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On 13/08/2016 at 10:14, kevthedee said:



Anyone who is critical of the SNP is simply classed as a union sheep with no capacity of independent thought or ability to make up their own mind.

And yet if you read the many comments from SNP supporter's on here you will clearly see they follow their party with complete unquestionable loyalty and obedience.

Hypocrisy on here knows no limits.


Your stupidity, it seems, knows no bounds.

You remind me of this chap:


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3 hours ago, kevthedee said:



I believe many will vote SNP no matter what they say and do,and at the same time criticize others for doing the same thing.

That's your hypocrisy.



You mean like how people will vote Conservative regardless of what they say or do? Or how people will vote Labour regardless of what they say or do? Or how people will vote for UKIP regardless of what they say or do?

Welcome to politics.

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12 minutes ago, sergie's no1 fan said:

Why was Scotland never branded a one party state when Labour 'ran' the show up here and in Westminster?

Thats obviously very different or because north british labour used to win im guessing

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30 minutes ago, North Terrace Gazza said:

Instead of the tribal nonsense of SNP are brilliant and all unionist politicians are morons can someone please explain how 

1. After independence we would not financially be worse off.

2. How do we replace the loss of oil revenue

3. What currency do we use

4. Who would be the head of state

5. Join the EU when UK have left and all the problems that causes

6. Keep companies that trade mostly with England in Scotland rather than them leaving the country

7. Do we ultimately join the euro and pass a lot of financial control to the Germans

8. Would we still be able to afford the higher spend per head without raising taxes

9. Would border control posts be erected on the A74

10. Unemployment might rise with job losses in defence, financial services etc.

i could go on and on.......


Unless the SNP can convince us on the economic questions then there will never be independence . The prospect of replacing our economic primacy with the rUK with that of the EU would be a disaster for Scotland as the tariffs associated with trading with rUK would cost jobs.

The Scottish  Govt are running Scotland now and have many powers of  full Statehood and yet  things don't feel that great living here under SNP control so I would not have the confidence in them running an independent  Scotland and things being ' materially changed' for the better.

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41 minutes ago, North Terrace Gazza said:

Instead of the tribal nonsense of SNP are brilliant and all unionist politicians are morons can someone please explain how 

1. After independence we would not financially be worse off.

2. How do we replace the loss of oil revenue

3. What currency do we use

4. Who would be the head of state

5. Join the EU when UK have left and all the problems that causes

6. Keep companies that trade mostly with England in Scotland rather than them leaving the country

7. Do we ultimately join the euro and pass a lot of financial control to the Germans

8. Would we still be able to afford the higher spend per head without raising taxes

9. Would border control posts be erected on the A74

10. Unemployment might rise with job losses in defence, financial services etc.

i could go on and on.......


1. Can you explain how we would be? I've heard a lot of fantasy figures being thrown about from unionists suggesting that Scotland would be around 10 billion pounds worse off, which is highly misleading. The additional money that Scotland BORROWS from the treasury is money that the treasury has BORROWED from the US Federal Reserves. The additional amount of spending that Scotland receives is effectively debt that Scotland will have to pay back at some point anyway, regardless of whether we're in the UK or not. So Scotland is going to be considerably worse off in the future anyway, regardless of whether we stay or leave.

2. Scotland currently receives 9.3% of oil revenues as part of the UK. Scotland would receive 100% in the event of independence. The value of oil is currently extremely low, there is no getting around that fact. There's also no getting around the fact that it can't stay that low forever. It's not in any oil rich countries best interests for it to do so.

3. There are multiple currency options available to Scotland. I personally favour Scotland to have it's own national banking system and currency. Unionists say it's too expensive to do this, despite it never being an issue for any other country that has taken it's own independence.

4. The head of state would still be the monarchy. We're talking about abolishing the 1707 Act of Union here. Not the 1603 Union of the Crowns which would still be in effect. But even if we were to cut ties with the monarchy (which I honestly think we should), then the head of government would replace the head of state.

5. Can you actually site any examples of issues that would arise? All your points state that there will be issues. But you fail to give any examples.

6. You assume that they would leave. Companies said that they were would leave the UK in the event of a Brexit vote. Surprise surprise, they're still here.

7. I've already given my opinion on the currency question. I personally don't think joining the Euro would be the best way forward for Scotland. However, out of interest. How do you think the Germans "control" the Euro?

8. As i've pointed out already. The higher spend per head that Scotland currently receives is money borrowed from the US Federal Reserves that Scotland needs to pay back at some point anyway. So taxes are going to rise regardless of whether Scotland remains in the UK or not. It's inevitable.

9. Will there be border controls between the Republic and the North of Ireland? The prime-minister says there won't be. So why would she build a border between Scotland and England?

10. Jobs in defence have already been in steady decline for decades across the UK. That's because they would rather invest hundreds of billion in nuclear missiles, rather than investing that money on land defences. Army? CUT Air Force? CUT Royal Navy Services? CUT. All these things have been cut to make way for weapons of mass destruction which have no practical use what so ever.

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To be fair, there used to be regular meltdowns on this page about people voting for whoever or whatever had a red rosette on. People do the same for all parties. The moans were pathetic then, and they're pathetic now. It would be nice if people paid more attention to actual candidates, but it's not going to happen in our system.

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2 hours ago, McSpreader said:


Unless the SNP can convince us on the economic questions then there will never be independence . The prospect of replacing our economic primacy with the rUK with that of the EU would be a disaster for Scotland as the tariffs associated with trading with rUK would cost jobs.

The Scottish  Govt are running Scotland now and have many powers of  full Statehood and yet  things don't feel that great living here under SNP control so I would not have the confidence in them running an independent  Scotland and things being ' materially changed' for the better.

Actually, the tariffs would be paid from rUK to us. But do go on.....

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Not a question of "when did", but "when we do". The EU is a net exporter to the rUK.

Ah right, I've got it now. When Scotland eventually becomes part of the EU, the EU is going to renegotiate the trade treaties to suit Scotland's exports. Is that really what you think will happen?

If also doesn't really matter if the EU is a net exporter, it is import tariffs that are normally put in place, not export tariffs. Exporter tariffs would harm the country exporting.

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Until there are a few credible pro Independence parties to choose from I, and many others will continue to vote SNP. There's nothing the Yoons or anyone else can say or do to change my mind.

Why was Scotland never branded a one party state when Labour 'ran' the show up here and in Westminster?

So much this,for people who believe in Independance there is only one choice, irrespective of their political views,untill that changes the SNP will have their support.
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4 hours ago, strichener said:

Ah right, I've got it now. When Scotland eventually becomes part of the EU, the EU is going to renegotiate the trade treaties to suit Scotland's exports. Is that really what you think will happen?

If also doesn't really matter if the EU is a net exporter, it is import tariffs that are normally put in place, not export tariffs. Exporter tariffs would harm the country exporting.

The EU doesn't need to renegotiate anything. It's current trade treaties already benefit Scotland on a whole.

So wait. You think export tariffs don't occur because it would hurt a country exporting? But import tariffs won't hurt a country importing? You really do come out with some crackers.

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1 hour ago, Cream Cheese said:

The EU doesn't need to renegotiate anything. It's current trade treaties already benefit Scotland on a whole.

So wait. You think export tariffs don't occur because it would hurt a country exporting? But import tariffs won't hurt a country importing? You really do come out with some crackers.

I am sure that you will be able to tell me the current trade arrangements between the EU and the UK.  Of course if is going to be negotiations to take place.  The impact that this has on Scotland in the event of independence and re-entry into the EU will be well down the list of priorities for both the UK and EU negotiators. 

Is regards to the second sentence, you are a fucking imbecile.  You obviously have no idea how trade tariffs work and how these are set and why.  I will give you a clue, import tariffs are paid by exporters.  I can hear your head exploding trying to comprehend this. :1eye

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1 minute ago, strichener said:

I am sure that you will be able to tell me the current trade arrangements between the EU and the UK.  Of course if is going to be negotiations to take place.  The impact that this has on Scotland in the event of independence and re-entry into the EU will be well down the list of priorities for both the UK and EU negotiators. 

Is regards to the second sentence, you are a fucking imbecile.  You obviously have no idea how trade tariffs work and how these are set and why.  I will give you a clue, import tariffs are paid by exporters.  I can hear your head exploding trying to comprehend this. :death

I'm well aware of how it works you clown. I own my own business, so have a fairly sharp idea of how trading works between Scotland/rUK and the EU. The point I was trying to make is that if there are import tariffs, then that is going to put off exporters exporting stock to that country, which will affect the level of imports coming in. But you knew fine well what I mean't. You can't be that stupid without doing it on purpose.

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