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Excuse my ignorance but has anyone on P&B successfully boiled an egg in a kettle?

All the tips suggested have been proved to work following lengthy scientific testing procedures, and bouts of laziness. It is not advised (but may be possible) to boil an egg in an electric kettle, a kettle heated on a hob is best for this method of boiling eggs.

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After wandering into a pub full of angry looking Rangers supporters - do not say "Hey this is great.  I am an old firm supporter too!"


(Actually if it was a pub full of angry looking Celtic supporters - it might not be a good idea either).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Football clubs: avoid becoming a complete laughing stock by not pretending all your football players were assaulted in a catholic conspiracy and release fair and balanced club statements on your official website.

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When removing a wasps dyke from your loft, smother yourself in a layer of raspberry jam for added protection against wasp stings.


Haw, less of that. We've been nothing but complimentary about your missus.

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Football clubs: avoid becoming a complete laughing stock by not pretending all your football players were assaulted in a catholic conspiracy and release fair and balanced club statements on your official website.

I wouldn't change the hilarious viewing for the world!

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