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When will indyref2 happen?



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Wales, then England leaving the United Kingdom, while Scotland sits inside and swithers.

There's a wee, painfully self-loathing bit of me that would like to see the alternate universe where that happens. Just, oh God, the excruciation. I'm a very bad man; I deserve the pain.

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3 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:
4 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:
Almost half of English voters would back independence from the United Kingdom
Or half of English voters don't give a shit about your precious union, Minter.

Great news. England should be free to stand on their own two feet.

2 referendums I'd love to see.

England independence

Keep or dump the Royal family

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3 minutes ago, Gaz FFC said:

2 referendums I'd love to see.

England independence

Keep or dump the Royal family

It would be interesting to see how the Tories and Labour fought English independence. They couldn’t get away with “too small” (England has always been the largest country in the UK); “too stupid” (the English are used to making the decisions); or “too poor” (London has been championed as the powerhouse of the UK). One assumes that, given England has long enjoyed a reputation as leading the UK - its Parliament was the only one kept, its traditions maintained, etc - I can’t see the English either falling for or even countenancing the shite that was thrown at poor, beggarly wee “Jockistan”. But then again, I can’t see, “we need to stick together because it’s good that we support the leech nations” working either.

Any “Better Together” campaign against English independence would 100% be fought on “we won a war together” with undertones of “we own Scotland, Wales and Norther Ireland - you don’t give away your possessions”.

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28 minutes ago, Gaz FFC said:

2 referendums I'd love to see.

England independence

Keep or dump the Royal family

A UK republican referendum would surely be massively one-sided, with the incumbent government sidelined for decades after having the impertinence to dare ask the question in the first place.

There's a disturbing number of folk who really aren't all that attached to democracy.

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Absolutely no chance the UK(England) votes to get rid of the royals, or would even hold the referendum in the first place.

We'll have a decent chance of punting them after things settle down after independence.

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34 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Absolutely no chance the UK(England) votes to get rid of the royals, or would even hold the referendum in the first place.

We'll have a decent chance of punting them after things settle down after independence.

I dunno. Auld Betty overthrew the Aussies' democratically-elected government in 1975 and they've never had the balls to finally get her punted.

That's right, Australia, I said you're gutless. Make something of it.

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On 09/07/2020 at 00:53, The_Kincardine said:

We all know that Scotland is economically gubbed without support from we SE England taxpayers.  We all know that the SotGov plan of independence in Europe is also gubbed.  This is why the trajectory of the debate is now towards ethno-nationalism, hence Devi Sridhar being fooled in to stating that if you support the Union you're anti-Scottish.

Sridhar rang the bell and the Pavlovian Natters gave the classical conditioning response:


The number of 'likes' her post got indicates she's not alone.

The Nats' increasingly vitriolic independence campaign is clearly a deliberate change in tack though wee Nippy is, as you'd expect, distancing herself from it.  She got one of her acolytes to write a puff piece in The Scotsman wherein she used the cringey, 'some of my best friends are black/gay/English' defence.  Credit to Jamie Johnston for spotting the increasing bitterness among The Cult but he has completely missed the point.  This 'stoking of division' comes directly from the top:



On 14/07/2020 at 20:32, Gaz FFC said:

2 referendums I'd love to see.

England independence

Keep or dump the Royal family

The Royals are doing their level best to bring about their own demise.  Her Maj still has a huge amount of respect (and rightly) but Charles less so.  Perhaps a conviction for Andrew in the US would tip the balance?  Anyway, it's a daft way for a modern country to be constituted.

I'd have a bit of respect for the Natters if they did the right thing and declared that the DPRS would have an elected head of state with a fixed term in office and a, largely, figurehead/ceremonial role.  They won't though as they are shitebags.

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8 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

Is there a medical term for deluded paranoia induced by strawberry Kopparberg?

I don’t think booze brings on fits of far-right Tory Brexit support. It just seems to exacerbate it amongst those who, on the rare occasions they’re sober, try and hide their hatred and xenophobia.

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On 12/07/2020 at 03:10, The_Kincardine said:

^^^ has a wee Nikla prayer candle


On 10/07/2020 at 18:49, JMDP said:

Always good to see that you can miss a few days in here but Kincy will be ten sheets to the wind and posting. Keep fighting the good fight brother, hope the hangover isn't that bad. 


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10 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Do you honestly believe there's more than a rump of royallists in the SNP? Parties triangulate support from people who like things they don't all the time & it's evidently the case that there's more harm to be endured by saying you're a republican now rather than later.

And, as ever, I'll ring my 'who gives a f**k what the SNP vision of an independent Scotland is' bell.

I don't think there are royalists in the SNP. It's the same as sliding over to NATO. I think there are people in the SNP who believe that not opposing the monarchy will help their personal careers or at least not make them more difficult.

If Sturgeon was really a threat to the monarchy, capital and nuclear weapons in Scotland she would be as vilified as Corbyn. She's not. 


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28 minutes ago, Detournement said:

He's got a point about the SNP and the monarchy though. 

The monarchy continue to shoot themselves in the foot with Andrew evading prison and now Harry spouting pish in La La Land plus all the rest of the shit that has gone in the past, the glue that keeps them intact presently is the queen who garners large respect from a major section of an ageing population, How the Saxe-Gotha-Coburgs will survive under Charles is up for debate and may possibly see the demise of them.

I saw an article the other day which put the windsors wealth at £88 Billion, a tidy sum for cutting ribbons and unveiling plaques over the years. 

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Read an interesting article yesterday where it said that there are moves afoot for establishing A Scottish Independence Party which will just target list seats at the next Scottish elections, the list system is complex  and this tactic has been attempted before by various parties and failed due to lack of votes.

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Out of curiosity what is it people think Charles lacks that the Queen has? Why do folk think he'd be disastrous as a king?
There's a part of me that would be interested to see Charles as king, although that's the same part that wanted to see trump as president.

My overriding hatred of the institution stands, but i reckon he could do some interesting things.
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