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When will indyref2 happen?



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Nice try buddy......[emoji44] but I'm older than that. My Grandkids maybe, not my kids. 
Anyway feel free to put your expert credentials on record and enlighten the audience. I'm no expert, I've just read what the experts are saying but if you know better feel free to tell me how an Independent Scotland could rack up budget deficits when their economic policy is tied to that of another country, or where they would borrow money from if they defaulted on their share of the UK National Debt? 
I have to say for someone claiming not to be a nationalist you are hiding it well. Your tactic of making vague claims of expertise whilst refusing to reveal what you think you know incase of ridicule certainly strikes me as a well worn nationalist pattern of behaviour.  
You can't default on debt you're not liable for. Never in the history of finance has debt been defaulted on when it's still getting paid. You are a moron.
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Anyway the figures a clearly a lot of shite [emoji23]

Apparently inner London has a GDP per capita of of 170,000. Nae bother [emoji23]


Also Scotland was the 3rd richest region in the UK. Apparently it is now 9th, behind Northern Ireland. Ok then [emoji23]


I wouldn't even take their figures with a pinch of salt. They need binned full stop.


ETA, apparently the North West with such powerhouses as Sunderland and Middlesbrough has a better economy than Scotland. Cool [emoji106]

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2014 - "If you want to stay in the EU, vote No"

2016 - SNP confirm no near-term push for a referendum unless there is material change in UK

2016 - Scotland votes massively in favour of staying in the EU. England votes to leave. 

Ever since: "you had your chance"; "it was a UK vote"; "you'll not be independent anyway"; "shut up" etc etc. 

2014 assurances are in the bin. Scotland's vote in 2016 has been ignored. Another country and people are telling Scotland which "dependence" it should have. 

Just get the Section 30 order in. 


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2014 - "If you want to stay in the EU, vote No"
2016 - SNP confirm no near-term push for a referendum unless there is material change in UK
2016 - Scotland votes massively in favour of staying in the EU. England votes to leave. 
Ever since: "you had your chance"; "it was a UK vote"; "you'll not be independent anyway"; "shut up" etc etc. 
2014 assurances are in the bin. Scotland's vote in 2016 has been ignored. Another country and people are telling Scotland which "dependence" it should have. 
Just get the Section 30 order in. 

The Scottish people voted for the current governance arrangements and what influence Westminster has and what Holyrood has. Just because you’re frothing at the mouth and hold a minority view about this is just unlucky for you really. Chin up.
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9 hours ago, Mastermind said:


The Scottish people voted for the 5 year old governance arrangements and what influence the Eu had, Westminster had and what Holyrood had. Just because you’re frothing at the mouth and hold a minority view about this is just unlucky for you really. Chin up.


FTFY. A lot changes in 5 years. That's why we have elections, people change their minds when circumstances change.

Edited by welshbairn
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I wish the dafties would stop harping on about Scotland having a deficit. It does not.

Scotland in union runs at a notional deficit. 

GERs is meant to represent Scotland in union. Not an independent Scotland. When these figures are bad. They are bad for Scotland in union. Bad for the union.

The GERs opening blurb is very specific on this distinction. As are commentators such as F of A.

We give our money to Westminster, get charged for loads a shite we do not want or need......pay massive debt interest due to UK financial incompetence.....and then only get a bit back to run the services our country needs. We are then told that our resource rich export economy with 8.9% of the UK population is responsible for half the UK deficit. And unionists in Scotland actually believe this. They are revelling at the failure of Scotland in union.

An independent nation will have different spending options. These would be accountable unlike now.

And just as importantly will have full control and accountability over revenue raised. For example, different fiscal policies on oil could end the absurdity of Scotlands public finances receiving less than 1% of the revenue that Norway does on similar extraction levels. There is your notional deficit gone right their with that one change.......and that is just one industry.

To be honest GERs figures really don't even represent Scotland in union. They have no capacity to calculate Luxembourg and multiplier effects into them. In effect making London and the SE appear wealthy at our (and the other regions of the UK's) expense. 

I wish Scottish unionists would stop being such f#ckin mugs.



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1 hour ago, Mastermind said:


The Scottish people voted for the current governance arrangements and what influence Westminster has and what Holyrood has. Just because you’re frothing at the mouth and hold a minority view about this is just unlucky for you really. Chin up.


The problem for you is that the last poll indicated that it’s the knee-bending loyalist subjects who are now in the minority. 

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15 hours ago, Malky3 said:

This is where as a patriotic Scot I take issue with the Nationalist narrative. I know I've gone over this before but I'll try again. Hopefully it will make my point of view clearer. 

See Scotland isn't poor at all. As part of the United Kingdom it does extremely well actually. Part of the fifth biggest economy in the world.  The Fraser and Allander Institute blog that I linked to days ago illustrated it quite clearly but basically within the 12 regions of the Uk - only 3 are in surplus. That is the East of England, the South East, and London. Between them they generate £61Bn more revenue than they spend. The other 9 regions - one of which is Scotland - spends around £102Bn more than it generates which means the UK budget deficit for last year was £41Bn.

What happens in the UK is every year Scotland, through the Barnett Formula, is awarded a grant from the UK Government which the Scottish Government spends, within certainly limits, as it deems appropriate. The Scottish Government tends to spend it all - rightly so - because it would look extremely odd if they didn't especially when they like to bump their gums about "Tory austerity". The good news for Scotland is that the Barnett Formula is quite generous and it means that Scotland, per head of population, get's more money than in any of the other regions in the UK. In effect Scotland benefits from the strong economic position that exists in the South East of England, London and East of England. If you like it's the benefit of living in a large family, where your wealthier and better paid parents and older sibling are able to subsidise your standard of living.

Now if Scotland was to become independent the Barnett Formula would stop and Scotland would have to stand on it's own two feet - a bit like when a child grows up and leaves the family home. Now the only money you can spend is what you raise in tax revenues. And if you are used to a lifestyle that sees you spend £13Bn per annum more than you earn, you are going to have to make some rather big decisions on either what you are going to do to earn an extra £13Bn per annum in tax revenue, or what areas of spending you are going to cut. 

That's what I keep asking. What - out of all of the services promised in the White Paper - would the nationalists propose we cut in order to balance the books after Independence? Or would you just raise taxes to raise an extra £13Bn per annum - if so how much more tax are we all likely to have to pay to cover the cost of Scottish Independence? And how would you propose we attract new business investment to Scotland if we are one of the highest taxed countries in Europe? 

It's quite a simple question - quite a fair one too I reckon. My life is comfortable, so is that of my kids. I think most Scots are reasonably comfortable too. So before changing my vote from Never to Yes I need to know how badly Scottish independence is going to damage my lifestyle. 



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38 minutes ago, Glenanover said:

If you like it's the benefit of living in a large family, where your wealthier and better paid parents and older sibling are able to subsidise your standard of living.


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