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When will indyref2 happen?



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6 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:
18 hours ago, BawWatchin said:

Do we know when fieldwork took place, was it during the exam results fiasco?




If this result were replicated on election day it would translate into a majority of around 20 seats, which is even more impressive given the Parliament only contains 129 seats, and the election uses a voting system designed to stop majorities altogether.

The Conservatives would likely drop a handful of seats, with Labour falling even further from their dismal performance in 2016. This would continue their trajectory of losing seats at every single election since devolution.

Secondly, there is a massive gulf between the popularity of pro-union and pro-independence politicians.  A jaw-dropping 72% of Scots think Nicola Sturgeon is doing well as First minister*, compared to just 22% who think she is doing badly. Even a majority of those who voted No in the last referendum (59%) support the job she is doing.

*Fieldwork took place while the criticism over her handling of exam results was unfolding.


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35 minutes ago, mizfit said:

Stephen Daisley now demanding a new act of union that basically rips up Holyrood.

You can smell the fucking fear.


According to Stephen, sovereignty should be in the hands of the crown in parliament at Westminster, not the general public. The UK Government should be able to meddle in devolved areas without Holyroods permission. The policy guaranteeing the continued existence of the Scottish Parliament should be scrapped. The balance of power between Holyrood and Westminster should be "recalibrated" to give Westminster greater control over elections, referendums and even local governance in Scotland plus the Prohibition of tax payers money being spent on improving reserved matters in Scotland.


Edited by BawWatchin
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Daisley’s a big fat waste of skin and absolutely no one takes his self hatred seriously. However, a cursory look at his Twitter and its small bubble of bunker-dwellers is a pleasure. It looks like they’ve swung into absolute denial. The latest poll - in fact any poll which shows majority support for independence - is invalid. They’re claiming conspiracy is afoot and that support for independence remains a “meagre” 45%. Long may this kind of outright fingers-in-the-ears denial continue. As long as it does, they’re not actively trying to recruit, still less to change anyone’s mind to their bizarre way of thinking. Instead, they’re encouraging UK nationalism to descend into tinfoil hat crackpottery. Pleasing. More please, Stephen.


Edited by Antlion
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According to Stephen, sovereignty should be in the hands of the crown in parliament at Westminster, not the general public. The UK Government should be able to meddle in devolved areas without Holyroods permission. The policy guaranteeing the continued existence of the Scottish Parliament should be scrapped. The balance of power between Holyrood and Westminster should be "recalibrated" to give Westminster greater control over elections, referendums and even local governance in Scotland plus the Prohibition of tax payers money being spent on improving reserved matters in Scotland.

Yes, and bizarrely Iain McWhirter of The Herald, normally a sane commentator, gave this mince a 21-gun salute last week. Added to Kevin McKenna in the same paper now acting as the agent of Chris McEleny and seemingly seeing adherence to religious indoctrination as a prerequisite for purity in an independent Scotland, this once impartial branch of the Scottish media is obviously hell-bent on attacking the SNP Government from every angle.
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1 hour ago, mizfit said:

Stephen Daisley now demanding a new act of union that basically rips up Holyrood.

You can smell the fucking fear.

He's really hoping that the awful "Scexit" will take off like "virtue signalling" did from his odious colleague Delingpole, or so he claims. On the plus side if his advice was taken seriously it would guarantee independence all the quicker.


Here's the article for anyone blocked.

Scexit, not Brexit, will be the word that defines Boris Johnson’s premiership. The Times has a new poll from YouGov showing the SNP on 57 per cent with nine months to go until devolved elections. The same poll puts support for Scotland’s exit from the United Kingdom at 53 per cent. This confirms earlier polls from Panelbase: Scexit is now the majority position.

That support for the SNP has leapt along with Nicola Sturgeon’s approval ratings (up 45 per cent on this time last year) is confounding observers, not least given the Scottish exam results scandal of the past week. Sturgeon has, of course, benefited from fronting televised daily Covid-19 briefings, carried live on the BBC, but her polling is as much to do with longer trends in Scottish politics. Scotland has tended towards a dominant-party system. The Scottish Liberal party more than once took over 80 per cent of the popular vote and a century later Scottish Labour began an election-winning streak of 14 in a row. The SNP is simply this era’s dominant party.

This would be a fascinating psephological quirk, but nothing more, were it not for Tony Blair’s creation of a Scottish parliament. That parliament has been weaponised by the Nationalists as a Trojan horse against the very Union that devolution was meant to secure. An entire proto-state has been corralled into the service of the SNP’s political objectives. The spirit and, at times even the letter, of the devolution settlement has been disregarded to drag Scotland towards Scexit.

I appreciate the English must be heartily sick of the endless talk of Scottish nationalism

When Scots go to the polls next May, the SNP is likely to win an outright majority in the Scottish parliament, though even a bare plurality would be asserted as a mandate for another Scexit referendum. David Cameron will play a large part in Nicola Sturgeon’s case: a majority SNP victory in the 2011 Holyrood election was enough for Cameron to grant the original referendum. Boris Johnson is not minded to repeat Cameron’s historic error but saying 'no' would not be the end of the matter. Sturgeon would come under immense pressure from her party to take the UK government to the Supreme Court or even hold a ‘consultative’ referendum using the powers of the Scottish parliament. The UK may be heading for a Catalan-style stand-off between Holyrood and Westminster.

The Prime Minister can either wait for the train to hit or he can apply the brakes now. The SNP’s misuse of devolution has been possible thanks to the woolly drafting of that settlement. That is why I have been arguing for a new Act of Union to correct Blair’s mistakes and enhance the unity of the United Kingdom. Such an Act could take many forms but the key principles should be:



  1. The UK is a unitary state in which sovereignty rests exclusively with the Crown-in-Parliament at Westminster.
  2. The convention that the UK parliament does not legislate in devolved areas without Holyrood’s permission should come to an end.
  3. The permanence of the Scottish parliament (one of the many acts of violence committed against the Union by Cameron) should also cease.
  4. The balance of powers between Holyrood and Westminster should be recalibrated and the principle adopted that any power not specifically devolved is reserved. Reserved matters should include elections, referendums and local government.
  5. Prohibit the expending of taxpayers’ money or parliamentary resources on reserved matters.

These reforms would be met by the full force of hysterical self-pity and imagined oppression that the Scottish establishment can muster. (The Welsh and Northern Irish establishments, too. There is no sense in reforming only Scottish devolution when similar flaws threaten the Union elsewhere.) But there are signs that non-nationalists in Scotland are beginning to realise the degree of peril the Union is in and the extent of reform that is required. Last week, the Scottish Fabians, an affiliate group of the Labour party and decidedly devolutionist in mindset, published a blueprint for a new Act of Union. Constitutional reform is not about doing away with devolution but improving its faults so that it better serves the public and the political integrity of the United Kingdom.

I appreciate the English must be heartily sick of the endless talk of Scexit, Scottish nationalism and what the UK must do to keep the Scots onside. The temptation to tell us all to get to buggery must be immense, but understand that baiting you into giving up on the Union is part of the SNP’s strategy. They see you as pawns and believe they can exasperate and insult you into surrender. If you are a social democrat, know that the end of the Union means the end of one of the most ambitious redistribution programmes anywhere in the world. Don’t abandon the Union; build on it with a UK Solidarity Fund that redistributes on a more localised and targetted basis than the Barnett formula.

If you are an English nationalist, don’t be lured into the mirage that Scottish secession would be an opening for strengthening England. The decline of the Union would bring indignity, if not humiliation, on the world stage. Brexit would be cast as an act of hubris for which the UK paid the ultimate price and any subsequent increases in support for Welsh separatism and Northern Ireland nationalism would be gloated over fulsomely. Plus, as I have pointed out before, Scottish secession is a threat to Britain’s independent nuclear deterrent. Whatever England might gain from Scottish independence would be eclipsed by what it stands to lose.

So, I’m afraid there is going to be a lot more banging on about Scotland for some time to come, either because Boris Johnson seizes the moment and saves the Union – or because he fails to and spends the remainder of his premiership overseeing the dismantling of the country. Constitutional reform is not what got the Prime Minister into politics, but leaders don’t pick history, history picks them. Grasp the thistle, Boris.


WRITTEN BYStephen Daisley


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57 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

What the McDonalds staff see when they inform him that he can only order 20 nuggets at a time

Oh, you think his obesity is a laugh riot, don't you? Well, I'll tell you something that's not so funny. The latest polling figures have sent our endomorphic friend straight to the fridge, crying like a little girl.

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13 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Still none the wiser about what turned him, overnight almost, into a horrible poison pen writer when he was quite a witty and outwardly neutral writer during indyref.


An old mate of mine is now the Scottish political editor in the Express. Writes what he's told because "it pays well". We've basically disowned him now.

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34 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Still none the wiser about what turned him, overnight almost, into a horrible poison pen writer when he was quite a witty and outwardly neutral writer during indyref.

I think the STV "gagging" tipped him over the edge, Mail were the only place that would take him and he really took their style guide to heart. After a while got depressed about writing for something he must know is a harmful publication, and the spectator is the same vibe for the middle classes so the easiest swap. That's what I'd bet on.

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