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When will indyref2 happen?



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Scotland is just like a Baltic state pre breakup of the USSR. They weren't 'nationalists' either though they were referred to as such by Gorbachev et al, they were decolonialists and self determinationists, two of the most noble and just and basic causes known to mankind.  They were smeared just like we get every day, but they were right, they won in the end, and nobody says that now.

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Listening to a Radio Scotland this morning and they had a pro brexiteer MP discussing possible future trade with the EU during which he said that 'once we gain Independence from the EU'...........................................................

Yes as I have said many times it's all right for these little englander shits to talk about Independence from the EU but repeatedly deny/rubbish the claims for Independence for the people of Scotland.

It's a fuckin Union just as in a marriage and if one spouse in a marriage is not happy then there is a divorce, the Scottish people voted to remain in the EU while england did not, that alone is grounds for a divorce.

Edited by SandyCromarty
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Scotland is just like a Baltic state pre breakup of the USSR. They weren't 'nationalists' either though they were referred to as such by Gorbachev et al, they were decolonialists and self determinationists, two of the most noble and just and basic causes known to mankind.  They were smeared just like we get every day, but they were right, they won in the end, and nobody says that now.
Great post
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1 hour ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

Neil Oliver on the advisory board of These Islands. This'll be fun. Him and Kevin Hague. Well, their arguments will be difficult to counter. 


But probably not.

And UK nationalism continues to associate itself with jokes, arseholes, and cretins. Pleasing.

I look forward to Colonel Blimp (is it Baroness Blimp yet?), Nigel Farage, and Tommy Robinson being chosen to stand alongside Jackie Baillie and Willie Renner (I think that’s right) in front a giant Union Jack with “BETTER TOGETHER WITHOUT EUROPEANS” plastered across the banner.

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18 hours ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

I watched a documentary on the breakup of the Soviet Union the other night. 

Really quite remarkable to watch the delegates and Gorbachev arguing, you could easily have been listening to a bunch of Britnats right now, they even referred to the USSR as the union, the union must be saved, the union as we currently understand it to be must continue, the needs of the union come first etc. 

They can't see that the UK is just the same as the USSR, or the Ottoman Empire, Hapsburg, even Nazi Germany. Its an artificial super-state formed out of the colonial ambitions of the largest partner and is sustained through aggression and suppression not the dedication of its loyal citizens. 


18 hours ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

Scotland is just like a Baltic state pre breakup of the USSR

This is what you get when you take everything we know of post-Reformation Scotland and our partnership  with England since 1560 and turn it upside down.  I know the Natters love to argue that black is white but this is the apotheosis of Natter ignorance.

If you reckon that Scotland's relationship with England is, in any way, comparable to that of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia's relationship with Soviet Russia then you should be denied a vote on the ground of being too stupid to understand what you're voting for.

You are, though, amply qualified as a party list MSP.  Have you sent your Glengarry off to the milliner to get it refurbished ahead of May's Holyrood elections?

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On 26/09/2020 at 06:10, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

I watched a documentary on the breakup of the Soviet Union the other night. 

Really quite remarkable to watch the delegates and Gorbachev arguing, you could easily have been listening to a bunch of Britnats right now, they even referred to the USSR as the union, the union must be saved, the union as we currently understand it to be must continue, the needs of the union come first etc. 

They can't see that the UK is just the same as the USSR, or the Ottoman Empire, Hapsburg, even Nazi Germany. Its an artificial super-state formed out of the colonial ambitions of the largest partner and is sustained through aggression and suppression not the dedication of its loyal citizens. 

Most people in the UK are not British nationalists. Most English people identify as English, Scottish as Scottish, Welsh as Welsh and f**k Northern Ireland British (English really we all know it) colonialism has created the most bigoted wee cesspit on earth, its only the hardcore zealots like Micheal Gove who are British nationalists and the English nationalists who pretend to be to keep Scotland's resources.

If you are suggesting that we have a corrupt westminster government you are quite correct.

The UK must be the only western country with an unelected second chamber, a chamber which is populated by members only through birthright, members who are appointed by parties as they were large donors to said party etc etc.

Consider the Lib Dems who have only 12 sitting MP's and yet have 89 Peers in the house of Lords.

It is total political corruption that a non elected political chamber can vote on bills, it's a fuckin joke. 

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25 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

If you are suggesting that we have a corrupt westminster government you are quite correct.

The UK must be the only western country with an unelected second chamber, a chamber which is populated by members only through birthright, members who are appointed by parties as they were large donors to said party etc etc.

Consider the Lib Dems who have only 12 sitting MP's and yet have 89 Peers in the house of Lords.

It is total political corruption that a non elected political chamber can vote on bills, it's a fuckin joke. 

It's also ridiculously huge. At 795 members only China has a bigger legislative chamber, and they don't really count as all they do is meet once a year to applaud. France's upper chamber has 348 members, Italy has 321, Spain has 266, the USA 100, Germany 69 and India, with about 20 times our population, has 245.

It's the only upper house in the world that's bigger than the main house.

The only other legislative chamber that has religious appointees with a right to sit is in Iran. 

There are 92 hereditary peers - all of them are white men.

I hear a lot of defences of the HoL that "actually, it does a good job." I'm not surprised that, out of 795 members, some of them are good. It's also a pretty damning indictment of the House of Commons, though.

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1 hour ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

What happened in 1560? I can't be fucked checking.

Some pro-English Scottish toffs got one over on the b*****d French to ingratiate themselves further with England and become a PROTESTANT (no surrender! f**k the pope! 1690 4eva!) state (but still an independent state - that’s the only downside). The Scottish regent, who was a filthy garlic-munching woman, even died.

You can see why a UK loyalist dinosaur would froth at the gusset at the very thought: Scotland leaving French influence (a delight to racists); Scotland becoming Protestant (a delight to religious weirdos); Scotland cosying up to England (mummy’s home). Also it’s the distant, hate-filled past, where BritNats are happiest.

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26 minutes ago, Antlion said:

Some pro-English Scottish toffs got one over on the b*****d French to ingratiate themselves further with England and become a PROTESTANT (no surrender! f**k the pope! 1690 4eva!) state (but still an independent state - that’s the only downside). The Scottish regent, who was a filthy garlic-munching woman, even died.

You can see why a UK loyalist dinosaur would froth at the gusset at the very thought: Scotland leaving French influence (a delight to racists); Scotland becoming Protestant (a delight to religious weirdos); Scotland cosying up to England (mummy’s home). Also it’s the distant, hate-filled past, where BritNats are happiest.

All made much more laughable that England and the good old Queen have never, ever, become anything remotely similar to a Protestant nation and monarch.

It's always nice to ask a staunch person about Protestantism, I find. Literally no idea that sucking on the Queen's boaby is against everything they stand for.

Edited by Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo
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