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Motherwell FC - A Thread For All Seasons

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I mean does anybody really believe that someone as arrogant and with as big an ego as McDonald would go cap and hand and beg/plead for a contract from Hibs?

I'd guess, he wasn't happy with his deal at Motherwell and had his agent float his name about to a few clubs. Hibs bit, McDonald played the two clubs against each other and probably got a better deal for himself in at Motherwell in the process. Happens all the time.

For Lennon to go public and have a go at McDonald just shows him up for what we all know he is.


I think that is a pretty good guess.  Was McDonald one of the older heads who was being asked to take a wage cut?  If so he's played a blinder.

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ahh Neil, never change.


I am sure McDonald was begging to go to Hibs, sure he was.


It's fairly obvious he used hibs to squeeze more money out of Motherwell. i am sure players/agents do it all the time but Lennon bites. :lol:

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Not in the same way as Hammell, Lasley and McManus, no.  As he had an option to extend his contract he had for 2015/16, I simply believe he was trying to get a wee bit more out of it (as he's perfectably entitled to do).


Scott McDonald does what's best for Scott McDonald.  It's no secret, and most of us know the kind of guy he is (not a bad thing in any way).  As Casagolda says, he's used Hibs to get a better deal at Motherwell.  Even Neil Lennon knows this deep down.  As much as he says McDonald was trying to gain kudos with 'Well fans with his comments, Lennon is doing the same with Hibs fans to try and save face (albeit lauching a few toys out the pram in the process).


I can only imagine Lennon's breakdown if he fails to get Hibs out the Championship this season.

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Nice to see Lennon already has people rattled.




sik burn m9, you've really got us all pegged here.


We're all absolutely losing it in the national press because we didn't get what we wanted.

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Since when is the Daily Record and Neil Lennon a creditable source of the truth?

Fully expect a reply from either McDonald or MFC in the paper tomorrow with a slightly different opinion on the events of last week

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Since when is the Daily Record and Neil Lennon a creditable source of the truth?

Fully expect a reply from either McDonald or MFC in the paper tomorrow with a slightly different opinion on the events of last week

It's in more than the daily record m8.

There's no reason to doubt Lennon. McDonald comes across and the kind of arrogant Wee p***k that would do that sort of thing. As I said hopefully someone halves him in two. Big time.

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McDonald comes across and the kind of arrogant Wee p***k that would do that sort of thing. As I said hopefully someone halves him in two. Big time.


Still, at least you can console yourself that it hasn't bothered you in the slightest.

Imagine wishing an injury on a football player because you're in the cream puff. What a horrible person you must be.

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Still, at least you can console yourself that it hasn't bothered you in the slightest.

Imagine wishing an injury on a football player because you're in the cream puff. What a horrible person you must be.

Never wished injury on him I said I hope someone halves him in two. Doesn't surprise me a thick c**t from Lanarkshire wouldn't understand that though.

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