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1 hour ago, Midlife Crisis said:

Great news for PATG fans. Not so good for season ticket holders who handed their cash over in the summer. What benefit do we get for having suffered so much during the season? Nothing. Taken for granted again.

An average cost per game entitled to watch that is still better than the reduced price.

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2 hours ago, Midlife Crisis said:

Great news for PATG fans. Not so good for season ticket holders who handed their cash over in the summer. What benefit do we get for having suffered so much during the season? Nothing. Taken for granted again.

The club are damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

We hear this gripe from season ticket holders every season.

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The club are damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
We hear this gripe from season ticket holders every season.

As complaints go, it's fair, not petty or trivial. We've all been done over this season, come to think of it.

Damned? I agree. I'll bet the season ticket renewal vibe isn't good.
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I didn't renew my season ticket this year due to a variety of reasons but the idea of paying £22 to watch our current team was a hard sell. Lowering to £15 has got me full "rednyella till I die/#wegotthis".

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I didn't have a season ticket in our top 6 season due to working mainly at weekends. I've got a season ticket for this season since I've been a full-time wageslave since about May of last year.

And in no way is that depressing. (Anchorman)

tbh I'd hold back on criticising the club for how they handle season ticket pricing/deals until they make a decision, which doubtless won't be until they know what league we're in next season (Captain Obvious here but less attractive games, differing numbers of home games, losing some of the better players in the squad to be replaced with, say, John Baird and the like). edit: although I'd work on the assumption they'll be pretty much the same, best case scenario being some great deals at Pizza Express chucked in or whatever.

I'm probably more likely to get a season ticket for the 2nd tier if we get relegated than if we stay up, provided it's priced reasonably (a heavy discount for current st holders pls!); if we stay up I can't really be arsed with games against Aberdeen, Celtic or Rangers* anymore, which eats into the savings you make from getting a ST, so I'd be more likely to just be PATG and pick n' choose.


Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Great news for PATG fans. Not so good for season ticket holders who handed their cash over in the summer. What benefit do we get for having suffered so much during the season? Nothing. Taken for granted again.

It’s fair to say that every fan has been taken for granted this season.
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Clubs all over the place do deals now again for pay at the gate customers, season after season.

If you’re that desperate to take advantage of said deals just ditch the season ticket and fill yer boots.*

*You’ll probably be quids doon in the long run but hey ho.

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1 hour ago, jagsfan57 said:

I renewed this season knowing that I was going to miss 4 games, which made it just about even vs patg. To then be undercut at the tail end of the season is a bit hard to swallow and will make me think twice about renewing

We are in dire straits. We need all the support we can get. Suck it up and support the team ffs.

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While we have such a low occupancy on match days I'm not fussed if the club do deals to bring in new or lapsed fans. 

This is a shortsighted attitude. The club ask us to buy ST’s so they can budget better for the coming season. If the club consistently devalue that, then fans won’t buy them at the start of the season
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I don’t really buy a season ticket to get “value”. If supporting a Scottish team was about value for money then nobody would ever go.

Do you have a ST? If the club increased it to say £400 would you still buy one.
If you patg, would you still go if the price was £30,£40,£50?
I would say everybody puts a value on what it is worth to go to the games
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3 hours ago, jagsfan57 said:

I renewed this season knowing that I was going to miss 4 games, which made it just about even vs patg. To then be undercut at the tail end of the season is a bit hard to swallow and will make me think twice about renewing

My heart bleeds for you.

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