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Still Game & Best Bits


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Nice that they're doing a special for the festive season; I'd been wondering if they would.

Can't say I agree with the director's logic regarding Methadone Mick, but whatever. I'd rather it was on the telly than not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back when Chewin' the Fat was on, I worked with a wife who claimed "the fat one" had been all over her in a nightclub giving it the "don't you know who I am?" patter. Apparently she didn't, and needed to have it explained by a friend, which burst his bubble a wee bit and he was supposedly quite annoyed. She was a cow though, so I doubt she let him down gently.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Was at the show earlier, thought it was more consistent than the first but only a 6/10 all the way through rather than the first which was probably a 3/10 first half and an 8/10 second half. The punchline at the end in terms of plot was so obvious I wondered if it was a double bluff.

Paying the extra for the lounge at the Hydro is well worth it tbh tho.

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Went to the evening show on Saturday, thought it was excellent tbh. If someone had explained the plot to me beforehand I'd have feared the worst but it had some really funny moments. They didn't try too hard with the patter which made it feel more like the original series and Methadone Mick got about a minute in total which was pleasing, although even his wee bit was quite funny.

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I went to the live show last night, got tickets as a Christmas present.

I went to the first one and thought it was pretty pish, this one was better but would still rather have been sitting at home in my pants watching the TV.

I don't know why they bother with the whole song and dance routines. I'd rather it was just a two hour stage play personally. The patter in the dialogue based scenes was really good and didn't feel stiff like some of the new series and the previous stage show. The direction and all that caper was really well executed.

There was probably a good 15 minutes of solid patter in amongst the hoo-ha.

If a big pantomime is your bag, then fill your boots.

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more enjoyable than the first one, think having a few different locations worked instead of jamming them all in the clansman like they did for the first one

got what we expected from jack, victor, tam and winston, but i must admit, isa, navid and boaby were fantastic, boaby especially in the 2nd half of the show was fantastic

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