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P&B Relationship Advice Thread

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Throwaway account since it's a little embarrassing to ask these kind of things on a public forum.

I'm struggling.

Been with the lady for a few years, living together for the past couple. I'm mid thirties and she is late twenties. She's been hammering for marriage for some time now. I have been resisting because I can't get my head around it for some reason, especially having a family. Just quite daunted by it all and not feeling the drive or enthusiasm.

She has a temper and as she has grown more frustrated with me the verbal attacks have gotten worse (she'll be sweet as can be for a week and then explode, real Jekyll and Hyde stuff). For my part I am cynical, a worrier and anxious about everything, especially big life decisions.

It's all come to a head. My stuff is packed and ready to move out. Of course at the 11th hour she is now pleading for me to stay and being really nice (for now).

In my own head I'm at a crossroads - I already miss the good times (of which there have been many) and she is lovely most of the time, but I also live in constant fear of the next meltdown. I can't bring myself to get married but leaving is proving to be more traumatic than I expected.


For those of you that have left under similar circumstances, did you move on or regret your decision in the long term? How about those that went ahead and got married when they weren't quite sure? How did that work out?

Getting married will be a mistake, as then she'll exercise ultimate control over you.

Man up, and take no pish, leave tomorrow. Write a letter and leave it stuck to the fridge.

Be gentle in your wording of the letter replace "you're a fucking psychopath" with calmer language like "I think you have mental issues and need help". Replace "I can't be living with a nut job", with "I genuinely went to bed fearing that I may be awakened to being stabbed multiple times".

Avoid any hints of you'll get over this in time as she'll harbour some hope of reconciliation, a very flawed strategy unless you can deal with a stalker.

I have a one bed bungalow almost ready for rent at £400/month if you do the deed...
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9 minutes ago, tree house tam said:

Whit? You're no happy, she's no happy.......let's get married. :lol::lol:

This. I've known too many people who are in a setup where neither of them is happy but are just terrified of being alone, and seem to think getting married will somehow fix things. It won't - it'll just complicate them more.

A lot of that type of punter seem to be the same ones that a couple of years down the line think having a kid together will subsequently fix a marriage that isn't working. It won't - it'll just mean you'll never truly get your ex out of your life.



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3 hours ago, Throwaway_tosser said:

Throwaway account since it's a little embarrassing to ask these kind of things on a public forum.

I'm struggling.

Been with the lady for a few years, living together for the past couple. I'm mid thirties and she is late twenties. She's been hammering for marriage for some time now. I have been resisting because I can't get my head around it for some reason, especially having a family. Just quite daunted by it all and not feeling the drive or enthusiasm.

She has a temper and as she has grown more frustrated with me the verbal attacks have gotten worse (she'll be sweet as can be for a week and then explode, real Jekyll and Hyde stuff). For my part I am cynical, a worrier and anxious about everything, especially big life decisions.

It's all come to a head. My stuff is packed and ready to move out. Of course at the 11th hour she is now pleading for me to stay and being really nice (for now).

In my own head I'm at a crossroads - I already miss the good times (of which there have been many) and she is lovely most of the time, but I also live in constant fear of the next meltdown. I can't bring myself to get married but leaving is proving to be more traumatic than I expected.


For those of you that have left under similar circumstances, did you move on or regret your decision in the long term? How about those that went ahead and got married when they weren't quite sure? How did that work out?

I was engaged to a girl I'd been with for years. I knew I'd let it run far too long and though doing the deed was tough I knew it was better doing at that stage than going any further. It probably spoiled her Christmas Day when I broke the news but it was for the best.

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6 minutes ago, Jimmy85 said:

Imagine actually asking a bunch of alcoholic, socially inadequate virgins for advice on relationships. 



We are all cut from the same cloth. That's why I'm here!

Can you believe that one of the reasons I've been putting this off is the (probably realistic) worry she will self harm or do something stupid. Real marriage material right enough. What the f**k have I got myself into. 

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6 minutes ago, Throwaway_tosser said:

We are all cut from the same cloth. That's why I'm here!

Can you believe that one of the reasons I've been putting this off is the (probably realistic) worry she will self harm or do something stupid. Real marriage material right enough. What the f**k have I got myself into. 

A relationship with a mad burd. Most folk have had one of these, most get out sharpish. Quicker she gets someone else the quicker you'll have peace. Get out now.

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8 minutes ago, Throwaway_tosser said:

We are all cut from the same cloth. That's why I'm here!

Can you believe that one of the reasons I've been putting this off is the (probably realistic) worry she will self harm or do something stupid. Real marriage material right enough. What the f**k have I got myself into. 

You need to be selfish for your own health and if she choose to self harm that's her choice and behaviour. I say that as someone with an extensive history of self harm. 

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We are all cut from the same cloth. That's why I'm here!

Can you believe that one of the reasons I've been putting this off is the (probably realistic) worry she will self harm or do something stupid. Real marriage material right enough. What the f**k have I got myself into. 

If she does you dont need to worry about her sendimg you hair in the post.
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26 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

I was engaged to a girl I'd been with for years. I knew I'd let it run far too long and though doing the deed was tough I knew it was better doing at that stage than going any further. It probably spoiled her Christmas Day when I broke the news but it was for the best.

At least you got her clothes.

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16 minutes ago, Throwaway_tosser said:

We are all cut from the same cloth. That's why I'm here!

Can you believe that one of the reasons I've been putting this off is the (probably realistic) worry she will self harm or do something stupid. Real marriage material right enough. What the f**k have I got myself into. 

Almost exactly the same situation as a guy I know through work did as it happens. Good guy, who hooked up with a burd who was obviously a bit unstable from the get go. I remember he was sick of it and went out for a few beers with us one night for a bit of Dutch courage before he binned her - she pulled the threatening to top herself routine. It's a way of controlling a situation in exactly the same way violence is.

He came in on Monday engaged. It says a lot that not a single person said "congratulations" - the general reaction was a shake of the head and a "f**k's sake..."

Fast forward - the marriage inevitably didn't work out. ...she's basically enough of a basket case that he's now got custody of the ensuing kid, but still exercises a measure of control over him - if he's ever got a night out planned, she'll without fail manufacture some kind of drama that'll put the kibosh on it.

He'll never be truly rid of her.

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2 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

At least you got her clothes.

We did have the same sized jeans. Sadly her shoes were way too small. I went to Majestic Wine on Christmas Eve and by about Boxing Day she realised it wasn't just the drink talking and I had in fact dumped her at Christmas. 

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