EU?

- What currency would an IS use?

-What would happen re the national debt?

- Would we have a hard border with England?

- What would our defence situation be, would it involve cozying up to Russia (I doubt this) or would we effectively just lease out and pay the UK/US for services?

- Identity - What is the identity of an Independent Scotland, what would people like to change from a social perspective? I certainly identify as British and in an IS what actual social differences would there be? Would there actually be enough to bother changing all of the above contentious issues for the sake of some people feeling more Scottish (whatever that means)

- Lastly, the Scottish media, what would we be left with. Shite TV, Shite music. All Scottish media has is Limmy. If the BBC would make me pay to subscribe in this situation I'd be oh so resentful. 

Pretty much all of those questions would be for the people of an Independent Scotland to decide. If we were to hold a referendum and vote for independence, the SNP don't just turn the country into a dictatorship - we'd have elections and you'd be free to vote for the party which most suits your needs. How can you expect the average independence supporter to guarantee you answers to questions that will be argued out in a general election?

The national debt would obviously be a matter for negotiation with the rUK government, again, why would you expect the average independence supporter to know how this would turn out? Also, in the UK the national debt is well into the trillions after doubling under the Tories stewardship, so I find it fucking hilarious that unionists bring that up as a reason to stay in the union. 

The question is - do you want Scotland to govern itself or continue in a union with 3 other countries? That's it. The fact you look for more cast iron assurances about what an independent Scotland would look like is laughable.


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5 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:


A few questions I'd be intrigued about;
- Would an IS attempt to rejoin the EU?

Almost definitely.

- What currency would an IS use?

Probably look to use our own.

SNP’s stance 2019 (unsure if changed since): https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-47414870

-What would happen re the national debt?

No idea tbh. The UK is already in massive debt anyway and they’ll never pay it off: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-53104734

- Would we have a hard border with England?

Not sure, depends on the EU situation maybe. What’s the big deal if we do anyway?

- What would our defence situation be, would it involve cozying up to Russia (I doubt this) or would we effectively just lease out and pay the UK/US for services?

Do you not think we could have our own military service in an independent Scotland?

- Identity - What is the identity of an Independent Scotland, what would people like to change from a social perspective? I certainly identify as British and in an IS what actual social differences would there be? Would there actually be enough to bother changing all of the above contentious issues for the sake of some people feeling more Scottish (whatever that means)

The independence movement is far more than an identity issue. In fact, I’d say it’s not an identity issue at all. I identify as Scottish now and would continue to do so after independence. You can identify as British as well if you so wish, nobody is stopping you.

- Lastly, the Scottish media, what would we be left with. Shite TV, Shite music. All Scottish media has is Limmy. If the BBC would make me pay to subscribe in this situation I'd be oh so resentful. 

Your attitude towards Scottish media stinks. I’m sure you’ll still be able to watch Eastenders or other non Scottish BBC stuff on the iplayer if you really want to.


A lot of unsures and probablys. I cant say you've constructively answered any of my concerns. 

I wanted Brexit so I cant see why Scotland attempting to join the EU would be worthwhile.. 

The currency, debt and border are huge issues that need clarity. 

The military point isn't about having an army it's about what the foreign policy would be, would it be fully independent from what we have now or would it just realign with what we're at now, very big issue when SNP mps tend to be very anti nuclear and anti foreign intervention (or at least a lot of the supporters are).

Considering you have zero practical answers to any of my points I'd say it's safe to say it is some sort of identity crisis for a lot of you guys. 

What do you watch on Scottish Media? I dont watch Eastenders....


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2 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Pretty much all of those questions would be for the people of an Independent Scotland to decide. If we were to hold a referendum and vote for independence, the SNP don't just turn the country into a dictatorship - we'd have elections and you'd be free to vote for the party which most suits your needs. How can you expect the average independence supporter to guarantee you answers to questions that will be argued out in a general election?

The national debt would obviously be a matter for negotiation with the rUK government, again, why would you expect the average independence supporter to know how this would turn out? Also, in the UK the national debt is well into the trillions after doubling under the Tories stewardship, so I find it fucking hilarious that unionists bring that up as a reason to stay in the union. 

The question is - do you want Scotland to govern itself or continue in a union with 3 other countries? That's it. The fact you look for more cast iron assurances about what an independent Scotland would look like is laughable.


If all of those questions would be answered after then what would I actually be voting for exactly..? 

I dont expect the average voter to have answers but I was asked my reasoning and I've stated I am content with the status quo so my questions are what would concern me to the point i would need to be convinced on them to vote for SI. As in I'm showing how the onus is certainly on the Indy supporters to sell a vision. 

The issue with the national debt isn't the fact that the UK has debt, if people think that then I'm not in that camp.

It's laughable that people have questions over Independence.. ahahahaha - jesus christ - ahahahahaha- oh wow. 

I'm content, why do you want Scottish Independence? 


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Just now, Blootoon87 said:

Did you ask for clarity on every issue before Brexit, or was the big bus and getting rid of foreigners enough?

What a ridiculous post. You guys are so stuck in your little boxes. Cool assumption though, I'll presume you think all Independence supporters hate the English?

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4 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Pretty much all of those questions would be for the people of an Independent Scotland to decide. If we were to hold a referendum and vote for independence, the SNP don't just turn the country into a dictatorship - we'd have elections and you'd be free to vote for the party which most suits your needs. How can you expect the average independence supporter to guarantee you answers to questions that will be argued out in a general election?

The national debt would obviously be a matter for negotiation with the rUK government, again, why would you expect the average independence supporter to know how this would turn out? Also, in the UK the national debt is well into the trillions after doubling under the Tories stewardship, so I find it fucking hilarious that unionists bring that up as a reason to stay in the union. 

The question is - do you want Scotland to govern itself or continue in a union with 3 other countries? That's it. The fact you look for more cast iron assurances about what an independent Scotland would look like is laughable.


I agreed with all of your sentiments until you mentioned '3 other countries'.

I have been banging on about all political leaders, including Nicola, referring to four nations within the UK framework, as far as I am aware Northern Ireland is regarded as a Province and never a 'nation', Wales can be described as a country but my doubt lies where Wales shares the english law system.

I have no disregard in any way for Wales and NI but what I do take umbrage with is that Scotland is being shown to be against the wishes of the NI and Welsh people by wanting Independence from them when in fact our cause is aimed at england who along with Scotland were the only signatories on the1706 Treaty of Union

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3 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

If all of those questions would be answered after then what would I actually be voting for exactly..? 

I dont expect the average voter to have answers but I was asked my reasoning and I've stated I am content with the status quo so my questions are what would concern me to the point i would need to be convinced on them to vote for SI. As in I'm showing how the onus is certainly on the Indy supporters to sell a vision. 

The issue with the national debt isn't the fact that the UK has debt, if people think that then I'm not in that camp.

It's laughable that people have questions over Independence.. ahahahaha - jesus christ - ahahahahaha- oh wow. 

I'm content, why do you want Scottish Independence? 


As I said in my post, you are voting for Scotland to govern itself or not. Not sure why that's difficult to grasp.

Right, but every indy supporter might have a slightly different vision, so asking that question on a football forum might generate you 100 different visions. If you end up liking one of those visions, would you vote for SI?

What's the problem with debt then if it's not the fact that Scotland would need to take a share of it?

You're twisting what I've said, and you're faux hilarious reaction does nothing for your case. You want assurances that can't be given because you have no intention of being convinced about independence. You throw up these barriers and say "See? No vision" and feel you've dismantled the case. It's laughable.

I'm glad you're content with what we have, I won't ever understand that but each to their own. I want Scotland to govern itself and receive the government it votes for at every election. I feel the Scottish Parliament is a far better functioning and modern parliament than Westminster and the electoral system we use gives a fairer representation of peoples votes. I feel under that Parliament that we'd be able to build a fairer and more equal society, hopefully one without abhorrent Tory gammons. I could not give a f**k what bits of paper I need to use to buy milk. 

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What a ridiculous post. You guys are so stuck in your little boxes. Cool assumption though, I'll presume you think all Independence supporters hate the English?
Certainly not, I'm only asking why you need every detail laid out before Scottish independence but were happy enough to vote for Brexit that had literally no plan apart from "Take back control" and other nonsense soundbites.
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1 minute ago, Blootoon87 said:
7 minutes ago, Stormzy said:
What a ridiculous post. You guys are so stuck in your little boxes. Cool assumption though, I'll presume you think all Independence supporters hate the English?

Certainly not, I'm only asking why you need every detail laid out before Scottish independence but were happy enough to vote for Brexit that had literally no plan apart from "Take back control" and other nonsense soundbites.

You asked with a lot of nasty assumptions. I didnt vote for Brexit either way.. 

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1 hour ago, Stormzy said:

Lastly, the Scottish media, what would we be left with. Shite TV, Shite music

The media is, of course, more than just TV. There's already a thriving advertising industry, Scotland is a great draw for film companies, newspapers would still exist but with a Scottish outlook, Scottish cinema does exist, and I'm sure an independent Scotland would be able to offer financial incentives for more inward investment. There are enough highly trained technicians to have an independent Scottish TV and radio operation free from the London-centric BBC.

Would you not, as a centrist thinker who currently feels ok with the status quo, not admit even grudgingly, that an independent Scotland could confront the problems that would arise and manage to come up with something better than what's unfolding via Westminster at the moment?

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4 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

As I said in my post, you are voting for Scotland to govern itself or not. Not sure why that's difficult to grasp.

Right, but every indy supporter might have a slightly different vision, so asking that question on a football forum might generate you 100 different visions. If you end up liking one of those visions, would you vote for SI?

What's the problem with debt then if it's not the fact that Scotland would need to take a share of it?

You're twisting what I've said, and you're faux hilarious reaction does nothing for your case. You want assurances that can't be given because you have no intention of being convinced about independence. You throw up these barriers and say "See? No vision" and feel you've dismantled the case. It's laughable.

I'm glad you're content with what we have, I won't ever understand that but each to their own. I want Scotland to govern itself and receive the government it votes for at every election. I feel the Scottish Parliament is a far better functioning and modern parliament than Westminster and the electoral system we use gives a fairer representation of peoples votes. I feel under that Parliament that we'd be able to build a fairer and more equal society, hopefully one without abhorrent Tory gammons. I could not give a f**k what bits of paper I need to use to buy milk. 

You can simplify it down all you want, doesn't stop the fact that people have questions like I've posed and would hope to have certain assurances and answers to fill us with confidence. 

You keep assuming that I've a cemented opinion and haven't really tackled any of the points that I've said could convince me so what does it matter.. they're not barriers they're sincere points that I would need clarity over before voting for such things. 

I appreciate your reasoning for why you want Independence though. 


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3 minutes ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

The media is, of course, more than just TV. There's already a thriving advertising industry, Scotland is a great draw for film companies, newspapers would still exist but with a Scottish outlook, Scottish cinema does exist, and I'm sure an independent Scotland would be able to offer financial incentives for more inward investment. There are enough highly trained technicians to have an independent Scottish TV and radio operation free from the London-centric BBC.

Would you not, as a centrist thinker who currently feels ok with the status quo, not admit even grudgingly, that an independent Scotland could confront the problems that would arise and manage to come up with something better than what's unfolding via Westminster at the moment?

Agree with the first part, it was obviously the least important of all my points, was just saying culturally I prefer music and tv from the other parts of the UK. 

Yeah with a lot of ifs and buts, it could. But lots of things could happen, the risk reward currently isn't something I support. Of course if the majority of people did support it I'm not going to be trying to rerun any referendums, unlike some. 

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