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Yes, I have. He's been poor. In theory he's the ideal out of the two to play the role we use.

Do I think he's the answer? No.

Do I think Rhodes would do any better? Absolutely not.

As has been said, playing fodder - chuck Rhodes in.

When we're the fodder - Rhodes is a waste of a place tbh.


Fair enough your opinion but Rhodes - IMO - is a far better option than Chris Martin who is a poor mans Steven Fletcher, which is probably why he is selected.


As things currently stand, Strachan should be looking at a Rhodes/McCormack or Rhodes/Griffiths, even Griffiths/McCormack combo for the games against the likes of Malta and Lithuania.  Do we need someone to "hold the ball up" in these matches? He should be using the opportunity in these current series of friendly games to at least give it a try.


McCormack got his chance in Prague after squad withdrawals and done well, Tony Watt came completely out of left field and there's no justification for his inclusion ahead of Rhodes, the guy has potential, nothing more.


Then against the Danes we revert to type with Fletcher up front with Griffiths playing off him, latterly Martin comes off the bench and offers absolutely nothing leading the line.


What will we get against France and Italy next month? I suspect Fletcher leading the line again, maybe Naismith supporting, Martin maybe off the bench, and we head into a campaign with the system and players who failed last campaign.

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Fair enough your opinion but Rhodes - IMO - is a far better option than Chris Martin who is a poor mans Steven Fletcher, which is probably why he is selected.


As things currently stand, Strachan should be looking at a Rhodes/McCormack or Rhodes/Griffiths, even Griffiths/McCormack combo for the games against the likes of Malta and Lithuania.  Do we need someone to "hold the ball up" in these matches? He should be using the opportunity in these current series of friendly games to at least give it a try.


McCormack got his chance in Prague after squad withdrawals and done well, Tony Watt came completely out of left field and there's no justification for his inclusion ahead of Rhodes, the guy has potential, nothing more.


Then against the Danes we revert to type with Fletcher up front with Griffiths playing off him, latterly Martin comes off the bench and offers absolutely nothing leading the line.


What will we get against France and Italy next month? I suspect Fletcher leading the line again, maybe Naismith supporting, Martin maybe off the bench, and we head into a campaign with the system and players who failed last campaign.


U mad, bro???

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You should probably stop posting here and go and post on TAMB tbh, your "we're clearly shit so lets just make any possible change as it simply must make us better" shtick would fit in over there.

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You should probably stop posting here and go and post on TAMB tbh, your "we're clearly shit so lets just make any possible change as it simply must make us better" shtick would fit in over there.

You're not very good at reading are you? Anything useful to contribute or do you hit random keys hence the name?
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Glad to hear it, but, for one thing, against Denmark Fletcher played in the 10 hole and Griffith led the line.

I don't think he did, Fletcher most definitely lead the line but he struggled with a knock and was taken off at half time so maybe he dropped deeper as the half went on. Griffiths was then effectively the sole striker before Martin came off the bench around the hour mark to replace him. Either way, we were largely ineffective and Griffiths hardly got a sniff.

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Rhodes is basically Kris Boyd. There's a time and a place for him, especially at home to lesser teams, but I doubt he's ever going to lead the line for us regularly.

there's some truth in this claim but it's too shallow on its own.

You only have to examine both those players' careers. The highest level Boyd played at was, arguably, the English Championship, where he played a lot and didn't make much of a splash. Rhodes has been one of the top goalscorers there for several seasons, league potm, club poty, subject of 2 £8-£10 million transfers. So yes there may be stylistic similarities between Rhodes and Boyd, but Rhodes is significantly better (and, I'd argue, does the hard work Boyd avoided in his younger days).

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You might want to my next post after that that m8.

Not really, after that one I thought I'd correct your monumental faux pas. You asked a question, I answered, you wrongly contested and then went to find out that you made a mistake.

All this time could have been saved by you actually bothering your arse and looking in the first place.

Thank you.

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Not really, after that one I thought I'd correct your monumental faux pas. You asked a question, I answered, you wrongly contested and then went to find out that you made a mistake.

All this time could have been saved by you actually bothering your arse and looking in the first place.

Thank you.

Christ you're taking this awfa seriously.

I see you completely ignored the comments about his utterly fantastic goals to minutes/games ratio.

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Are you one of these people who believe every striker in the world has to score hundreds to be a worthwhile player?

I bet you are, aren't you?

Eh, no.

"Bringing others into play" is all well and good but it really needs to be accompanied by creating chances for others. Fletcher has one assist so far in his time at Marseille. His "bringing others into play" doesn't appear to actually create many clear chances for others.

Fletcher has his uses and should be in squads but McCormack should be first pick.

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fucKin disgraceful drop them all every striker at St Johnstone is on over 20%


Steven MacLean - 36 shots, 21 on target, 11 goals.


Just got another goal on top of that today

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Well he did


No he didn't, Fletcher was deployed in his usual role of "holding the ball up" and Griffiths was deployed supporting him. Only later when Fletcher went off did he assumed the role of sole striker.


Griffiths didn't even have have scraps to feed off that night, so the "holding the ball up" role was its usual success.

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No he didn't, Fletcher was deployed in his usual role of "holding the ball up" and Griffiths was deployed supporting him. Only later when Fletcher went off did he assumed the role of sole striker.

Griffiths didn't even have have scraps to feed off that night, so the "holding the ball up" role was its usual success.

Fletcher was playing in behind Griffiths. It's a fact ffs

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