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Granny Danger

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29 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Spain is even more fucked than the UK.

PSOE (Blairites) refuse to form coalition with Podemos (lefties) because Podemos want 3 ministries. So new elections. PSOE take a hard line on Catalonia during the campaign contributing to a nationalist frenzy. Today's election looks to have resulted in the right block winning with a potential coalition between PP (Francoists pretending they aren't) and Vox outright fascists.


Vox have doubled their seats but not enough for a Right bloc majority. After 83% counted:


P.S. The new elections were due to the Catalan Independence parties refusing to pass the budget .




Edited by welshbairn
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1 hour ago, Baxter Parp said:


UK government loses supreme court fight over bedroom tax
Judgment will restore full housing benefit to at least 155 partners of disabled people

Well, that's something, I suppose.

If even one of them have died without receiving the money they're owed, it'll all have been worthwhile, I'm sure.

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Why do they keep doing this

I'm not entirely convinced about the outrage here.

First of all, the date is hardly widely recognised, and I can't blame anyone for not knowing about it. If they're deliberately trying to enflame something, why would they cancel the event when the clash of dates was pointed out?

Secondly, it makes me uncomfortable that transgender activists seem to be running away from the debate. Surely you make your arguments better than your opponents, and win the debate convincingly. They seem to just want certain voices and opinions shut down.

I understand that there's a bit of a personal history to this in Scottish politics recently but I think the hatred and faux outrage is incredibly unhelpful.
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If it's very important to someone that society accepts them as the gender they feel, then I don't really see what's to be gained mental health wise from debating this with someone who thinks society shouldn't accept that.


I thought this was actually a 2nd event on another incendiary date but I was mistaken.

I don't think I have an issue with it either but it seems quite a few academics and feminist writers do - and I don't think they should be automatically silenced.


Put someone up and win the argument.


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Toby Young (of briefly appointed to the higher education regulator by the Tories and rampant misogyny, homophobia and eugenics advocacy across various columns fame) arguing that women are the real cause of Prince Andrew’s behaviour then admitting his wife is the only thing stopping him being a nonce himself.



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12 hours ago, Dunning1874 said:

Toby Young (of briefly appointed to the higher education regulator by the Tories and rampant misogyny, homophobia and eugenics advocacy across various columns fame) arguing that women are the real cause of Prince Andrew’s behaviour then admitting his wife is the only thing stopping him being a nonce himself.

TBF he was talking about doing the interview, not the noncing.


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The Jubillee Debt Campaign has written a briefing entitled 10 key facts about UK debt. They are worth sharing.

Ten key facts everyone should know before discussing debt issues in the UK:

1.  A quarter of UK government debt is owed to the UK government itself

2.  Three-quarters of UK government debt is owed to people and institutions in the UK

3.  Of G7 economies, only Germany has a lower government debt (as a proportion of GDP) than the UK

4.  The UK government can currently borrow at the cheapest interest rates in its history

5.  The UK government is paying virtually the lowest amount of interest on its debt in recorded history, as a proportion of GDP

6.  UK government tax revenue (as a proportion of GDP) is the third lowest of G7 countries, and well behind other European countries

7.  The debt of the UK’s private sector is more than four times as big as that of the government

8.  Unsecured personal debt in the UK is rising rapidly

9.  The UK economy has the largest deficit with the rest of the world of any rich country

10.  The UK’s finance sector is the most exposed to a crisis of any G7 economy

10 points about UK government. People who worry about government debts are idiots. Government borrowing rates are never going back up.

Corporate and personal debt is the huge problem in the UK and beyond and can only be solved by increase government spending.

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1 hour ago, Baxter Parp said:

‘Horrific’ stats show how most disability benefit fraud allegations are false

The DWP are c***s, people are c***s too, shock.

I reckon this is the kind of work our resident clown Malcolm does.

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