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Still Game & Best Bits


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I'm looking forward to it but I do hope it's not quite as ridiculous with its storylines as the live show was, particularly near the end. I reckon they'll do a good job of it though. 


I think the live show kind of just wanted to make it into a major spectacle, with the large crowd and space they had etc. I very much doubt we'll be getting stuff like Isa on mushrooms, or constant iPad gags.

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The outrageousness of the live show, IMO, was simply because it was a live show. The whole song and routine about Isa being out her tits, although it wasn't particularly funny, was fine for a live stage performance but I'm sure they won't have stuff like that in the new TV series.

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Sceptical about anything like this being brought back. I though the quality was starting to drop off at the end of the original run. Hope the time off his given them some fresh ideas.

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Sceptical about anything like this being brought back. I though the quality was starting to drop off at the end of the original run. Hope the time off his given them some fresh ideas.

Remember though, they were pretty much doing a series per year.

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This year keeps getting better and better :D

I had read that there was going to be another series, but that was before they went to the stage so I did wonder if the stage play was the end for them. Chuffed that it's not the case :)

I actually enjoy series 6 as much as any and really didn't think there was any sort of rapid decline. I have every faith in them nailing this. I don't actually see it as a desperate attempt to cash in some more either. It's pretty clear the fans wanted more and I reckon the number of tickets sold for the stage show speaks volumes.

The TV series ended with Isa and Naveed kissing. It wasn't really mentioned in the stage show but I wonder if they run with such an idea with the TV show.

Hopefully all the cast return, though Pete the Jaiky will be a miss. Always liked his input. His funeral to be the first episode?

And they did release the stage show on DVD aye.

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